Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Jesus is on His Return
Message from the Blessed Virgin to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of August 16, 2023

I am the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Jesus and your Mother.
Beloved children of your Lord God, be ready:
a surprise will come from above. Your Father in Heaven eagerly desires to reunite you with Him. Be pure My children. Do not lie down to the world; let the world eat the unbelievers, the idolaters, the traitors to the faith. It is urgent for man to return to his Creator in order to benefit from His saving intervention. Surrender to the will of your Creator: life on this Earth is about to change its aspect, everything that belongs to God will be saved while the rest will burn; the great purification will take place. I, the Blessed Virgin come to you to bring you My help: give Me obedience that I may give you wisdom and intellect.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit will be bestowed on all God's children:
they will walk according to His Standards, they will be guided and instructed by God Himself so that the Salvific Project will come to pass. The time has come to honor God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh, so that His blessing may come to you.
My children,
Jesus is on His Return: soon the floodgates of Heaven will open! You will see Him descend above a cloud: ... as His first Apostles saw Him ascend, so you, new generation, will see Him return. He will appear radiant with infinite light and dazzle all His Children with His infinite Love; they will acquire transfiguration in Him.
My beloved children, pray the Holy Rosary with Me, unite yourselves with Me, I am the Coredemptrix, I am your Guide, I am She who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. My beloved Children, those who will scrupulously follow the will of God the Father, giving Me obedience, will have the grace to embrace the new true life in Life!
Rejoice beloved ones of your Father, praise the new song of love.
The old time will now close to live the new in God's beatitudes!
I bless you, I wrap you in My Mantle!
I teach you the Things of God that God may recognize you as His own.
Source: ➥