Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Adoration Chapel, 4th Sunday of Advent

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You and adore You, my Lord God and King. Thank You for Your presence here in this chapel and in all tabernacles of the world, Jesus. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion this morning, Lord. Thank You for countless blessings given to us last week; (personal conversation omitted)
Lord, I bring all who are ill to You, especially my friend (name withheld). Be with them, Lord and if there is any way within Your Will, for them to be healed, do so. Be their consolation and peace, Jesus. I pray especially for those who are unprepared for death. Prepare them, Lord and may they receive the Sacraments. Lord, prepare our souls to receive You in our hearts at Christmas and always. May Your coming at Christmas be a real birth in my heart and may I hold You, the most pure infant Savior in my heart as never before. Heal me, baby Jesus of all wounds and forgive me of every hurt against my fellow man that I have committed and every sin. May I never again disappoint You, Jesus but always think of You first, Your love and all You have sacrificed for me so that I could live with You one day in Heaven. Jesus, please remind me of Your birth into the poverty of this world, in the stable at Bethlehem and help me to die to myself and to all worldly things just as You died for me on the cross. Jesus, even though there was no room for You in the inns at Bethlehem, make room in my heart always for You. May my adoration of You, my Redeemer and my God be like that of the shepherds and the angels when they gazed upon You in the manger and in the Blessed Mother’s most holy and pure arms. Jesus, do not resist me in spite of my sins but purify me with your beautiful innocent kingly gaze. Cover me also with Your precious blood so that when God the Father looks at me, You are all He sees. Jesus, I trust in You. Help me to trust You more and more. Jesus, I love You. Help me to love You more and more. Enlarge my heart Lord so there is always room for You and for all You send my way. Use me, Jesus to be love and mercy to others. Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Jesus, may I be detached from all material goods and ready to leave everything for love of You, as the shepherds left their flocks, their livelihood to find their Baby King and Messiah. Come, Lord Jesus. Come. Savior of the world come to save us from ourselves and our sins yet again. Jesus, light of all nations, be our light now while the world is in such darkness. Light the flame of our hearts so that we can burn brightly because of Your love dwelling within us. May Our Lady’s flame of love catch fire in our hearts and spread throughout the whole world. Holy Spirit, lover of our souls, beam brightly within us. Help us to carry Baby Jesus to the world.
“My child, My child, I, your Savior speak to you now during this time of great darkness. The world has grown cold, even frigid for it has lost not only the love of God, but even the memory, the recollection of God. The faith has grown cold. It is not lost, however. It is alive in some of My peoples’ hearts. I come to you now, during this time in history when neighbor hates neighbor, children are against their parents and parents selfishly snuff out the lives of their pre-born babies. I come to My Children of Light in this time in history when the evil one threatens the very life of human kind on earth.”
God the Father speaks; “I, God the Father, the Creator remind My children that I made the earth out of nothing. I set the stars in the sky as well as the sun and moon and all the planets and galaxies. I created all that is good; the earth, the sky, the sea, the grass, the trees, animals and all plant life and human beings made in My image and likeness. I am the Creator, the Father, and I will protect My children. You must never fear the evil one, for he has no power over Me and he has none over you unless you give it to him. Remember, I created all the angels, and those who fell due to their pride were also created (in their goodness) by Me. Therefore, I am infinitely more powerful. You have nothing to fear My children. Only trust. Trust in Me.”
“The merciful hour is approaching when I will reveal Myself yet again to renew the faith in the One True God. Then, all will know that I am the Lord God, Creator of all, Eternal Father. All will know that My Son, Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who came to save mankind from their sins, to redeem souls and to open the gates of Heaven. There will be no more room for excuses for all will have full knowledge of Me. Each soul will have their final choice. At this time, there will be another great grace given; time for conversion. A brief time only, but time. Then, any soul who decides against Me will have decided. All who choose Me will be renewed in their spirits. Pray for those who reject Me now, that during the Illumination of their Conscience, they will decide for God. Pray for them, My children. They are desperately in need of your prayers. Entrust all of your loved ones to Me and then do not worry. Continue to pray, but do not worry. All will be well, for I AM.”
