Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, love and adore You! Thank You for giving me the opportunity to be with You today, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Praise You for this blessed time together in Adoration where we have You all to ourselves! I know this chapel should be packed with lines out to the street to get in to see You, Lord. Still, I am selfish and relish this time that (name withheld) and I have You to ourselves. Jesus, I know You long for this place to be filled to overflowing and for that I am sad. Thank You, Lord for Your presence here in this place. Lord, please bless our pastor and all the pilgrims leaving on pilgrimage. Keep them all safe and grant them traveling mercies.
Lord, You know all of my concerns and my burdens. Jesus, please help my family members who are undergoing so very many trials. Please heal (names withheld) marriage and heal my family members suffering from emotional trauma, anxiety and depression. Help my children and grandchildren and bring all to the Sacrament of Baptism and Holy Communion. Lord, I am concerned for (names withheld) who have not been baptized and for those who are outside of or away from the Church. Bring them back soon, Jesus. I trust in You, Lord and I am concerned for their welfare (spiritually). Please Jesus. I know many will come to You as a result of the Illumination of Conscience, but bring people back to the Faith before then, Lord so they can take advantage of time with the priest now before people come to them in droves. Lord, please call many more men to the priesthood and open their hearts to receive the call from You.
Lord, there is so much to bring to You this week, but since You know intimately all that is occurring, I entrust all to You. I offer everything to You, Lord and send it to the foot of the cross to be bound by You. In place of these, Jesus send graces and all that is needed for souls. Heal all wounds, Lord and consequences from sin and poor choices, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My little one it is good that you give your concerns to Me for I am the only answer. You are giving to Me, out of your love, your care. This is good, My daughter. You are being granted My peace, child. I love you. I will help carry your loved ones. I am with each one. They are also My children whom I love very dearly. You cannot fix these problems, My little lamb, but I, the Lamb of God will bind wounds. Some I heal slowly. Some I heal quickly. I am the good physician and I know what each soul needs. All who will come to Me will receive what they need. I am patient with the needs of each soul, just as a doctor knows that some treatments take longer than others due to the length of time an illness has been raging, the severity and the virility of the bacteria or virus. Some can be cured with a course of antibiotics. Other illnesses require multiple courses of medication, vitamins, herbs, convalescence, etc. Each medical case is unique because each person and their immune response is unique. So it is with souls. Souls are much more easily wounded, My child and in some cases it takes months and years. Yet, I give each soul all that is needed when they turn to Me. I can heal quickly, but this is not always in a soul’s best interest, as they are not often prepared for this. I am patient and tender. I love each person and I will act in their best interest. My child, as you know some treatments are uncomfortable and in some cases painful. Physical therapy or wound treatments can be painful, and yet they are necessary for healing in many cases. It is true of the spiritual and emotional wounds. Often, this healing is in itself painful. I know what is needed for healing and I am gentle, but also in My mercy I do what is needed for the good of each soul. It is difficult for loved ones to wait patiently on Me but this is the trust that I request. You demonstrate your trust in Me when you allow Me to work in souls and prayerfully stand by for My direction. My child, just as a surgical nurse stands by the surgeon during a procedure and awaits their direction, for this instrument or that instrument, this is what I ask of you. Be near, be prayerful, continue on in devotion to your duty but be alert for what I ask you to do next, My child.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You for this image of a surgical procedure. It makes it more clear to me.
“My little lamb, I am pleased with My daughter (name withheld) and her sacrifices made for others in need. She is showing the love of God alive in her heart. I bless (name withheld) also for being patient in these matters. You are all working for the Kingdom as I present opportunities to serve and this is what I call My Children of Light to do each day in their lives, lived for God. Be alert and open to the opportunities to serve. Be aware, also that I ask each one to also be faithful to the vocation given to you. You must always put devotion to God and to your vocation first. This is where I call you to serve and to love, and from there I give you graces and blessings for other forms of service. There are always souls in need and I am pleased when My children are kind and merciful. I also ask you to be aware of souls within your own families that are in need. The family is the domestic church. Focus on the core and the heart, and from there graces and blessings will flow. My daughter and My son, I present many opportunities to you. Be at peace and know that I am inviting you to bear witness to the hope, the truth, and the light that is within you. The world is in darkness. My children who love and follow Me are not immune to this. Sin is all around you and it tries to take many, many causalities. I am the remedy. I give My people the Sacraments, the Scripture, the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. These are what you have and they are your lifeline. (Eucharist & Confession) Pray, fast and avail yourself of the Sacraments. You will have what you need to draw close to My Sacred Heart. There—is your refuge. Come to Me frequently throughout the day. Reflect on My mercy, My passion and death, My resurrection. Pray the prayer I taught you, My child and all of My Children of Light. Come to the refuge of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary often. (*see prayer below) You will find the rest for your soul that you need to continue the spiritual fight for souls. Pray for souls who are lost that they may be found.”
