Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love and adore You! It is so very good to be here with You, my Lord and my God. Thank You for this opportunity. Praise and thank You, Blessed Trinity for the decision that reversed Roe v. Wade. We’ve had too many decades of blatant rejection of Your law, Lord and millions of innocent lives taken as a result of ‘legalized’ killing of babies in the womb. Lord, I know there are many who are in error and who do not understand. They do not know You Who is truth and they have been either brainwashed or have been victims of this crime against life and so they do not see clearly. Please open their hearts and minds to the truth about life and the dignity each person has inherently because You created human beings in Your image and likeness. Help them to see, Lord. Heal those who are wounded due to abortion. Many women did not freely choose this but were forced or coerced. Others, did not know where to turn for help and they listened to others out of fear and because of a lack of family support. Lord, give them grace to see clearly and acquaint them with Your great love and infinite mercy. Forgive them, Lord for they know not what they do. Lord, help us to have peace in our country. Soothe wounded souls. Help us all who love and follow You to be bridges of peace and love. Help us to stand firm especially in the face of adversity and hostility. Protect our churches and women’s centers, Lord from every evil. Protect us individually and protect all our families and friends. Help us all to bring Your peace, Your love and Your mercy to the world so in need of You. Lord. Protect me from those who have a heart filled with error and hostility. Help me to be a witness for You. Help me to be a light and to be Your instrument. Give me wisdom from the Holy Spirit to know when to be silent as You were silent and when to speak truth in love as You did, Lord. I do not know what is in the hearts and minds of people, Jesus but You know. Lord, I love You. Help my love for You to grow and as a result may my love for my brothers and sisters, my fellow man to grow. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, I put all my hopes in You. Jesus, my heart is heavy for many reasons, even though there is much reason for joy. I praise and thank You for Your blessings, for Your goodness and for Your great love. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion, Lord. Thank You for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Thank You for my family and friends and for the many Catholic parishes in our area. I am so very blessed, Lord. I do not understand why my heart is so heavy when there is much to celebrate.
“My child, My child. Your heart is heavy because of the disunity being created in the world. All were created for love and unity with God. Disunity is from my adversary and yours. The plan of the enemy is to pit people against one another. You have a sensitive soul, My child. I created you this way. Give these burdens to Me, My child and allow Me to work each one out in accordance with My plan.”
Yes, Lord. I offer the feeling of being misunderstood and accused of something false to You and I unite it with the suffering You endured during the Passion. Lord, protect my friends and all who work in maternal health, and all on the frontlines ministering to women. Help us to change this culture embedded in over 50 years of negative, false thinking. Lord heal this whole country, all of us here and all who desire to be assimilated here. Help us to once more be a country founded and standing firm on Christian principles and one nation under God with true liberty and true justice for all.
“My little lamb, I hear your prayers and I receive them in My Sacred Heart. Entrust them all to Me and do not take them upon yourself. Leave all to Me. I will guide and direct you. I will open the right doors for you. I will provide the avenues. Wait on Me, My child. Pray for the right words to come, and they will come. Be at peace, My child. You did not say anything wrong, My child in the conversation you are concerned about. My little lamb, I was also misunderstood. I was also falsely accused.”
Yes, Jesus and we know how that worked out! But, seriously, Lord You are and were perfect. You allowed the false accusations to pay the price for our sins. You accepted false accusations on behalf of us sinners who deserved what You took for us. Even so, it’s still hard to be falsely accused when one is imperfect. I don’t know how You, the One Who is God and Man took the false charges without standing up for Yourself, other than because of Your deep, sacrificial and unconditional love for souls. Lord, help me to be more like You. I am so far from this sanctity that You want for all of Your children.
“My child, My child with each experience and each opportunity for growth in humility, You will become more and more like Me; like My Mother. This is why I allow you to experience such challenges. It unites us more closely. The closer you are united to Me, the greater the contrast there is in souls who are far from Me. The light shines more brightly in darkness, does it not, My little one?”
