Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. It is so good to be here with You. Thank You for this oasis of peace. It is so quiet and restful here with You. Praise You, Lord and thank You for Holy Mass this morning. Happy Feast of Pentecost, Holy Spirit! What a glorious day it is, the birthday of the Church! Holy Spirit, lover of souls, help me to love You more. Jesus, Word of God, Prince of Peace, Redeemer of the world, thank You for Your protection and love. Thank You for Your presence with me, Jesus. Lord, please heal those who are ill, especially (names withheld). Please give them Your peace, comfort and consolations. Help their family members, too Jesus. Give them extra graces for peace, patience, forbearance and heroic love. May they also feel Your closeness and graces for wisdom and judgement as they walk beside their loved ones who are suffering. Lord, please help (names withheld) especially during the challenges ahead, and please if it is Your Will bring healing Jesus. You are the great physician, Lord and can do all things. I trust in You, Jesus.
Lord, thank You for the many people who came to my assistance last week. They were strangers, Lord but were good Samaritans to me and I am so very grateful. Bless them all, Jesus. They are experiencing trials themselves but in spite of the adversities they are undergoing, they reached out to me after my accident and helped, each in his or her own way. You worked through those good people to show me Your love. Thank You, Lord. Thank You for getting me through last week and for the kindness of (names withheld) helping to get me home safely. Lord, there are many good and kind people in the world. Praise You, Lord. It is because of You that there is goodness in the world. Because of Your love and mercy, You inspire goodness in Your children. Thank You, Holy Spirit lover of my soul, lover of all souls.
“My child, you are most welcome. I am pleased when My children aid and assist one another. This is by My design. I created My children to love and be loved, to have mercy and to be mercy to others. I accept your offering, My child. Your suffering is benefitting others. This is a mystery to you now, My little lamb; one day you will come to understand. Do not be concerned, My little one. Have I not told you I am with you? I will be with you next week. I care about each trial and each difficulty you face and we face them together. I will not abandon you. Rely on Me in all things. What you said about Me allowing various circumstances to help you grow in your dependence upon Me, is quite true. You are aware of the ways I work in your life. This awareness of My hand in your life is good and comes from knowing Me well. My children know Me, know the sound of My voice, the movements in their lives. You know and are aware of My presence because you have grown in your love for Me. This is My plan for all of My children. This is My desire. Through prayer, openness and grace, all can grow in the knowledge and love of God. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you, My little children. I am waiting for you with open arms. Come to Me. I am here for you.”
“My child, My child, you are suffering. I am very aware of each pain and I accept them and offer your pain and difficulties to My Father. Continue to bring each burden and trial to Me. Thank you for suffering patiently. Together, we can do all things.”
Jesus, You can do all things! You can do anything You Will to do. I am simply along for the ride, so to speak and I surrender my will to You, Lord. It seems odd for You to say, ‘together we can do all things.’ It’s fine when we say this (Your creatures) meaning I am weak, but You are strong and You work through Your weak instruments to accomplish Your Will in the world. It just sounds different when You say it, but of course it is true. You are always the all-powerful, all knowing and ever-present Lord working through mere creatures who are open to You. So, regardless it is still a true statement and of course You are the author of the Scripture passage.
“Yes, My child. I am.”
“My daughter, I am pleased that you came today in spite of your pain. I would like you to be restful and prepare for the week ahead. I assure you of My presence in each day and evening. Rely on Me and trust in My care and protection. My plan will continue to unfold each day. Remain alert, for I will use you, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). I am also using (names withheld) and each member of your family. Look for Me in your fellow man; in each person you meet. Be a sign for others, pointing to Me, to the way of love. Each day brings you closer to Me and to My Kingdom. It also brings you nearer to the time in which the great trials will reach a climax. Each meeting you have, no matter how brief, with others has the opportunity to bring My grace into the moment. All encounters can impact souls for the better or worse. My children are to impact others for the good of the Kingdom. Even, the youngest children can do this, through their innocence, their love for life and their closeness to Me and to the angels. I assure you again that all of Heaven prays for those on earth during your pilgrimage to Heaven. I remind each one of My children to request the intercession of the saints in Heaven who are your older brothers and sisters in faith. We are together, the family of God. I am your Brother, Savior, Friend and your Lord. We, all who love, are one. Remain true to the Faith which has been handed down to you through My Apostles. I encourage and invite My children to frequent the Sacraments. Do not take the Sacraments for granted My children. You do not know whether you will have access to them and you will lament the many opportunities missed because of being preoccupied with other activities. There is nothing more important than union with Me.”
