Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Praise and thank You for allowing us to be here. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion this morning. It was so meaningful having the special intention of Holy Mass today for my Mother, Lord. I miss her so very much, as do my siblings and all our family members. On the anniversary of her birth into eternal life grant her many graces, Lord and let her know how much we all love her. I’m sure she is much more aware of this now, but would appreciate it if You will give her this message. Mama, please pray for us!
Lord, I pray for all family and friends who are separated from the Faith. I pray also for those who are ill, recovering from surgery, suffering from cancer, Alzheimer’s and dementia, renal failure, heart failure and for people suffering from depression and other mental disorders. Jesus, I pray also for a complete end to abortion in our country and in the world, for unity and peace. Thank You for the recent Supreme Court decision, Lord! Praise You, Lord! Protect the Supreme Court Justices, Blessed Mother. Cover them with Your mantle of protection. Cover all who work to protect the unborn and children who are vulnerable. Lord, I pray for an end to all sex trafficking and violence. Please convert our nation once again, Lord. Restore us to the Christian nation we once were and transform us to an even greater faith and devotion to You, Lord. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, I am grateful about the court ruling, I truly am and yet I see and hear so much discontent, disunity and even anger toward what is right and just. The world is truly turned upside down these days when right is called wrong and wrong is called right. Lord, people have lost sight of You and therefore are unable to recognize truth. Lord, we are in need of penance, conversion and reconciliation with You. I pray for that time, Jesus. Please send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth and may all the saints and angels in Heaven pray for us.
“My daughter, you are weary and feeling distant from Me. This is a period of spiritual dryness, My (name withheld), do not be concerned. Only, hold fast to prayer and Scripture, Holy Mass, Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It will pass as all seasons do and give way to another season. I allow this for your soul. Do not fear what is to come, My little one. I am with you even when you are unable to detect My presence. You know this, but I want to confirm and encourage you. You place your life, your work and all of your joys and suffering in My hands where I can do much good, My child. Place even this time of spiritual dryness in My hands. All you experience can be offered to Me. You already know that it is united to Me. Is it not true, My little lamb?”
Yes, Lord. I know but sometimes I need to remember this. Lord, it isn’t My experience of life or my feelings about life that matter, but how I live the life You have given me. I usually do not do so well in this regard but I know that the little good that I do, with Your assistance and grace, can be multiplied and used according to Your Will. So, for this reason I have no way to gauge or to even judge my own life. I only ask You for the graces to be faithful and devoted to You, Lord. I want to do more for others out of love for You and I think that I am usually too focused on work (my job) and on what I have not done for others and for You. Give me the graces I need to be closely united to Your Will, Lord. I realize You gave me the job I have in order to help support our family and to provide what others will need when times grow more difficult. I don’t want to focus so much on this, that I miss what people need now, Lord. I am sure there are hurting people at work, like the man I encountered who seemed angry, but I don’t always recognize or know what to do. Work through me, Lord. Move in and through me as You Will. You know what people need, Lord and I rely on You to guide me.
“Yes, My child, I will guide you. Walk with Me each day and I will reveal this to you. Continue to be in prayer throughout the day. My child, I want you to remain where you are for a little while longer. I will move you again My child, but not yet. I know how difficult the environment is for you. Your presence is needed for awhile longer and then I will move you. I am aware of the difficulties you face each day and this is also what wears on you and causes the weariness you experience. This is tiring for your soul, your mind and your heart, My little lamb. It is physically challenging, also. My child, when you go to work each day, it is as if you are going to a war zone. It is a spiritual war zone, and this is particularly challenging. Were I to withdraw My assistance, My grace, My protection you would not even want to continue in this work for one more day. However, you are able to continue because I grant you My peace, My protection, My mercy and My love. I guide you, My child. Every now and then, the veil of evil is lifted and you get a glimpse of what is really going on, but I keep this covered to an extent for your protection and peace. It is not My intent to keep you unaware, though and so it is important that you understand the nature of the battle. My child, do not let this discourage you, but instead draw confidence from this knowledge knowing you have One who protects and guides you. There are still souls who need to be reached, My child and I am granting you more time in this place to do so. Things are changing now and people are transitioning out of positions. New people are taking their places. These are the ones who are being prepared now and I bring all manner of people and experiences to them for their formation. Some will accept this grace from Me and some won’t. It should not matter to you which ones will and which ones won’t. Love each one you encounter, My little one. Your role is not what it seems on the surface. It has little to do with the job and much to do with building up the Kingdom of God. Therefore, be encouraged that the overburdening occurring is not from Me. Since it is not from Me, it is intended to be a means to discourage you. Do not spend time being concerned with this. The evil one wants exactly that. Accept this heavy cross, My child and bear it for your brothers and sisters who are struggling because they do not know the Savior. Keep in mind you will do this work with a purpose in sight and your eye on the goal. The piles of work, as you say are only meant to impair your vision. Keep your eyes on your Shepherd, My little lamb. I will lead you where you should go and we will go there together. Be at peace, My child. All is well. All will be well. You may go now, My child. Get some rest and remain in prayer. Reflect upon all I have done for you and for your family. Your family members in Heaven pray for you and for all. They are pleased that you all love God. They send greetings of joy, peace, hope and above all love. Ask for the Saints in Heaven to pray for you. My children do not remember to ask the greatest intercessors to intercede for them. My Mother prays for Her children and yet many do not even acknowledge her. My Children of Light take advantage of the Church Triumphant and remember the Church Suffering. There is one Body of Christ, My children. Avail yourself of this great gift.
I bless you, My child in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child. I am with you.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia!
Source: ➥