Yes, Lord.
“My child, when one is in darkness for long periods of time, even a lighted candle can appear to be too bright for them. The eyes need to adjust to light gradually. In this time of great darkness, souls have grown accustomed to the darkness. Then, when the truth is stated and lies are revealed, it is like shining a spotlight on one who has been in darkness. It is difficult and even painful for these souls. Remember, My child how revolutionary the Gospel message was when I taught in the synagogues and in towns and cities? People were in great darkness and when they came face to face with the Light of the World, some souls could not accept it right away. It took time for some souls. Others accepted immediately for they had already been prepared through prayer, through reflecting on Scripture and honest seeking of the heart for God. .Others were prepared by the teaching of John the Baptizer. You see, My child? Many rejected Me at first, but then became followers. Some remained opposed to Me quietly in their hearts and others vehemently opposed Me such as many Pharisees. I, the Son of God, the Incarnation, the Man-God was rejected by many. I, the stone the builders rejected was declared a blasphemer. Imagine that! The One Who was sent by God and was God was rejected by My own people, the people of Israel. Take this opportunity, My child to identify with Me when you experience rejection, false accusations, disunity as a result of speaking truth. Do not fear the darkness, My child. Rejoice in the light. Trust in Me. Lean on Me, My child. A good Father does not abandon His children. Neither will I abandon you.”
Thank You, Lord! Jesus, I surrender myself to You. Take care of everything.
“My little lamb, be encouraged by My presence and My Holy Spirit. Remember your Guardian Angel is also with you. Be aware also that the darkness tries to do violence to drive the light away, however the darkness will not prevail. Pray more, My child. I ask all of My children to prioritize prayer over everything else. You must begin the day with prayer. Awaken early if necessary, but do not neglect prayer and especially family prayer. Be sure to end the evening with prayer, as well, specifically the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Scripture reading. All of the Children of Light must pray in this way for these times are the most difficult in the history of the world. Put aside all forms of entertainment and pray, pray, pray. I tell you this for your own good and for your protection from evil. If your state in life permits, pray at least 3 Rosaries daily. If you cannot, then pray two at a minimum. Some of you have been doing so for years and are now growing tired. Renew your commitment to prayer, My children. It is not the time to have a weak resolve. Now is the time to recruit others to pray. Expand your prayer groups. Invite new members so they, too will be added to your numbers. You must evangelize and grow for the good of souls and for your own good. Do not hide your lights under a bushel basket, My children. Spread the Gospel and add more people to your circle of prayer. Strengthen your numbers, My children. Now is the time to be stronger, not weaker. Pray, fast, make sacrifices for the Body of Christ. Frequent the Sacraments and remain in a state of grace. I am counting on you, My children to live the Gospel and to be about your Father’s business-building the Kingdom of God. You have what is needed, My children. My holy Apostles handed down what I taught them through My Church. My Mother has come to many parts of the world to bring Her children back to God and to prepare you. I have spoken through the prophets, through My Church, through the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, through the saints and now through many messengers. You see the signs of the times and you are aware of the storm that is raging. Equip yourselves with the nourishment of the Sacraments, Sacred Scripture and prayer. Strengthen yourselves by fasting and making sacrifices for love of souls. Seek My direction and ask for graces of love, mercy, peace and anything else needed. Ask the saints to intercede for you. Pray, pray, pray, My children. Put on the armor of Christ. All will be well. Do not fear, but do as I ask, My children. I love you. All of Heaven is united in prayer for you. Still, ask for specific saints to pray for you and to shower you with graces. My child, My child these battles can only be won by prayer, fasting, being in a state of grace (powerful in the face of evil), and by walking in the Spirit of God. Pray for the renewal by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pray for this, just as the people of Israel prayed for the coming of the Messiah. This is the meaning of the Flame of Love petition inserted in the prayer to My Mother. (Hail Mary) Pray, My children.”
“I bless you, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Go now in the peace and love of God.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