Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 16, 2023
The Danger Is Great That You Will Be Drawn into the Jaws of the Beast
Message from Mary Mother of Triumph and Victory to Frank Möller in Reken, Germany on Heart of Mary Saturday

Mary Mother of Triumph & Victory (January 7, 2023 Heart of Mary Saturday):
"Peace and joy to you My children.
I protect you, but walk the path of faith that your fathers walked to the goal.
There is great danger that you will be drawn into the jaws of the beast.
The enemy image of God wants to destroy everything.
The beast burns with its breath of fire the germ of goodness from the people God has chosen.
The church now has only one leg to stand on: Me.
But it needs two! Time is confused.
It is a result of blindness.
I intercede for you before God. You also intercede so that you may get off lightly.
Announce to be Mine, that is the voice they need.
I gather the scattered flock and bring them to the one from whom they come.
I counsel you the prayer of My heart.
Announce to be Mine!"
"Peace and joy" are the characteristics of a true Christian and are offered to us.
Faith is a way and Mary tells us to go, because "stopping" brings many dangers, now especially in the throat of the beast!
The beast that we know from Revelation and that not only meets us, but fights against us.
To come into the jaws certainly means to come to a unity with the beast and to cooperate in his plan of destruction.
The goal is to eradicate to the germ the good.
We experience that by stopping in faith comes questioning and the exchange of values.
Bad is considered good, declared and lived. God has become the enemy of his own people....
The Mystical Body of the Church, like our body, has two legs and even though it has the heart of Christ, it needs two good legs.
Our Lady's statement is clear enough....
Let us not be content with leftovers and let the pearls roll away! Let us believe against all covered-up unbelief what Mary told me a few years ago at the beginning of a new year: "My host will emerge victorious!"
Our task is to witness and make known Her reality and presence, to belong to Her!
To stand up for it lets us get off lightly, because we carry co-responsibility. We are really
children of Mary! This is will of God and salvation of necessary faith!
Source: ➥