Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
We are to read this message from the 20th Sunday after Pentecost!
Love Your Enemies and Pray for Those Who Hate You

October 2, 20th Sunday after Pentecost and Feast of Guardian Angels. The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, on the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, on October 2, 2016, we also celebrated the Feast of the Guardian Angels at the same time. It was preceded by a dignified, Holy Sacrifice Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.
The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening golden light. The angels moved in and out from outside. They clustered around the tabernacle during the Holy Sacrifice Mass. The tabernacle angels also knelt down. The altar of Mary was again abundantly decorated with flowers. The salmon-colored roses were adorned with small glittering stones that looked like diamonds and with white pearls. Our Lady's white mantle was studded with many glittering little stones. Her crown was also adorned with diamonds and rubies. During the Holy Sacrifice Mass, She held Her blue rosary aloft several times.
Heavenly Father will speak today.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak today and at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.
Beloved little flock, beloved followship and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. All of you have willingly responded to My call today and have joined in the celebration of the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. You are called, you who believe in the Holy Trinity. You give joy and comfort to My Son Jesus Christ, because you want to be there for Him. You want to sacrifice everything to atone for these many sacrileges committed today in modernism. Yes, My beloved ones, everything must be atoned for. There are many sacrifices that you have to make. Repeat again and again, "Yes, Father, the sacrifices You ask of me I will gladly make, for You accompany me on this path. You protect me from all dangers and most surely send me the guardian angels today."
You, My beloved ones, have several guardian angels because you need them since the evil one is so gravely strong in this very last time. Ask these guardian angels to descend upon you. They will accompany you on your difficult path. They will protect you from the evil one. Saint Michael the Archangel will also keep all evil from you, as He did today, on this day.
You are called to believe, because you do not need miracles. But many people today cannot believe, because they have become godless in this present time.
That is why I, the Heavenly Father, have decided to work miracles.
What you saw yesterday on the Internet, My beloved little one, is true. Yes, I will work miracles of grace around you and through you. That is what I have promised you, as Heavenly Father.
Believe and trust more deeply, so that you do not become weak when the evil one attacks you, because the evil one has and exercises an incalculable power in this last time. The Holy Angels, at your behest, will have to keep everything away from you that disturbs you. You must trust deeply to believe, because you are My beloved ones and I give you Divine power. You give My Son Jesus Christ the consolation He is waiting for and needs.
The priests today are once again crucifying Him. This is very bitter for My Son, who did everything for humanity to redeem it. Especially today He wants to work conversion miracles to make humanity aware. But unfortunately, the priests still do not believe. They do not trust in the omnipotence of the Triune God. They exercise their own power and obey mammon.
I, the Heavenly Father, will now have to work miracles of conversion more often than before.
The Holy Guardian Angel, whom you celebrate today, has great power, especially today, on this day. Call upon Him so that He may accompany you especially on this day and pour out these many graces.
As you know, this house church is merged with the house chapel in Mellatz. This, of course, multiplies the graces that are given away to many who ask for the graces and need them.
You, My beloved ones, are feeling My special love today, on this day. How often have I told you that I love you, even inexpressibly and unfathomably. You are My faithful because you believe and also atone. You want to make sacrifices for these many offenses of this church. The priests are still standing at the people's altar today. They distribute the hand communion and order the lay people to distribute My Holy Body. All are sacrileges that must be atoned for. The priest sons are still not ready to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. They are convinced that they have to follow Vatican II because the bishops dictate it to them. They cannot form their own opinion and run after the general stream of confusion.
My Heavenly Mother wants to see the conversion miracles of Her priest sons.
You, My little one, atone with your little flock and the followship. This followship is important for you because you are in the spotlight of the evil one. The evil one wants to stop you. He is trying to overthrow you. But, unfortunately, he cannot stop you from the truth. Think of your circle of light that forms around you. Think of all the love with which I shower you. Yes, the evil one is going around and wants to devour everything that is still possible for him in this very last time. If a person is willing to follow him, he initiates a triumphal procession. I, your Heavenly Father, must watch as many fall away in this confusion and many commit themselves to evil.
Is this not bitter for your Heavenly Father, who has done everything for His priests? I want to stop all from evil and draw them to My side with Divine love.
Ask yourselves now, all My beloved ones, do you not want to atone and make sacrifices? Do you want to prove to Me that you recognize Me as your Heavenly Father? Or do you want to live in this confusion that you are taught?
Without miracles, very few believe in this day and age. They want to be convinced and want to fathom everything. Only then can they be convinced of faith.
But true faith means seeing nothing and yet believing.
I would like quite a few priests to convert and not fall into the eternal abyss. I have a longing for a large number of priests to increase. They are loved by My Son Jesus Christ, who offers them opportunities again and again so that they can and want to convert. My Son longs for a Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by the priest sons.
Unfortunately, today these priests are not willing to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Eucharist. Unfortunately, even today they stand at the people's altar and turn their backs to My Son, celebrating the so-called Mass to the people. They are convinced that this is true and do not even develop a guilty conscience. They say, "that's what the Second Vatican Council says, that we must obey our bishop." They don't feel it that the misbelief is holding them captive and the evil one has entered this modernist church and is keeping people away from the true faith.
I, the Heavenly Father, will work. Then, when no one expects it, My intervention will take place. Pray that the judgment will not come upon mankind. Pray that there will not be a third world war, because it will be cruel.
My beloved ones, how much I love each one of you to embrace you.
And yet, today there are so many who live godlessly as if I had never existed and the world had come into being out of nothing. These people have already lost their minds and are wandering haphazardly.
Believe that today in the Islamic faith thousands of people want to repent because they recognize My love, for which they have always longed. But unfortunately, they have been taught hatred and are unhappy. They are looking for true happiness and that is Divine love. Their reversals will become fruitful for the German land. You cannot imagine the intensity with which they are converting to Christianity. Catholic Christians today have turned to other religions and even to idols.
Where am I, the Heavenly Father? Am I still in demand? I love all people and I want to prove it to everyone today.
If a single person calls Me "Father," I will almost melt with tenderness, for I love with a Divine love that has nothing to do with human love. Often you do not understand Me when I want to approach you and you reject Me. Even if all would become godless, I would still reveal My love, because I love the enemies. I came for the sinners and not for those who have already turned back.
Believe that I love all people and call you to love your enemies. "Love your enemies and pray for those who hate you." Only then are you My friends. The Kingdom of Heaven is near for all who believe in Me and walk My path of truth.
Pray for all so that they may finally feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to descend upon all. The Holy Guardian Angels will pour out many graces today on all people who accept this grace.