Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, all praise, honor and glory to You, oh Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your presence here and for Holy Mass and Holy Communion this morning. Jesus, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Apostolic Church to the world. Thank You for the many holy priests who love and follow You and who lead us to You by teaching and bringing us the Sacraments. Jesus, please help the souls of priests so in need of conversion, repentance and healing. Help all who have been harmed by priests who did not come bearing You. Heal all who are wounded, deeply so Lord. Purify our Church, Your Church. Lord, I know You promised to be with us until the end of the world and so the Church is entrusted to You. We are Your Church, Jesus. We are entrusted to You. Bring us to Your heavenly kingdom, Lord but not before living each moment of the rest of our lives for You. Jesus may my life be lived each moment, in and for Your divine, gracious, merciful and perfect Will. Help me to live and die for Your Kingdom, Jesus. Unite me to Your Sacred, Merciful Heart so that I will be always present to You, the One true, holy and eternal Lord. You are everywhere, Lord and so I know You are with me, but I can be so distracted that it would seem my mind is one hundred other places. Jesus, help me to focus on You. You beside me, in front of me, behind me and above me. Always, Jesus may I be aware of Your presence so that I am present to You.
Lord, my friend’s (name withheld) mother is so gravely ill. She has suffered tremendously for many years. Jesus, I am sure (name withheld) heart is breaking. Please, Lord. If it is Your Holy Will, heal her mother. If it is not Your Will, please do not allow her to suffer much longer. Give (name withheld) strength, Jesus. Help her to feel Your peace, Your consolation in her soul. She is such a good daughter, Jesus. She has sacrificed much for love of her mother and I know she would do it all over again for one more day with her, but Jesus give her days of peace. Give her time with her mother that will be good, blessed memories. Restore her health as only You can do. If You decide not to do this on earth, then bring her to Your Kingdom in Heaven where she will be in perfect health and united to You in every way. Lord, comfort (name withheld). Give her Your peace and restore her joy. I love You, Lord. I trust You, Jesus. Whatever You decide is always for our good. Thank You, Lord. Praise You, Jesus.
Lord, I ask for healing for all who are ill. I entrust (names withheld) and all who are away from the Church. Please lead them back to You, my Lord. Thank You for the gift of good health for (names withheld). Lord, You are the eternal Word and Your Word brings into being whatever You Will. Bring the lost home, Jesus. Just say the word and it will be so.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Peace be with you. I give you My peace and I share My merciful love with you. Thank you for your heartfelt prayer for (name withheld). She will be blessed one hundredfold for her gift of love and faithfulness to her mother. I am with all who suffer in a very close way whether realized or not. One day, all will be known. My child, there are many, many people suffering in the world in this time. Many suffer because of the consequences of sins and their rebellious pride. Many suffer for lack of love, some due to poor health, some due to financial problems. Whatever is causing the suffering, offered to God for souls, the suffering can become an occasion for great graces. You are about to step onto the soil of (location withheld) where My Mother comes as a fountain of grace and the Mother of Mercy, Queen of peace. I have invited you here once again, My child as I have each one who will be present on your trip. You heard once that everyone who comes to (location withheld) has been personally invited by My Mother. This is true, My little lamb. It is also true that many who are invited do not accept the invitation. It is not easy to leave (names withheld) and travel on the difficult journey to a foreign land. There are sacrifices involved. It is not easy for My little (name withheld) either. I know the sacrifices each one of My children make to be near My Mother. My Mother, also your Mother deserves such sacrifices for She sacrificed the most of any purely human being. She sacrificed everything out of love for Me and also out of love for you. Yes, My children, She stood weeping at the foot of the cross out of love for you even while Her heart was so broken as to be split in two by the piercing pain of love for Me. Come, be with this beautiful Queen Mother of Mine who I share with you. Come to Her and ask that She school you in love; the love She has for Her Son, your Jesus. She will teach you about heroic love better than anyone else for She is the mistress of the love. You are correct to call My Holy Spirit the lover of your soul, for My Spirit is and My Spirit, the Spirit of the living God, is the lover of souls. I thirst for souls. I allowed Myself to be scourged and crucified for love of souls and My pure, holy, innocent Mother not only watched, but participated as She alone could do, as the Immaculate One, the new Ark of the