Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus, ever present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, trust and adore You, my Lord, God and King. Lord, once again I bring to You all who have left the Faith and who are separated from the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Bring all to Your Church, Lord so that we may be one, as You prayed we would all be. Be with those who are ill and especially with those who will die today or this night. Draw them close to You, Lord. Give all graces for repentance and conversion, Lord if they are separated from You so they will be able to enter into Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord, thank You for Holy Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Bless the priest who heard my Confession and keep him always close to You and to Your Holy Mother Mary. Lord, please heal all wounded marriages, all who suffer from depression, anxiety and all chronic diseases. Heal wounds in families, Lord especially those that impact children. Jesus, several of my friends are battling auto-immune diseases. Please heal them, Lord. Above all, though I pray that Your Will be done in all our lives. Help us to bear crosses without grumbling. Jesus, I pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith and for those in war torn countries. Help us, heal us, protect us from evil and lead us safely to the Sacred Heart of Yours and that of Your Holy, Pure Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Bless our shepherds, Lord who lead us in these challenging times. Protect them and bring all into alignment with Your Holy and Perfect Will.
“My child, thank you for your prayers and petitions. This is a challenging time for My Church, you are correct. There have been many challenging times in the history of My Church and throughout the history of My people. This is the time of the purification and the purging of great sin that plagues many in My Church. My Church will always remain, however through the purification it will become smaller. What remains will be holy and pure and all who remain and those who enter into the Faith (new Catholic Christians) will be able to withstand the coming trials. My Mother leads the Church as Mother and Queen. She intercedes and she guides. Hold fast to Her hand through these tumultuous days and nights. Pray for Her mantle to cover you and all will be well. I do not abandon My people. Read Holy Scripture and you will see this. Even when God’s chosen people were exiled in Babylon or in Egypt, I did not abandon them. I will not abandon My holy remnant. Be faithful to the teachings I have handed on to you through My Apostles and you will be protected in the Ark. Though there is great darkness all around you, I give you Light through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, worthy reception of the Most Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Confession and reading the Holy Scriptures. I guide and give you clarity when you pray. Fast and pray, My children for souls and for protection of your families. Pray the Most Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. I repeat this, My children, because many of you are slow to respond. This is because you do not yet understand how severe is the darkness that surrounds souls. The evil one wants to tempt and even to torment souls and he is very, very deceptive. This is why he is called the father of lies. He is willing to go to any means to kill your souls. Do not be deceived but remain connected to Heaven, the angels, saints, and the Most Holy Trinity through your prayers and frequent reception of the Most Holy Eucharist. I give of My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity so we are united and in communion with one another. The prophets of old would have given much that was dear to them to stand in your place, most especially with regard to being able to participate in the Holy Mass and receive Me in Communion. They longed for this, but knew it was to be only after I, the Messiah and Savior redeemed man through My passion, death and by My resurrection, brought to new life the fledgling Church birthed by sending the Holy Spirit to the early Church. Rejoice that you are living in a time like no other. For though there is great darkness, there are great graces bestowed on My faithful ones. Live your faith, My Children of Light so that you will be able to share My Light with a world steeped in sin and debauchery.”
“My child, My child My words seem strong to some who read this, but I assure you they could be even stronger. I give clear direction and invite all to follow My instructions for frequenting the Sacraments, going to Holy Communion and Reconciliation, etc. This is imperative for your souls so that the graces infused into your hearts and souls will carry you through these tumultuous times and bring you safely to the heart of God. This is the time, My children to cease being fence sitters and stand for your God. One is either for Me or against Me. It is dangerous now especially to be tepid in the Faith. Do not fall into the trap of complacency or you will fall to the enemy of souls. Remain in a state of grace and pray. I will enlighten you and give you gifts of wisdom and discernment. I love you. You are Mine. I tell you these things for your good and out of My great mercy. I also encourage you in the hope and joy of the Lord. Who is more secure in hope than those who love Me? You are My dearest ones, My beloved ones. I protect what is given to Me by the Father, but you have free will to choose. Therefore, choose a sacramental life in Christ and live the Gospel. This message has not changed since the beginning of the Church, but I remind you because so many have either forgotten or have not received this message. Be mercy to all you encounter, My children. Remember that My mercy touches a great number of souls, heals, saves and delivers, just as is recorded in the Gospel stories that recount My time on earth. I am Mercy. I am Truth. I am The Way. I am The Life. You must imitate Me in the world and be mercy, truth, and light. You do so by being love. Show My love to others. Be kind and compassionate. You are bringing Me to a world in darkness so you must let My Light shine through you by your love and mercy. Then, souls will get a glimpse of Me. They will see your peace and your confidence in the Savior and they will want this for themselves. Witness to the Gospel, My little ones. Do not be afraid. Many souls hunger and thirst for God and they are waiting to know Me. How will they know if you do not tell them? I am counting on you, My dear children. Souls are counting on you. Be joyful as you go about your work, whatever that may be. Holy joy is contagious and you will spread the joy of the Lord, even in the midst of these days. Be at peace through the trials and the storms knowing you are in the shelter and refuge of your Jesus.”
Thank You, my Lord! Praise You for Your graces, Your mercy and Your words of life. Lord, thank You for reuniting me with holy friends. Thank You for Your love, Lord! Give our family the needed graces, including graces for conversion and healing. Help us to be Your ambassadors, Lord. May Your Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven.
“Thank you, My little lamb. Continue on the path I have carefully laid out for you and your family. Continue to follow Me and focus on all I have asked of you so that you will be well prepared for the mission given to you by My Father and yours. Trust in Me and My direction. Souls are depending on this and many will come to you in great need. To be prepared to give to them, you must be able to draw from the well of graces I pour out to you through the means I have told you. Be alert and be full of My peace and My joy. I am with you and I will not leave you alone. Call upon Me at all times, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). Continue your family prayer. I am pleased that you are all gathering in prayer. Be committed to this time, as it is very important for your family as I have instructed previously. Remember to bless and consecrate your home to the Holy Family and do this with your children. All will be well. Trust in Me. I am with you.”
Thank You very much, my Jesus. We would be lost without You but with You it is Heaven on Earth. I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and transform the world through My mercy and My love.”
Amen! Alleluia. Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!
Source: ➥