Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Adoration Chapel, Feast of the Holy Family

Hello, my dear Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, hope in You, adore and praise You my Lord, God and King. Thank You, Jesus for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. Thank You for the grace of Confession this past week. It was such a joy to be able to go to Confession right before Christmas Day. Thank You for a blessed Christmas, Lord. Thank You for Your holy birth in Bethlehem those years ago and for being born into my heart each time I receive You in Holy Communion. So many blessings, Lord! I am reminded of those who lost loved ones on and before Christmas who must be feeling sad, Lord. Be with them and help them to feel Your presence close by. Give them consolation in their time of grief. Be with all those who are alone and who are suffering, Jesus. Thank You, Lord that even in the midst of our grieving and our losses, we have hope in the resurrection and in Your Heavenly Kingdom that awaits those who love You. I lift up to You those who suffer from cancer, Alzheimer’s, renal disease, liver problems and auto-immune disorders. Lord, help those who are recovering from surgery to do so smoothly (names withheld). Jesus, please heal the broken hearted and those suffering from broken marriages or the imminent death of loved ones. I especially ask for Your love and peace for the children displaced from their homes and separated from their parents as well as children who are orphaned. May we, Your children, come to their aid, Jesus and give them much love and stability.
Bless all who are traveling and bring them safely home. Lord, please prepare our hearts for what is to come. Help all souls to make progress on the path of holiness and give us the needed graces to grow in love, humility and faith. May those who are away from the Church find their way home this year. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You!
“My child, thank you for your prayers for your brothers and sisters in need. Your prayers are close to My heart, My child. This coming year will be one of many milestones, spiritually and in a physical and tangible way. I invite all My children to draw especially close to Me in the coming year. Much change will occur, My little one. Times will be troubled for many people in parts of the world. Even when times of chaos occur, I want My children to remain at peace, to continue to pray and to help those in need. Always keep the Gospel message top of mind when dealing with others. Serve one another with love and share your material goods with them. Have faith and trust in Me to provide. I will not abandon My children who put others first and share what you have so that others may live. This is living the Gospel message, My children. Love one another as I have loved you. Remember the multiplication of the loaves and fishes? It will be as then, My children so do not be concerned that when one shares food with others, there will not be enough for your own family. This will not be so. I will multiply the necessities for life, My Children of Light. Of this, you can be sure. If it were not so, My Children of Light would not survive. Have confidence in Me. I created this world out of nothing and I can certainly multiply all that is needed. I will provide, My children. You must be willing to share, though and do not hoard what you have set aside. You would not have known to save for winter and darkness had I not sent My messengers to tell you. Therefore, My generosity and goodness is to be an example for you. Do as I do. Sacrifice for others and love one another. Do not count the cost. All will be well. I will provide for My children. I will protect My children. The evil one wants to destroy the human race, but I am the author of life and I have the final word, My children. Therefore, do not fear. Fear is not from Me. Have courage and be merciful. I give you My peace and My joy. I will protect you as I have protected My people throughout the ages. Yes, there will be martyrs for the Faith as there have always been from the beginning of the Church. There were even martyrs for the Faith prior to establishing My Church. (The Israelites) My people through the ages have given their lives for Me. I have also given My life for you so that you may be with Me in Heaven one day. I tell you this so you will not lose hope or be surprised when faithful people are martyred. Some will come to Heaven right away through their martyrdom and others will be protected in the refuges. I will protect My people and the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. My Children of Light, be faithful to Church teachings. These have been handed down to you from My holy Apostles. You carry this in your hearts for you, also are responsible for handing these down to your children and grandchildren. Many people today are ignorant of the Faith. I ask you all to be armed with the truth and to instill the Faith in others. You will need to be teachers, catechists when the multitudes come to be presented for Baptism. Be merciful. Be gracious and show much love and patience. You will need to teach them the basics, for their faith will already be enkindled due to the illumination of their consciences. Many will be afraid. Assure them of My great love and mercy. Meet each person where they are. Some will not be able to absorb much and will need to be given only the basics. There will be time in the refuges to teach them more. My Holy Spirit will guide you, My children. Pray for the gifts of My Holy Spirit. Pray for graces to love heroically. All will be given according to each need. Trust in Me. I love you. All will be well.”
Thank You, Jesus! Lord, please direct us and make the way we should go clear. You know the intentions of my heart, Jesus. Give us clarity to make all decisions in alignment with Your Holy Will. Thank You, Lord! Jesus, please heal (name withheld) (ailment withheld) and all problems so her headaches and neck pain are eliminated. Heal all emotional and spiritual wounds in My children and grandchildren. Please bring all separated family members into the Faith. I pray this also for My friends and for all those who are outside of the Faith. I know You will bring many people into the Church, Lord. I pray this will be so even before the Illumination of Conscience.
“My little lamb, trust in Me. I will guide you and My son (name withheld) in all you are to do. Trust in Me and also take action so that all will be in place.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“All will be well, My child. All will be well.”
Amen, Lord. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever!
“I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be mercy. Be love. Be joy.”
Thank You, my Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you.”
Source: ➥