Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore, praise, and love You my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning. Thank You, Lord for the Sacrament of Reconciliation yesterday. Praise You for giving us First Friday’s and First Saturdays for reparation. Oh, Jesus please stop abortions in our country and in the world. Help us to do what we can, knowing that we need You to intervene, though. Jesus, may hearts be moved by the truth. Today, we are blind, Lord but with Your grace, Your healing, Your gift of faith, tomorrow people will see. Lord, may our sight be restored soon so that all may know the truth and all will see the Light. Lord, send forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth!
Jesus, thank You for our pilgrimage. Thank You for the many blessings and graces poured out on us there. Praise You, Lord! Bless the holy priests who accompanied us and provided the Sacraments for us. Protect and keep them near Your Sacred Heart and under Your Mother’s protective mantle. Praise You for holy priests. Please may more young men answer Your invitation to become priests.
Lord, be with all who are ill (names withheld), and any others I was asked to pray for, Jesus. Take all those who are dying with You to Heaven and bless their loved ones. Jesus, please console (name withheld) and take (name withheld) soul to Heaven.
Lord, help us to grow in grace and to love heroically as You love, Jesus. Please give graces for holiness, strength and courage to the priests in our diocese, especially help (name withheld) console him, Lord after (event withheld).
“My child, My child, thank you for visiting Me today. It is good that you are here. Many graces were poured out on you during your pilgrimage. There was much suffering, and I thank you for offering sacrifices to help souls. Your intentions and those of the other pilgrims resounded in Heaven. My little lamb, My Mother and I were well pleased. You do not realize how much your suffering and the suffering of all in your group merited souls. Yes, you are aware of this for My dear (name withheld), but it is also true for all who suffered; Even the suffering that was emotional in nature assisted souls. This brought consolation to My Mother, child. Do not be dismayed that you were too ill to attend (event withheld). I was with you. My Mother was very near to you. All is well. This was a heavy cross for you and you handled it well.”
Jesus, I don’t know how You can say this. I complain and grumble with each little cross You send me. I’m surprised it merits anything after all my complaining. But, you are a gentleman and You are mercy.
“My child, all is well. You may complain at times, but still you carry the many crosses I send to you. I am pleased with you, My little lamb. I am pleased with My children who visit My Mother where graces flow for the world. You and all who visit bring graces everywhere you go. Be a source of peace to others. Carry My love with you and give this love to others. My love will change the world.”
Thank You, Jesus for sending us Your Mother and so many graces. Thank You, Jesus!
“My child, the killing of the innocents must stop. Their blood cries out to God. Pray for conversion for all who are killing My innocent babies, and for all who kill the spirits of the mothers who cooperate with such savagery.”
“Turn your hearts to Me, you who do evil deeds. Repent and ask for My forgiveness, and forgiveness will be yours. You must cease the slaughter of the preborn babies sleeping innocently in their mothers’ wombs. You are cooperating with demons and you do this in the name of ‘choice.’ Stop making such wicked ‘choices’ to murder holy innocents. If you do not repent and turn from your evil ways it would be better for you if you had never been born. Your punishment will be unbearable and for the rest of eternity. Do not continue down this wicked road, but turn around and run toward Confession and give me each and every sin in Confession. My priests will absolve your sins and you will be as white as snow. Stop, I say! Repent! Live the Gospel. Choose Life! Do you not know that the wages of sin are death? Choose Life, then and become a Child of Light.”
“You must pray, My child and work harder to end abortion. It alone is the single worst holocaust in the world. It is worse than all the others in the history of mankind in terms of the number of innocent lives killed, and the brutality. There are many victims of abortion. My adversary gains a very strong foothold in countries where abortion is ‘allowed.’ It must be resisted with all of your might, My children. Stand against this, My children. Many, many souls are at stake.”
Yes, Jesus. We will work harder. I know I’m not doing enough, Lord. Help us, Jesus. Bless the efforts of all who are praying and witnessing during the 40 Days for Life. May Your Spirit expand every action, Lord and cause many abortion mills to close. Multiply our efforts, Jesus just as You multiplied the loaves and fish. Bring us Your healing and Your peace in this wounded nation. May we once again be One Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Your liberty, Jesus. Your justice, which comes from loving and following You, Lord. Purify our hearts and souls, Jesus. Purify Your Church, Lord. Bring us to true contrition and conversion. Save us, Jesus, Savior of the World.
“My little lamb, I know you are fatigued. I will be with you this week, as always. Lean on Me. Walk with Me. Accept the crosses I send you. I will give you the grace to endure.”
I don’t mind, Jesus, the crosses You send me. Just help me with them, Lord. It is difficult working when there are crosses of illness, but I rejoice as long as You are with me. Nothing seems as hard when You send me people who help me, too. Thank You for (names withheld). They helped me so much on our trip. Thank You for (names withheld). All of these beautiful women were like saints. Thank You, Lord for telling (name withheld) that You would bring (name withheld) back to the Church. I have entrusted her to You, but it was nice to hear she would return to Your Church. It was very encouraging. Praise You, Lord! Thank You, my beautiful Jesus!
“My daughter, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for those who love and trust in Me. I am grateful for your love and friendship. You may go now, My little one. I know you are very tired. My son (name withheld) will help you now, this week. All will be well. Trust in Me.”
Thank You, Jesus. Please take all of my petitions, Jesus and hold them in Your Heart. Answer them each according to Your Holy Will. May all be according to Your Word, Jesus.
“I love you, My little lamb. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be peace, be love, be mercy, be joy. All will be well, My child. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
Source: ➥