Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Adoration Chapel


Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Praise You, my Lord and my God. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. Mass was beautiful as always, Jesus. Lord, be with Father in a special way (circumstances withheld). Lord, Your Will be done. Console Your priests, please Jesus. I know they are very close to Your Sacred Heart. Jesus, I lift up all who are ill, especially those who are dying. Please comfort and console them. Help them to give their ‘yes’ to You. Help them all to believe in and trust in You. I pray for (name withheld) who is dying. Take her soul to Heaven, Jesus. Please comfort (name withheld and her family). Help all those who have had surgeries, to recover fully. Jesus, please be with (name withheld) tomorrow during her procedure. Help her to fight off infections, Lord so that she can proceed with having the needed surgery. She is in a lot of pain, Jesus. Please ease her discomfort. Lord, I also pray for an end to violence, for peace in the world and in our hearts. Pour out Your Holy Spirit and renew the earth, Jesus. Help those who do not know You to experience Your love. I pray for our country, Jesus that we will turn our hearts toward You once again. Bring the souls who are outside of the Church into the fold. May we all be one, Jesus just as You prayed.

Jesus, have You anything to say today?

“Yes, My little one, I have much work for you. Spread My love, My grace to all you meet. Bring My peace and mercy to others. Make each meeting with others, a time of meeting with Me. Give them My love. I will direct you when you don’t know what to say. I will be with you. Invite Me to each meeting, My child. There is much to do for the Kingdom. Do not be anxious about the scope of responsibility. It is not too much for Me. I will open doors and take you where I want you to go. You will be able to cross into many areas and meet with various people others do not have access. Be My ambassador, My little lamb.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.

“My child, the work I have for you will not be too difficult. It will not overwhelm you. Recall that I said, I do not set My children up for failure. Bring everything to Me and we will work together. The real work is being love to others. Focus on this. Be love through service, My child.”

Thank You, Lord. It is reassuring to know You are with me and at work, even now before I start this new project. I trust You, Lord. It will be exciting to see what You have in store in this new endeavor.

“My daughter, this month there is much at stake in the world. Pray for peace. Pray for the leaders of nations. Offer sacrifices for your lost brothers and sisters and for those who are being persecuted for My sake. Pray for conversion for the lost and hard-hearted souls who are far from Me.”

Okay, Jesus. We will pray.

Jesus, thank You for this time of peace and tranquility. This is just what I needed. It is so very good to be here with You today. I am grateful for this Adoration Chapel. Lord direct us regarding our next move and help us to know where You want us to be.

“My child, meditate on My passion and death. Focus on My salvific act for the world. I came to redeem all mankind. Pray for this redemption to be desired in the hearts of man. I do not want even one soul lost, so pray.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You! Jesus, You said that whatever we ask You during the 3:00 hour You will grant. I offer You the Divine Mercy Chaplet I prayed today for peace and for those who do not know You and do not love You. I pray for conversion and for all people to desire redemption and salvation, that only You offer. Please may it be so, Lord.

“I love you, My daughter. You are precious to Me. Regarding your concerns, wait upon and trust in Me. I am at work even when you do not see or understand. Know that My plan will be carried out concerning your pastor. This difficulty, this cross seems heavy now but in time he will understand the wisdom in My plan. My child, comfort is not the goal for My disciples, but doing the work of God, serving where service is needed and obedience. My holy priest sons are needed in many regions of the world and their specific gifts put to use where I Will. I work through My Church and when some do their own will, I work through it for good. Remember, I am molding and forming souls for the Kingdom; not for this world but for the heavenly Kingdom. Trust in Me.”

Yes, Jesus. I trust in You. Help soothe the wounds caused by disappointment, Lord. I know that Your plan is far greater than anything we see in human terms. May Your Holy Will always be done, Jesus. Lord, please guide and direct those who are graduating from high school and university. Keep them safe from harm; spiritual, emotional and physical harm. Be with the seminarians, Lord and with (name withheld) as he graduates from minor seminary and enters major seminary. Thank You for our priests, brothers, and religious.

“You are welcome, My child. I know of your plans today and for the week ahead of you. Go now in My peace and in My love. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love, be mercy, be joy to all you meet. In this way, hearts will be open to receive the Good News of your Jesus.”

Thank You, Lord. I love You.

“And I love you, My little one.”

Source: ➥