Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Lord ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You, believe, hope and adore You, my Lord and my King. Jesus, thank You for all You do for me. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. Thank You for my family, for my health and all blessings that come from You, Lord. Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. Help me, Jesus to love You more and more each day. Thank You for allowing me to meet the person and hear about (name withheld) for whom we have been praying for. (prayed for) Please resolve their situation, Lord in the way You Will for the best outcome for all of the souls involved. Praise You for healing (name withheld) and for the recovery of (name withheld). Jesus, You know all things. You know all who are physically, emotionally and spiritually ill. Please heal them all, Lord. Help our Church, Your Church in this summer of suffering. Purge our sinfulness, our pride, our haughtiness, our materialism and purify Your Church. Lord, I believe You that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, but there sure is a horrible battle raging. You, Lord will be victorious, but please spare those who have been wounded the most, the victims and the lives of their families. Heal them oh great Physician, my beautiful Jesus. Heal them and make them whole. Lord, bring all evil to light and purify us. Lord, a wound that is festering and full of infection must be lanced and drained. That is what I think You are doing with Your Church. You are splitting open the infected wound and draining the pus. Cleanse us, Jesus. Heal us, God our Savior, so that we can bring Your light to others, free of all infection. Jesus, there are places where gangrene has set in. In that case, physicians usually must amputate to save the limb. Lord, You are the only One who can heal something so severe. Please heal the limbs with gangrene, Jesus so they do not have to be cut off or separated forever. Save souls, Lord Jesus. Give miraculous graces for conversion, for repentance and for penance and sorrow in the hearts of those who have propagated these crimes and those who have hidden them so they could grow like cancer. Oh, Jesus You are the only One who can resolve this deep, dark, evil present in the Church and in the world. Come, Lord Jesus. Save us, Lord.
Jesus, there are some who want to become priests, who feel called to discern a priestly vocation but who are fearful of being entrusted to strangers. They should be safe in the arms of Mother Church but because of betrayal do not know where to go or who can be trusted. Lord, give them courage and strength. Show them what they must do and where it is safe for them to go to answer Your call, Your invitation. Blessed Mother, Queen and Mother of the Church, help Your children and Your holy priest sons and those called by God to the priesthood. Now, more than ever, we need holy priests and religious. We need more vocations to the priesthood. Help us to be prepared for what is to come. Guide us and show us the way. Protect our sons, our grandsons Blessed Mother so they may be formed into the image of Your Priest Son, the High Priest, Your Jesus. Blessed Mother, gather us within Your holy mantle and protect us from evil. Help us to grow in holiness so that we, Your littlest children can stand with You and Jesus against evil. May our lives be pure and holy, Mother so that we will be also a sign of contradiction to the world. We, Blessed Mother, want to love as You love Jesus; we want to love as St. Joseph loves Jesus; we want to love as Jesus taught us to love, but we have so far to go on the road to love. I have far to go on this road, Blessed Mother. Take my hand and guide me. Take me in the footsteps of Jesus, so that with Your guidance, I will learn to walk the way of the cross, which is the way of love.
“My child, My child, My child, it is true what you say abut My Church. It has been true for some time. The wound has been festering until it can no longer remain hidden. Many lives have been shattered by this evil, but I can repair torn and shattered lives. Believe it, My little lamb for it is true.”
Yes, Lord. I believe. I believe in You.
“My daughter, you are also correct in thinking the worst is not over. Do not focus on this, though for it is My job to clean house. Just as I threw the money changers out of the synagogue so will I purge this evil from My Church. They have profaned the House of the Lord, My Church. They have desecrated My holy ones who are tabernacles of My Holy Spirit. They must repent. They must put on the sackcloth and ashes of repentance or truly I say to them, it would be better for them had they never been born. They have harmed My little ones, some were like My little St. John who loved Me in purity and truth. They have betrayed Me, these evil men who pose as My priest sons, like the Apostle Judas. They must repent of their evil ways, approach Me with contrition and beg for healing. I am all merciful and I will forgive even the worst sins, but I know all hearts. They must open their hearts to Me so that I can apply the fire of My love like a cauterizing iron. My child, My little one, do not cry. Your heart is crying out to Me. Do not fear. You have seldom felt My anguish and My wrath, little one. I know it seems fierce to you, My lamb. I am gentle now. Be at peace.”