Thank You, Lord. Help us to frequent the Sacraments. Thank You for the many opportunities You provide through Your holy priest sons. Bless and protect them, Lord. Help them to persevere in this difficult time.
“My child, your mission of service to My holy priest sons has not changed. This is an ongoing preparation and mission which will come to fruition. Continue to be friends, sister and brother to My priests. I am in them and especially so when they are administering My Sacraments to My children. When you love and serve them you are loving and serving Me. This is true for each one of My children and there is a deeper significance when you do so for those who are consecrated to Me. Be sure of My special assistance in these matters. I am with You, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). Trust in Me and in all I have told you. Even though you do not understand everything, trust in Me. You will look back one day and will reflect on My words and how the events of your lives were guided by My Will. Yes, My children, even the most difficult of days. I do not cause difficulties, for I am the author of life, Prince of Peace and I am perfect order and unity; however, I can take everything and transform it for My glory, for My Kingdom and for the good of My beautiful children. I say beautiful, because all of My children were created in My image and likeness and have beauty within their souls. All those I will create are also in My image and likeness and are beautiful. Anything else, other than innocence, pureness and goodness is not of Me, but is due to free will and freely choosing sin. However, I am able to see what was once there and what can be there again, the beauty of love, the purity that comes from repentance, forgiveness and conversion. And so, I say that all of My children are beautiful. Learn to see the beauty in others, My children. Learn to see with My eyes, with My heart. Each person, no matter how old, no matter how young, no matter how imperfect, flawed or sinful, is My child. Do not write anyone off, My Children of the Renewal, for each soul can be a new creation in Me. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Offer sacrifices for the salvation of souls. This is what I ask of you. This is My request. I am depending upon your ‘yes’ to Me. Give Me your ‘yes’ My children, for I need you and your brothers and sisters need you.”
“‘How can You need us?’ you may ask. ‘You are God and have no need for us!’ My children, I am telling you now I need you. Because I love you, I need you. I decided long ago and this is God the Father’s plan, that our children, cooperating with the Triune God, will help bring about the conversion of the world. When I came among you, I became one of you, at one with the human race, yet still with My Divine nature. By doing so, not only did I redeem you with My blood shed on Calvary, but this act, My incarnation, restored unity with God and mankind. Therefore, it restored mankind’s role for the human race. This is why My adversary wishes to destroy the lives of My children, to snatch souls from My Kingdom and rob you of your inheritance. My adversary has no power over you if you do not give him power. My Holy Spirit dwelling within you is all that is needed to defeat the enemy. Seek guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. He will guide you in all things. He guides My Church on earth and therefore, it is vitally important that you follow Church teachings and the magisterium. I promised to be with you until the ends of the age through My Holy Spirit. My Spirit guides the Church and so follow My Spirit by following and being united to My Church. Pray for My Vicar on earth. Pray for My Church and all members of the Body of Christ. Love the Church, for in this way, you show your love for Me. Be peace, be mercy, be love and be joy, My children. This is what I ask of you who love Me. This, My children is what the world so desperately needs. Come, take My hand. Take My Mother’s hand. Together we will walk with you as you journey through your life on earth. You may not see every step of the way, but we do. Trust in Me, My Children of Light and one day you will be known as Children of the Renewal. I will pour out My Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Keep this in sight and the trials will be much more bearable. Call on Me and I will assist you. Your brothers and sisters in Heaven will also assist you.”
“My little suffering soul, My little lamb, I love you. Go now in My love and in My peace. I bless you in My Father’s name in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Enjoy our time together, My child, even when you suffer. This is a grace filled time.”
Yes, My adorable Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