Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Why, O Man, Do You Persist in Staying Away from Me? Why Do You Want to Defy Your God?
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 07.05.2022 - 6:13 p.m.
I AM with you My daughter, help Me save souls.
Write to My beloved people, write under My dictation O woman!
I your King, your loving God, your Savior, come again to beg you for conversion.
The world is going unaware of what is about to happen, this wicked humanity is sleeping, not waking up, it will suddenly find itself bewildered and in despair.
God has called and recalled His creature to Himself but there has been no response. The pride in man is great, so will be his suffering.
I come again to beg you for conversion, O men, listen to My call!
Just a little longer, these are the last possible moments for your conversion, repent "now" before the drums roll to death.
Mercy! Mercy on you O My people, if you do not return to Me your Creator, your suffering will be terrible.
Your conversion is urgent, O man, there is no more to wait. I, God, must bring down the curtain on this ancient history, I have already prepared for My children a new Earth in the infinite delights of My All.
Come back to Me, O man, ... the darkness is thick, there will be no more chance to see the light, do not allow Satan to cling to you.
Thunder! The voice of God thunders mightily over this senseless humanity, ... far from His Law, ... disorderly and wicked.
Why, O man, do you persist in staying away from Me?
Why do you want to defy your God?
Why do you set yourself against your Creator?
Do you want your own good or not?
A worldwide cataclysm is already underway! Urgently open your eyes O man, ... raise your heart to your Creator before it is too late.
Convert, O man! Convert! Convert!
Pray My children, pray, pray, pray!
Source: ➥