Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Fight with Divine Weapons: Love, Peace, Forgiveness, True Compassion
Message of St. Joseph Terror of Demons given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on July 21, 2022

Beloved children, return to the Father. Return to love sincerely, to forgive offenses, insults, humiliations, defamations.
Invoke My Holy Mantle. I am St. Joseph, Terror of demons. Invoke Me.
Follow Mary Ark of Salvation, First Tabernacle and First Christian. She is the Star of the New Evangelization and the True Church.
The Little Remnant follow Mary Most Holy, and invoke Benedict XVI, already in Heaven. He loved Mary, he recognized Her as the CO-REDEMPTRIX.
He knew what goes on in the Vatican, and what the corrupt and corrupting ministers children, blind guides do.
Pray that the mark of the Beast will not be put on God's children.
The false church is composed of new Pharisees, armed with hypocrisy and heresies.
The True Church is the Little Flock, which follows Us on the Supernatural Way of Fatima. Pray, pray My Holy Mantle*, and the Prayer To You O Blessed Joseph**. Pray to Me, and I will help you and deliver you from the Evil One.
If you fall, get up again.
If you sin, repent.
Do not recount your own and others' sins, but pray for a true conversion of heart.
Do not judge, do not condemn, do not look at the mote in another's eye.
Listen to My Bride, who comes to you as Queen of the Garden. Pray to Her.
Follow the Way of Fatima, consecrate yourselves to Mary, and fight against Satan and the impostor, against the false prophet and the Antichrist.
Fight with divine weapons: Love, Peace, Forgiveness, True Compassion.
The Kingdom of God is near.
A great war broke out in Heaven.
The Dragon gave power to the beast.
The Woman fled into the wilderness.
God hates idols. Do not worship them and do not worship Pachamama and the tree planted there. Satan is present in the Vatican, he works and strikes there. His statue already speaks.
Many priests are of Satan, they have been following and serving him for years.
Pray for them to be saved. Pray for all of them. Pray.
The Vatican is corrupt, under the power of Lucifer. The nefarious sect operates there.
Do not follow them. Follow only Heaven. Heaven.
There is little time left, so we tell you everything.
Do not follow the heretical and worldly church, do not follow the ungodly.
Detach yourselves immediately from the synagogue of Satan.
A great sign appeared in Heaven: a Woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under Her feet.
The Lamb will be the Sun that will illuminate the Earth.
Seek the Lord while He is being found.
The Lord's compassions are not finished.
God does not want the sinner to die, but to be converted and live.
God is the God of the living, not of the dead.
The Cup of Divine Vengeance is filled, make amends. Repair, pray, follow us.
Follow the Way of Heaven, revealed to you at Brindisi, and repent. God is here, He works.
Follow Brindisi, the Message of Reconciliation, and make pilgrimages.
Spread this and other Messages. Obey Us, spread.
Spread in obedience to God. Do not obey men who are rebellious to Divine Appeals. Listen only to Us, and spread the MESSAGES. There is no more time.
Whoever insults, persecutes, slanders, denigrates this Revelation draws harsh chastisements and divine punishments, and goes into automatic excommunication, being deprived of the Trinitarian Communion. See you soon beloved children.
Prayer To You O Blessed Joseph**
O Holy Bridegroom of Mary Coredemptrix, save me from sin, Satan and the corrupt world. Enlighten me, guide me, support me, correct me.
Show me the Way of the Gospel and heal my wounds. Purify my life, and open my eyes to see the Glorious King Jesus of Nazareth. To worship Him in His immense splendor of Glory. To sing to Him Holy, Holy, Holy.
Grant that I may not be lost in the night of sin. Help me to forgive and heal from resentment. Help me to love my enemy as Jesus said, Thy and my God, Lord, Savior and Holy Shepherd. St. Joseph, I need You. St. Joseph, break the chains that bind me to Lucifer. St. Joseph, intercede for me with Jesus and Mary, Elect your Bride and Coredemptrix. Make me love the Living Cross of Jesus, and harm no one.
Praise, honor, glory and power to You, Holy Servant of Yahweh.
Glory to Thy blessed name. I consecrate myself to Thy Heart, and meditate on Thy Sorrows***.
See also...
The Holy Mantle of St. Joseph*
The Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph***