Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, hope, love and adore You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning.
Personal conversation withheld.
Jesus, please be with all who are ill and especially those who will die today. Help them to draw close to Your Sacred Heart, Jesus. Bless and protect our priests, Jesus and the religious sisters and brothers. Bless the seminarians and help them during their discernment process. May they grow in love of You and in holiness. Guide, guard and direct our President, Vice President and their families. Help them to make wise and Godly decisions no matter the cost, Lord. Be with our family and friends. Lord, be also with (name withheld). Thank You for bringing people out of the darkness of the shadow of death and into the Light. Give the Light of Faith to all family members and friends who are separated from the Faith and from Your Light. Grant them graces to seek the truth and to find You, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. May all souls who are far from You be blessed with graces for conversion, repentance and holy faith. Thank You for loving us with Your infinite, merciful love that burns for all souls. I hope and trust in Your merciful love, my Adorable Savior!
Lord, please heal all marriages, even those that are most wounded and appear to be past the point of repair. You can do all things, Jesus and I trust in Your healing power. Please do this, also for the children who need stability and love. Do this for their welfare, Lord, so their homes become a port in the storm and their parents’ love an anchor. Thank You for my husband, Jesus. I am very grateful for his love. Thank You for our children and grandchildren. Bring us all along on the path to holiness. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. I hold each prayer intention close to My Sacred Heart. I know of your striving to do all I ask of you, My little one. It is not always easy for you but it pleases Me that you strive to fulfill My requests. Continue these efforts for souls, My little one. Each small sacrifice offered for souls matters and makes a difference in the life of grace. Each effort put forth for the Kingdom is put to good use. In a special way this month, ask the holy men and women who have gone before you and have entered into My Heavenly Kingdom to pray for you. Ask the angels, also who work tirelessly to protect My children on earth to pray, also. Heaven is very close to you, My little lamb and to all who walk in My ways. Do not forget your Guardian Angels who have been endowed with a unique love for their charges. Thank the Father for your guardians who focus singularly on your souls with the aim of Heaven. Pray for lost souls, to be open to grace and to the love. Ask the saints to help the Guardian Angels who long to see a lively faith enkindled in the souls of their charges who are far from My love.”
“Pray, pray, pray, My children. This life is over in a moment, but the life after this pilgrimage on earth lasts forever. There are no riches on earth, no power or prestige, no treasure or fame worth one moment in Heaven. Heaven is the pearl of great price. It is your inheritance from the Father of all creation, the God who loves and created you from nothing, except from His love; from within this Divine plan. Seek first the Kingdom of God, My children. Share the knowledge you have of God’s love and mercy and My passion and death on the cross, followed by My resurrection. I poured My life out for you, My children so that you could have life everlasting. Pray for those who do not believe, and love them so they will see the love I have placed in your hearts. Allow this love to overflow into the world so that others will witness God’s love through you. I have chosen you, My Children of Light to take My Light out into the world that is currently in darkness. You have My love, and you notice the dramatic contrast between the life lived in Christ and the world steeped in sin. It is worse than the days of Noah, My little ones. Yes, I tell you it is. I have made you for love and from the beginning of time you were planned to be placed in this moment in history. You are My chosen souls to bring My Gospel of Life and Love to a world in darkness. Do not be overwhelmed by this great task, for I do not ask the impossible. I do not set My children up for failure. I remind you of all I have given so that you are equipped for the battle. I have given My life for you. I sent and continue to send forth My Spirit. You have My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist which is generously given to you in each Holy Mass by My Holy Spirit through My priest sons when they are in persona Christi. I gave you also My presence in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and each time you confess, My presence is among you personally and intimately when I absolve you of your sins. You receive graces, My beautiful children for I always desire your holiness and closeness to Me.”
“I remind you that I also share My Most Holy Mother Mary with you so that you can learn in Her school of love and sacrifice just as I learned from Her. I learned from Her the sweetest lessons of love when even as a tiny infant I rested in the safety and security of Her arms. Her pure soul loves as no other soul can love and I give Her to you as your Mother because of My great love for you. She longs to guide you and school you in the love of a pure disciple and child of God. She is your Mother spiritually and She is also your Sister since She, like you, is a child of Adam and Eve being fully human. Meditate on the beautiful mysteries of God and the Father’s grand plan of which each one of you has an important role. This dignity, this great grace is one that is supported by Heaven so do not be afraid. Be confident, trusting in the Father’s plan and in His love. All needed graces will be given to you when the time comes, so do not be anxious or concerned. Instead, walk confidently into the future holding My Mother’s and St. Joseph’s hands.”