Jesus, You have every right to be our fierce Lion of Judah, for You are all holy and we are putrid sinners rotting from our spoiled hearts. Please save us, Jesus. Heal the wounds of all who have been victims and who have been robbed of their innocence and possibly from their love for You and Your Church. Oh, Jesus You are the One with righteous anger for You are God!
“Yes, My child. You know Me as your gentle, adorable Jesus, and your understanding comforts and consoles Me. All who are sacrificing, doing penance and beseeching Heaven, I tell you; your prayers are not falling on deaf ears, for God hears all, sees all, knows all. Your prayers, your sacrifices have helped bring the putrid stench out of the dark and into the light. It has to be so, My faithful, little ones. Trust in your Jesus to do the purging and the purifying. I am also counting on you to do your part. Love one another. Pray and fast. Especially, pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet given to you for just these times. Cleanse yourselves in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Gather your families and pray together the prayer of the rosary and offer it for the healing of My little innocent ones and for My Church. Do not be afraid to speak out for the protection of the most vulnerable. This is the day for separating the goats from the lambs. Speak out in truth and also in great love. Be My witnesses. Bring mercy to those who are in need of mercy. Bring peace, the peace of Christ, your Jesus, to those who are in the world and do not know peace. Be love, be joy, My children. ‘How can we be joy now, Jesus with all that has been revealed?’ you may ask. You, My Children of Light know Me. You possess the Holy Spirit who dwells in the hearts of God’s children. You know and have learned the truths of the faith and of eternal life. Your inheritance awaits you, and so you can be joy. You must be joy. You must also have the peace that I give to you, especially now, My children. Especially now, for you are My disciples. You must continue to share My Gospel. The Church will survive, My little ones, for I have said so and I Will it. It has been planned before creation. The Father’s plan will come to fruition and you are living in these evil days because your lives are needed now, in this very time in history. Your lives, your souls, your love has been placed here at this time, to spread My love and to give My mercy in this time of great darkness. This is when the Children of Light will shine brighter than before because of the darkness in the hearts of mankind. You, Children of Light are the Church. Bring the downtrodden, the victimized, the lowly, the poor, the oppressed, the poor in spirit, into My Church. Welcome them. Teach them. Love them. It was no different in My days on earth. Those who accepted Me were the ones in need of a doctor and the ones who were looked down upon by society as well as the little children and those with pure hearts. They still exist today, My children and they are in need of their Savior. Go to them. Love them. Show them the way. Be love and mercy, peace and joy. I will give you every grace needed in these days. My Mother and Her little army, you, My children, will defeat satan with your love, your holiness, humility and purity. You must answer evil with holiness and humility. Look at My Mother and be humble, kind and meek as She was and is. She is the Holy Mother of the living God and She has nothing to do with evil. It has never touched Her. Be like Her, My children. Pray for this great grace, to become holy as My Mother is holy. She will guide you and teach you. She is the Mother of Grace. Do not be afraid. All of Heaven will assist you. I love you. Live holy lives and be pleasing to God the Eternal Father. All will be well. Trust in Me.”
“My child, you may go now. Thank you for honoring My passion and My blood today, My child.* You consoled My wounded heart.”
I wish I could stay with You longer, my sweet Jesus.
“Yes, I know My daughter, but you are off on an act of mercy and you must go now. I go with you and I will be with you all week. Go in My peace. I bless you in My name, in My Father’s name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Thank You, my Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you. Pray, My dearest little one. Pray. Be at peace and be love.”
Amen, Jesus. I will do what I can with Your grace, Lord. Thank You, Jesus.
*Note: This is a reference to having prayed the precious blood prayers during Adoration that Jesus gave to Barnabus Nowye.
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