Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You, believe and hope in You and adore You, my Lord God and King. Thank You for this visit with You. It is good to be here with You, Jesus. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion yesterday, Jesus and for Confession. Please bless Your holy priests who bring the Sacraments to us. Protect them, Lord. Their work will be so difficult in the days to come. I pray You will prepare them, Lord and give them all needed graces. Help us to assist them, Jesus. Lord, please bring my friends and family members who are outside of the Church into the Church. Lord, bring all souls who are far from You, close to Your Sacred Heart. May all come to love and adore You, Jesus. Thank You for enabling (name withheld) to come to our area. May all who hear his message be moved to take the actions You want, Lord. Please, Lord bring our family members to the talks and give them open hearts to hear Your voice. I pray for all who are ill, also Jesus, help them to bear their suffering until You heal them completely.
“My child, My child pray for souls who do not open their hearts to get to know Me. They are in essence rejecting Me by their indifference. These souls are in need of much prayer and fasting. Pray for the graces to love heroically so that you and My other children will fast for them. There are dark holds on many peoples’ souls. They are unaware for they are entrenched in worldliness. Pray for their eyes to be opened. They are blinded to the things that matter most, love of God, love of neighbor, following the Commandments, following Me the Messiah, the Redeemer and the salvation of their souls. Instead, they pursue money, power and desire esteem.”
“My children, do not pursue the things of this world for they are fleeting and pass quickly away. Your soul will last forever. Do not choose evil. Choose the good. Choose the love of God. Your soul will live on after your body dies and will either go to hell or the eternal Kingdom of God, Heaven. Believe Me when I tell you, you do not wish hell. It is full of suffering, fire, complete evil and hatred. Heaven, on the other hand is to be in the presence of God, the One who created you and loves you. Many of My children reject Me and therefore choose darkness and evil. Do you not realize that by rejecting Me, you are choosing My adversary, satan? You have two choices, My children—Heaven or hell. These are your options. Choose life, choose Heaven. You do so by opening your hearts to love. I am love, My children. I created you for My love and for life with Me. I love you so much that I came to earth as a baby to grow into a man, take on your sins and die for them. I paid the price to open Heaven to you. I paid the price owed, due to the sins of the world. Only I, the God Man, could take upon Myself the sins of the world, die for them and then raise Myself on the third day. I remained on the earth, appearing to My Apostles and disciples teaching them for 40 more days before sending My Holy Spirit to remain with you and to guide My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. I love you so much that I allow My priests to transform bread and wine into My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. In this way, though it appears to be a small piece of bread and a cup of wine, it is actually your Jesus Christ. I allow Myself to be consumed by My faithful children to transform souls. This is how much I love you, My children. For My children who know and love Me, who are not part of My one true Church, come into My church.”
“Why do you choose to remain separated when you can have Me in the Holy Eucharist? Find a priest nearby, My separated children and speak to them about coming home to My Church. I want all to be one. This division that exists is not from Me. All of My children need the Sacraments in My Church and it is vital for the life and health of your souls. Do this now, My children. If you wait, it will be more difficult. One day, you will look and look for a priest and one will be difficult to find. Once you find him, you will be one of hundreds and hundreds who also need him. I urge you to go now while there is more time. Open your hearts and I will guide you to the fullness of truth.”
Thank You, Lord for Your love for us, your people. Thank You for the Church, Your body on earth. Thank You for the Blessed Sacrament, for Reconciliation, and all the Sacraments. Praise You for Your sorrowful passion and death on the cross for our salvation. Forgive me for not better evangelizing souls, Lord. There are many in my own family who are not Catholic. Bring them into Your Holy Catholic Church, Jesus. Guide me to know how and what I should do to help them, Lord.
“My child, My child how many times were you asked to explain the truths of the Faith, even when you were a child? They have not asked in recent years, but have accepted you for what you believe. They have not rejected you. This is good. They love Me. They love you and your brothers and sisters. Your relatives in Heaven pray for them to come to knowledge of the Faith. If they choose to, they could ask you and your brothers and sisters, but they do not. They are comfortable with this division. One day, they will know, for I will reveal Myself to everyone in the world. They will then know what to do and if they need your assistance, they will know where to find you. All will be well. Trust in Me. Trust in Me for everything. I love My children. I will see to their needs.”
Thank You, Lord. Glory to You, Lord.
“Continue to pray for them, My little lamb. Pray for all who are far from Me, even more so. Souls who love Me will be guided and directed in what they are to do. Their souls are united to Me. The souls who are in most need are far from Me. Pray for them, My child.”
Yes, Lord.
“Be at peace. My plan is unfolding. Be open to My Holy Spirit as I direct you to invite people to hear My holy priest son, My messenger. I will open hearts due to the situation at hand and the closeness of the Time of Great Trials. Trust in Me. Follow Me. All will be well. I love you.”
And I love You, my Jesus!
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be peace, be mercy, be love and joy. I will protect you. I walk with you. My Mother is also with you.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