“Be in the state of grace, My Children of Light by frequenting the Sacraments. Be in the world to evangelize and spread My mercy and love but remain apart from unholy events, forms of entertainment and certain types of music where paganism rules, so that you will remain holy vessels of God’s love. In this way the Light of your Jesus Christ will flow through your beautiful souls into the darkness. Love and light attracts, My children. You must realize there are many, many souls who have not experienced true sacrificial love. They perhaps have been abandoned by their parents, or mistreated. Many have been ostracized by their peers at school and have been treated as though they were despised. These fragile souls were unloved by those to whom they were entrusted. Woe to those who have harmed My little ones. Woe to them! To these wounded ones I say I love you. I created you out of love, for love, by love. You were made for love and I intended you to be treated with the utmost care and respect because you were made in My image and likeness. Those responsible to raise you in a loving home rejected the important job and life that I entrusted to them; the role of your parents. Perhaps they were addicted to drugs or alcohol. Perhaps they were unloved as children, also. Perhaps they abused you and neglected you. This was not My plan, dearest wounded children of Mine. It was never My plan. What I want you to understand, little wounded souls of My heart, is that people are given a great gift called free will. It is planted into your souls, each and every soul, so that one may choose freely to love God. God does not force His Will on souls for then it would be like having robots instead of children. One aspect of free will, though is that the freedom to choose also means one may choose wrongly. One may choose to reject love. In this case, one rejects all love and has no love to give since souls who say no to God refuse to receive God’s love. One cannot give what one does not have and therefore they did not know, or forgot how to love you, My wounded one. This is what I want you to know and you must always remember this—I am the God who created you and who loves you and I am all powerful. I am able to heal all wounds, even the deepest most critical wounds. You have only to call on Me to believe in Me and ask Me to heal you. You must ask Me, My child of love because of your free will. I respect My children so very much that I do not force Myself on your will, but instead wait patiently for you to come to Me. It is always your choice. I long for the moment that you will take a chance on Me and open your heart to Me, the source of all love. I am gentle, meek and kind. I will be careful with your wounded heart and I will love you back to the fulness of life. Fear not, My children. Come to Me and allow healing to begin.”
“Children of Light, be merciful to your wounded brothers and sisters. Do not judge them, for what you see on the surface is not what God sees. You see the superficial but I see the depth, the breadth, the entire life of My beloved. I know intimately what they have experienced, for I was with them. I experienced all that they did and therefore show mercy to all. You are not all knowing as I am. However, I infuse My light, My truth, My mercy and My love into your souls so that you may pour these out to the world so in need. I work through you, so be generous in mercy. Be generous in love. Be generous with the peace I give you. I have an endless supply so the more you give will be returned one hundred-fold to you.”
“My little lamb, thank you for writing My words. It is becoming more difficult, I know. It is not time to rest, My child as you know. It is time to continue resisting the evil in the world by bringing My Word that teaches and heals. Do not be concerned when you are criticized and even forsaken by those who do not understand you or My plan. My plans are often misunderstood. When you feel misunderstood or rejected, gaze upon My body nailed to the cross. Meditate on My wounds, My little lamb. You console Me with your thoughts, your concern, and your love for Me and for My passion. You, My (names withheld), you console Me with your love and reflections of My passion and death. I likewise will console you in your hours of need and your difficulties. I guide your steps. Tell My son (name withheld) that I am pleased with his efforts to overcome the challenges he faces. I am pleased especially with the loving deeds he does for others. I am with him, also. I walk with him and I will supply all his needs. He is learning lessons with each challenge. He does not understand the hardships he faces. Tell him when he was a soldier, he often existed on the bare necessities in many ways and facets. Meditate on this and he will see that soldiers must be prepared for battle. Those who have higher callings and missions must be prepared in more extreme ways, such as those in the special forces. He must always remain focused on Me, on My passion and death but also on My resurrection. I am preparing him and in order to do so I must use specific tactics. I do so out of love and because I am a good Father who knows just what My son needs to be a holy warrior for the Lord. All will be well. Trust in Me, My (name withheld).”
“My little lamb, entrust your children and grandchildren to Me. All will be well. I know of your concerns for My (name withheld). Do not be afraid for her soul, but trust and love. That is all. My Mother will see to Her special charge. Yes, My child! Be joyful and know that all will be well. My Holy Spirit is actively engaged during this most critical time in history. Be not afraid. Be spiritually prepared and allow Me to do the rest. I am seeing to every detail. Trust in Me.”
“That is all for today, My little one. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and in spite of the unrest in this world, be My joy. Be mercy. Be love. Bring My peace to all you encounter. I love you. Let us begin anew.”
Thank You, My beautiful Lord and Savior. I love You!
“And I love you.”
Amen! Alleluia!
(Oh, my beloved who is also my God, make my heart a flame of pure love for Thee.)
Source: ➥