Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
This Time Is One of Transformation, … I Will Put My People in a New Land!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 10.05.2022 - 5:00 p.m.
The transformation is underway! Man will have to repent and return to Me, his Creator God. I plead for the conversion of this Humanity before My intervention.
I will create new worlds, I will place My people in a new Earth, they will dwell in the wonders of My All, I will forge them in Me and they will be as I intended from the beginning:
... I saw My Creature full of Me, resembling Me,
... holy and immaculate in love,
... I followed her steps in My infinite Good, her joy was immense!
Yes! ... I loved My Creature from My thought, before she was, I saw her rejoicing in My arms, I heard the beating of her heart in Me. ... how beautiful! I embraced my creature in Me, I rejoiced holding it to My Chest! How much, how much love for you, My creature!
Beloved children, the time has come to return to Me, the time has come to enter into Me to enjoy Me infinitely.
The New Earth is waiting to be inhabited by the children of the King. Move forward towards Me, My children, do not hesitate any longer, the Father is waiting to embrace you back to Himself; do not be afraid to face the trials, you were destined to be victorious in Me, ... desire to be Mine with all your heart and victory will be within you.
Satan cries out for vengeance against God the Creator, he wants to satisfy his lusts, but he knows that he can never defeat Him who is the Creator, his battle has now come to an end, ... he already feels within himself the bitter defeat.
This is a time of transformation, I am about to bring down the curtain on this ancient history, ... I will open the New Era, I will open the Gate of My Garden and I will invite My Children to feast at My Banquet.
... It is already the Passover of the Lord!
My people, convert now! ... night has fallen, your passion is in progress. Wake up, rise up, return to Me, your God-Love, renounce sin! Recognize Me as your God, love Him who became Man for your salvation, ... open your heart to Him, yearn to be His, desire to enter into Him to enjoy Him eternally.
You have come to the end of this race, you are about to taste the Beauty of God!
Do not waste this grace, O men!
Convert! Convert! Convert!
Source: ➥