Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in, hope in, love and adore You, my God and my King. Thank You for the opportunity to be here with You, Jesus. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for our family. Please heal those who are sick, Lord especially (names withheld). Heal those who have emotional wounds, too, Jesus. Lord, I pray for all mothers and fathers that You will draw them close to You and help them to desire holiness and goodness. Give them graces to raise their children in the ways of the Lord. Help those considering abortion to choose life for their babies. Give them graces to love and to trust in You. Jesus, be with all who have died, especially (name withheld). Take her soul to Heaven, Jesus. Lord, please be with those who have lost loved ones, including (names withheld) and all who have lost spouses and children. Take the souls of their loved ones into Heaven. I pray this for all of my relatives. Lord, be with us as we begin another week. Remain with us and never leave us. Thank You for protecting us on the way here and keeping us from harm.
“My child, My child, it is My Will that you are here with Me in this time and in this place. My plans are not always evident to you, but are woven into each moment of your life. Allow every moment to be an offering to the Father in union with My life. Even the most mundane moments, My little ones, can be times of closeness with Heaven. When you feel alone, remember you are not alone. I am with you. Your angel guardian and other angels I assign to you are near and all around you. Padre Pio watches over you as does your patron saint, Saint Elizabeth. You do not know this by way of your senses at this time but you believe and are aware because of faith. My little lamb, I keep these beautiful graces and the presence of heavenlies hidden from you in order to merit more graces because of your faith. Do not be discouraged when you feel alone, but rejoice in this cross that I allow for you. Instead, draw even closer to Me and to My Most Holy Mother Mary, and your Mother. Be aware, by faith of the presence of God and the holy court of angels and saints. One day you will look with wonder on all that I show you; all that remains hidden to you because of My Will. Recall, My child, the promise given to you that you will see your earthly mother, who is with Me in Heaven. Rejoice My child, that you are not alone, but instead enjoy a holy company.”
Thank You, Lord. I will try to remember this great grace. I thank You for the cross of loneliness, Jesus. I also thank You for the beautiful friends You have given me and that you place on my path at just the time I am feeling very low. You sent (name withheld) to me last week, Lord and another person is working in my building that I knew from a past job. They comfort me, Jesus. It’s good to see some familiar faces, Lord. Help me to take your light to all I meet. Help me to be a grace to others. Allow Your love, light, life, peace and joy to flow through me, Jesus even when I am lacking in these myself. Give them to others through me. May Your graces make others feel light as a breeze, Jesus. Help them to connect with Your love. Give me graces to love heroically, and to be full of joy for You. I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more. Help me with my studies, Lord and with the stress I take upon myself when there isn’t enough time in the day to complete all that is in front of me. I give all burdens, deadlines, projects, concerns to You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for protecting me last night, Lord when I was under attack. Your name is very powerful, Lord and causes the demons to flee. Praise the Holy Name of Jesus! Praise Your Most Precious Blood. Thank You, Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy. Thank You for coming to My assistance. You have never failed to help me, Mother. I love You. I am grateful to You for my life.
“You are welcome, My child. Always call on My Son’s name. Use it often when you are in distress or in need of any kind. His name is above all names. It will give you strength and peace.”
Yes, Blessed Mother. Thank You!
“You are welcome, dear child. Know also that I am a good mother and I will not abandon My children. Call on Me, and I will come to your aid. You have nothing to fear with Jesus and your angel close by, and I will be with you when you call. See, what is there to be anxious about? Nothing, I tell you for the Lord, My Son has seen to everything, long before you were even born, My daughter. So, be filled with joy, no matter the circumstance.”
Yes, my Queen, my Mother, I love You! Thank You, Jesus for sharing Your Mother with us! You withhold nothing. You are most generous, Jesus.
“My little lamb, I share every good thing with My children and will share even more in time. You will see. My child and all My Children of Light you are to imitate Me and share what you have with those who are in need. Everything you have comes from the Father and therefore show Him your gratitude by giving also to those around you, who are less fortunate materially. Be kind and generous. If you do not have money to share, share your time, your food, your kindness. There is always something you have that can be shared. Love one another as I love you.”