Jesus speaks; “My little lamb, the Father has spoken and so it will be. I will provide all that is needed by My children. Prepare your souls as I have told you through frequenting the Sacraments, participating in Holy Mass, reading Scripture and praying the Most Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Above all, you must trust. Love one another. Share all that you have, recognizing everything you possess, you do so because of the mercy and kindness of God. I have given to you so that you may share with others. This is necessary so that one who comes to you with nothing will remain with you in love and acceptance. They will no longer have ‘nothing’ for they will be part of your family and share in all I have prepared for them.”
“You see, My little children, I know each and every soul who will come to you. I already know their needs and so, you will have what they need and you will share from the blessings I have given to you. Be generous and recall that I have given to you My very life. Therefore, share and do not worry that you will have nothing of your own, for what do you own that I have not given to you? Also, recall the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and do not be concerned that you will not have enough to eat. Share what you have and it will be multiplied. If it were not so you would all starve, but this will not happen. I am God and I can do all things. You, for your part, live the Gospel message. Give to one another. Care for one another. Be generous. Be mercy. Be love. Remember, whatever you do for the least one, you do for Me. My holy priest son, (name withheld) explained that I will make room for those who come to you, and this is true. I revealed this to him. I will expand to make room, therefore do not turn anyone away who is allowed to come to your homes. Each one I send will be welcomed, for I sent them. Keep this in mind, My little Children of Light. Open the door to them and greet them saying, ‘Come, you are safe now. We have been waiting for you and you are welcome here. Come. Come into this place of safety and refuge for God has sent you to us. We need you. We love you. We welcome you! This is how you are to greet those who come to you, My children. Be kind. Treat others as you want to be treated. All will be well. As you welcome others, so will I welcome you when you come to My Kingdom. Trust in Me all will be well.”
“My little lamb, read the message My Holy Mother Mary gave you when She told you the cave parable. This will be a reminder of how you are to be with those who came who are injured, wounded in body, mind and/or soul. Each person is unique and will have different needs. You cannot possibly know every need but remember that I do. I will guide you. Pray for wisdom and the Light of the Holy Spirit. Ask My Mother to intercede for you and for each soul who comes to you. I will give graces to you for love, for wisdom and clarity. You will know whether someone just needs time and space or if someone needs to speak in order to heal. You will know when you ask Me for help. Pray for the saints to guide you and to intercede for you and for the souls who will come to you.”
Jesus, it all seems surreal, though I know it is true.
“Yes, My daughter it does for things appear peaceful on the surface. You know this is a façade and just below the surface there is much disruption and chaos. My little lamb, I tell you and all My children to prepare you. I tell you now as I have for many years so that you can absorb My words now while there is some semblance of peace. In this way, you will be more prepared, My child. I invite you and your family to read the messages I have given you over the years. Refresh your memory while there is time. Later, the day will come when you will have very little time to read, you will be so busy caring for others. When there is time, you will need to pray. Teach others to pray when they are with you, for many will not have learned to pray. My son, My (name withheld), you will be the head of your household, just as you are now, but then when there are many people, you will remember that you are still the head. My (name withheld) is the heart. Be kind, patient and merciful. Be decisive, but be one who listens, also. Your leadership skills were given to you for this time. Be humble and remain united to Me and to your family. Then, you will be all that I ask of you. Ask for the guidance of St. Joseph. Do not forget the saints I have given to you and to your family. Invoke them often. Pray before each decision and await My direction. St. Peter was impetuous, too but he mastered himself for love of God. Do the same, My (name withheld). Ask St. Peter to assist you and he will obtain needed graces for you. The Holy Spirit and St. Joseph will guide you. My Mother will be with you and your family. All will be well. You must learn to imitate Me. Live as the Holy Family lived. I urge your family to do so now and by the graces from My Mother it can be so. Pray for this grace. Continue to pray the consecration prayer to the Holy Family that you had prayed together. Pray this each day, My children. All will be well. I will protect My children. You, for your part must pray as I have asked. That is all, My little one. Re-read My words and allow them to become like seeds within your heart that take root and one day will grow into mature plants for those who come to you.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord!
“I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace. Be love. Be mercy. Be joy.”
Source: ➥