Jesus, speaking of lost souls, will you please provide a way for (name withheld) to come speak to those of us in this geographic area? Please open a slot in his schedule, Jesus. You are the Lord and You created time. Please give him time to do this, Jesus. Open hearts to come to hear him and to understand the messages from the Eternal Father. Prepare us, Jesus so that we can be of more assistance during the Time of Great Trials. Lord, I know You will care for all of us. We in turn are to assist You in this work of bringing souls into Your Kingdom. Prepare us, Your little assistants. Prepare us well, Jesus as I know You have been trying to do for many years. We are slow learners, as You know but by Your grace we will be ready, and only by Your grace. Jesus, if some knew the day was/is drawing near, I think their decisions would be prioritized according to Your Will. They are so focused on all that is going on in their lives, the trials, the hardships, that they do not really see clearly. Bring clarity to them, Jesus. I believe (name withheld) will really help them to do so. Help us to help ourselves and others, Lord. We so desperately need Your grace and mercy to be all that You want us to be for our brothers and sisters in need. Heal all wounds and illnesses, Lord in hearts, souls, bodies and minds. Praise You for winning the victory over sin and death. Open all souls to Your lifegiving grace. Open all souls to their inheritance—salvation and everlasting life in Your Heavenly Kingdom.
“Thank you for your sincerity, My little one. My child, focus on Me and what I ask of you. Do not be concerned about all that others are doing. I ask you to do what is in My Plan and in the mission I have for you and your family. Speak with your husband. Discuss things with him; pray about each decision and then decide what it is I want you to do. I have rather large plans for you as you have begun to see. They are difficult, I realize and so I ask that you remain in My Will and do not judge yourselves based on what others are doing to serve. You do not have the same mission. I will direct you. Ask for My direction. Pray as a family. I would like all four of you to pray the Rosary together as you did last week. It is time, My child that the heart of your family come together to pray. Decide on an evening or time that works for each one and begin this for the times are perilous indeed. Continue praying together, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld), the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray in the morning and in the evening as I have instructed you previously. I know it is difficult, but ask Me for assistance and I will help you. This is to be your first priority from now on. This is for your protection and your family’s protection. You do not see the evil around you that wants to destroy you. I see this and so I ask you to pray as I have taught you and to add one evening per week that (name withheld) joins you. I would like all of your children to join you but this invitation can be extended after the four of you have established it. I will strengthen your entire family as a result and will bless you, My children. My son, you are the head, the leader of your family and I entrust the family mission to your leadership, under St. Joseph’s protection.'
“Yes, My child, you are now sensing the urgency of things to come?”
My Jesus, I have been sensing them for quite some time, but I feel the urgency in Your heart in a veiled way, but it is still real to me. I am sensing Your urgency and this hits home much more deeply than anything. Jesus, I trust in You.
“Yes, My little lamb. All is going to unfold soon and all that I have told you. Events will begin to occur over the next several months. I will prepare you and there is nothing to fear. Your guardian angels and many more angels protect My children. Many people will still be unaware that the events foretold in Scripture by Me are beginning to come to pass. Do not be afraid, but do take My words seriously. You are prepared physically in as much as is possible at this time. Consecrate your homes and your property as I have requested. You have already had your house blessed. I would like the consecration to the Holy Family to be done by you and My son (name withheld). Bless your property and your home. You will obtain the exorcism blessed salt and water from My son, (name withheld). Do this as soon as possible for your home will benefit from this soon. Do this for (names withheld). When you visit (name withheld) ask him if he will allow you to do this for his home and property. In this way, My children will have safety during the coming trials until your guardian angels lead you to the next course of action. Pray, pray, pray but do not fear. I do not give you a spirit of fear but only a spirit of trust. All will be well. Continue doing My Will and do not worry about what is to come. Focus on Me, My children. Focus on the souls I place in your lives. Seek the Sacraments and remain in a state of grace. I am going to give each one direction. Your souls will be more open to My direction in the state of grace. Go now in My peace, My mercy and yes even in My joy. Joy comes from loving My heart and in doing My Will. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Thank You, my Jesus, my God. I love You!
“And I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace.”
*Prayer Jesus requested be prayed:
Jesus, hide me in Your Sacred Heart. Be my refuge.
Blessed Mother, cover me with your mantle of protection and enfold me in your Immaculate Heart where nothing can touch me.
'You may pray this for others, also. This prayer is given to My children and the Father will not refuse refuge for His children in My heart or the heart of My Mother, for this is His plan from the beginning. Go there often, My child, and you will find rest and relief from the battles and the storms.' Jesus (January 19, 2014)
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