“My children, do not be fooled by the way the world seems at this moment. Things may look good on the surface, My children and so you become complacent. Do not return to your former ways. Pray as I have asked you to pray. Read Scripture, frequent the Sacraments, fortify yourself with Holy Communion, My body, blood, soul and divinity. Why do you stay away from Me through the week when I await you in your churches and in the tabernacle? I have graces to pour out on the world, and will use My children to do so, but you remain in your homes, busy with your chores, or rushing to and from work, errands, school and countless places. You make time for many social events, My children, but you do not have time for your Jesus. Do not miss the opportunity for additional sacramental grace. There is much evil in the world and you need Me. Come to Me, My children and replenish that which the world robs from you. I will renew your spirits.”
“My child, pray especially hard this week. Continue the rosary novena to Me in honor of the archangels who serve Me so faithfully. Your intentions are heard in Heaven, child and they join the hundreds of other rosary novenas. My little lamb, your prayers and those of My children are not in vain. Through the prayers of My faithful followers, through Holy Mass and many sacrifices, evil is being held back. But the force of evil has already been given a stronghold, and in your nation the battle will only go to you if My children pray, pray, pray. There is no time for complacency. In days and centuries past, it was enough to lead a holy life and to raise your children in the light of truth and love. It requires more of you now, My children. It requires much more. My Children of Light, you are chosen by Me to be in this time in history because you take the things of faith to heart. You follow Me and know My voice, and you are given graces to see, graces to know the times. You must therefore, resolve to pray more, to sacrifice more and to frequent the Sacraments. It makes no difference how long the bridegroom is away, you must always be prepared and do not allow the oil in your lamps to be empty. Fill your soul with graces, My children by coming to Me and by receiving the Sacraments as often as possible. Bring your children to daily Mass so they will be filled with grace, also. My children, prioritize your lives by putting God in the first place. All else will take care of itself when you have your priorities in right order. Trust in Me. Do as I say. Do as My Word says. Do as My Church says. I speak through My Scripture and through My Church very clearly. Listen to Me, My children. I love you and I want all that is good for you. My Will is holy. My Will is perfect and is best for your souls. One day we will be celebrating together in My Kingdom. For now, be My witnesses, be My love. Spread the Good News, My children to bring more souls with you to Heaven.”
Jesus, thank You for Your Holy Word. Thank You for leading me to read the letter of Jude. Your Word is truly the Living Word, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Alleluia!
“My little lamb, such are the times in which you live.” (Jesus says this as if sighing.)
Poor, Jesus. I love You, Lord. We all love You, but I know that doesn’t console the empty places in Your heart, Jesus where Your own children are missing. Spread graces for conversion, Jesus. Spare the souls of those who are steeped in sin and evil. Only You can save them, Lord. Save them, Jesus. Save all souls.
“My little one, pray Divine Mercy chaplets for your brothers and sisters who are lost. Pray much for them, My child. You and your family pray the most holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Make this a priority and I will give you the time.”
Yes, Jesus. Help us, Lord to pray as You ask.
“I know that I ask more of you, My little one. I ask because I know you will say ‘yes,’ and because of the dire need for souls. If you were watching someone fall and they were grasping a branch of the side of a mountain, you would help them, My child. This is exactly what people are doing all around you. They are hanging from branches, ready to fall. They have no strength left to hold on for they have been left hanging with no assistance, no encouragement and they are growing very weak. Your prayers will bring them hope. My (name withheld), My (name withheld), My (name withheld), My little (name withheld) if you and My other children only saw the souls in need as I see them, you would easily pray more. This goes for all of My children. Times are dire; souls are at stake. Pray, My Children of Light. It is not the time to become lax. It is the time to enter the battle of prayer and do battle for souls. Ask St. Michael to assist you. Pray, pray, pray. This is all My child. This is what I am asking and what I need now from all of My children. It is time to take up arms, and by this, I mean the weapons of the most holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Fortify yourselves through fasting, Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Come to the water often. I will refresh your souls. Be peace, be mercy, be love, be joy. Be filled with My Holy Spirit. I want it. I Will it. Go now in My love. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be at peace and know I am with you.”
Amen! Alleluia! Praise be Jesus, true God and true Man!
Source: ➥