Covenant. Come to Her as She went to Her cousin Elizabeth. You will also go to the “hill country” in the mountains and you will have your own visitation, My children. Take in each moment and be open, wide open to very grace I have been longing to give to you. You will not be sorry for your sacrifices, for they will melt away and in time will be nothing but joy. You will be filled with all that you need and then you will return to the world with more graces, more peace, more mercy, joy and love to share with everyone you meet. My child, each person, whether you are aware or not, will be changed by the graces flowing through you that come from Me to My Mother, passing through Her beautiful perfect hands into your weak, but open hearts. This grace, these graces will strengthen you for the times to come and you will be My wise, beautiful, strong, peaceful and loving disciples of your Jesus. My Mother will continue to form you. Be grateful for this great mystery of grace. Be present in each moment. There will be many moments, happenings that will be small queues from Heaven. The world would say they are coincidences, but you will know they are signs of God’s love given to you in these moments. Be alert, be aware and be open to My Holy Spirit, the Spouse of the Immaculate One. Yes, there will be sacrifices and hardships on your pilgrimage for it is a microcosm of life. But, there will be great joy and peace. It cannot be otherwise. I am very pleased that you and all who are going to pray with My Mother in person are making this wise choice. I bless those staying behind to make it possible for you to go. They will receive many graces for their sacrifices, also. In these times, as in all times, but even more so now, I need holy disciples of love. Because the need is so great, and the world so dark, I flood loving, open souls with all the more graces to overcome what is in the world. I, the beloved Son of God and the Son of Man give all that is needed. More is needed now, My little one and therefore these days call for heroic graces. These times call for heroic love. I am the benefactor of all that is good. I AM can only give that which is good. Therefore, not only do I want you all to accept what I have to give you to equip you, but also believe and go a step further than believing and anticipate this. That is, expect it. One expects, because one can trust in the goodness and love of the giver. Therefore, trust in Me; hope in Me, believe in Me and accept as a little child accepts the love and provision of a good and kind father, all that is needed to live and to love. I will carry you to My Mother so that She can teach you in Her school of love. You are all in the most capable and competent hands. After all, She was entrusted with Me, the God Man, so you can see She can be trusted with you. Therefore, do not be concerned or anxious about anything, but keep the visitation in front of you and say, ‘Who am I that the Mother of my Lord should invite me to visit Her.’ “
Oh, Jesus. This is such a beautiful analogy and I know it is more than just an analogy because You are the Word. What You say is truth and Your Word causes something to be. Praise You, Lord God on high. Thank You for Your mercy and goodness!
Jesus, (name withheld) asked that I pray for him in (location withheld). Lord, he has such responsibility on his shoulders. I know he trusts in You to solve everything, but still it is not easy for him. Please give him some relief, Jesus. Holy Apostles in Heaven, pray for (name withheld) and for all of our holy priests and Bishops. They need so much help from Heaven. Jesus, give us the wisdom to know what we can do to support them. Please be with (name withheld) as he works tirelessly for Your Church in (location withheld). Help him, Jesus. Comfort him and give him many, many graces. Help all of our priests and all religious, Jesus. I love You, Lord and I thank You for the opportunities You provide me through my husband’s willingness and support to do all that You ask and through my holy and good friend (name withheld) who told me about this pilgrimage. Bless her, Jesus for her tireless and faithful work for You. She is such a dear soul and I love her as my sister. Thank You for my beautiful (name withheld) who is my sweet, wise, loving daughter after my own heart. She loves You, Lord and she loves Your Mother Mary. Jesus, it is difficult for her to leave (name withheld) while we are away. Help (names withheld) while we are away, to grow in love and holiness. Give them graces for joy and peace, strength and courage, perseverance and mercy. Blessed Mother please visit them with special graces for making it possible for us to visit you. Thank You Lord for being with us in these most difficult days. With You all hardship is turned into joy. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for loving me.
“You are welcome, My child. It is My delight to love My children and such a joy when they love Me in return. Go now in peace, My child. My son, (name withheld) is eager to get you home so you can prepare for your departure. I bless you in the name of My Father and in the name of My Holy Spirit and in My name. Be at peace, My child. I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus. Amen!
Source: ➥