Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, October 9, 2023

October 7, 2023, Feast of the Rosary.

I Am the Mother of Beautiful Love and I Want to Be Mother to You to Make Your Daily Life More Worth Living


October 7, 2023, Feast of the Rosary

This message is to give people new hope.


October 7, 2018, Feast of the Rosary. Our Lady speaks into the computer through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne at 5:00 pm.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

I, your dear and Heavenly Mother speak now and at this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats the words that come from Me today.

My beloved Marian children, as you know, Satan's battle against you, My beloved Marian children, has been going on for a long time. He tries again and again to dissuade you, My beloved ones, from the truth and to deceive you with lies. He is cunning and tries it with all means and people who willingly place themselves at his disposal. Take care that you do not succumb to the evil one. Pray the St. Michael exorcism often and again. It should be a spiritual support for you in these special hostilities.

You, My beloved ones, celebrate today My special day when I will pour out many graces upon you. Keep yourselves attached to My Immaculate Heart. This heart beats for you and shall be a special support for you in this most difficult time of temptations.

People are looking for special help as they face many disputes in their families. Nowhere can they find a hearing that will take away this hopelessness in today's world. People are so covered with their own worries that they do not want to and cannot spare time for other people and their problems.

My beloved ones, unfortunately My special feast is not venerated enough, because most people have forgotten how to pray the rosary. They also no longer believe in the power of this ladder to heaven and refrain from praying. Apostasy and godlessness are having an ever more extensive and serious effect in many areas of Europe.

Germany is particularly affected. People here have forgotten how to pray. They enjoy life in the world and are subject to all kinds of addictions. But they do not grasp the straw that I, the Heavenly Mother, throw to them. They do not take hold of My help. They turn to other religions that grant them special promises.

The true Catholic Church is doomed because prayer, sacraments and sacrifices are put last.

My beloved children, pray especially for Germany. It must become your duty not to let your own country be trampled underfoot. Revolt when they want to take away your patriotism. Your country must appear important to you. Form groups with whom you can spend hours of prayer together. Offer everything to save your fatherland. Wake up My beloved ones and go to the battle, because it must be fought. You cannot stand idly by while your country is destroyed by the Islamists.

The church bells must surpass the prayers of the mosques. All that is being negotiated in the mosques is how to accelerate terrorism with weapons. Show all people that you belong to a faith of love. They themselves teach hatred and kill their own children if they are not willing to spread and live their own faith.

They can rape their own women and they must be in bondage to them. The woman counts for nothing in Islam. The man can take several wives and the women are to serve them. They are forcibly married at an early age and are not allowed to rebel against it. Otherwise, they are threatened with life. My beloved, is this a belief that brings peace to families? No !!!

I am the Mother of beautiful love and I want to be Mother to you, to make your daily life more worth living. Why do you not listen to My words? I want to help you in every situation, for I am your Heavenly Mother who loves you and brings your worries before the throne of the Heavenly Father. You shall be safe in love. Come all of you under My sheltering mantle, for I want to protect you.

Believe in My words, for a cruel time is coming upon you all. The famines and many other diseases and pestilences will be brought to you by the foreign inhabitants and you will not be able to be supplied with medicines because these diseases are not known in your Germany.

The borders will not be closed and disaster will come upon you all. Do you really think that these weather conditions have a normality in this autumn season? Do you still not believe that Heavenly Father's intervention has taken place? The fruits of the earth and on the trees are withering because the earth has not received rain for a long time. The meteorologists are giving you false reports because they do not agree with the weather stations. You are being lied to and deceived and you do not even realize it.

The Heavenly Father's arm of wrath can no longer be stopped by Me, for the measure has been exceeded. People continue to live out their worldly desires and do not think that there really is a Triune God who holds the scepter firmly in His hand. The loving and Triune God cannot be deceived and lied to. He is and remains truthful, for He is love and that love cannot be surpassed.

All people He wants to save from eternal damnation. He gives knowledge and warnings to all to make them wake up. He does not leave them alone in their ignorance.

I am the motherly love that surrounds them and never will I withhold the warnings against Islam. I will awaken them from deep sleep with My motherly care. My many tears that I have cried for My children shall not have been in vain.

The evil one is especially targeting My Marian children and that is why they are receiving special protection from Me and My legions of angels. They are ready and waiting for your cries for help. They will rush to meet you and helpfully stand by your side. Call upon them at all times, My beloved children. You are the beloved of the Heavenly Father, you who pray and sacrifice.

My atonement souls, you have a lot to endure in this most difficult time and you have to bear many things that often go far beyond your limits. Often you cannot understand that Heavenly Father allows so much suffering. The people who have to endure a lot are Heavenly Father's favorites. With suffering, they follow Him, because without the cross and suffering, man will not reach holiness.

I ask you My beloved ones to persevere, for you can save Germany from destruction. You have the heavenly chain, the rosary. It contains the whole life of Jesus Christ and Our Lady. When you pray it, you are directly connected to Heaven, which never leaves you alone. Do not let anyone tell you that it is outdated. Tradition will never change and the loving God will always remain the same. His love for people will never end. People change, but the loving God of the Trinity never changes. He is concerned about every person who goes astray and wants to save him.

Therefore, My beloved atonement souls, persevere, you will be richly rewarded by Heaven. Give yourselves completely to Him, then He will always make His dwelling in your hearts and the evil one will find no place.

Therefore, on this special day of grace and honor, give yourselves abundantly, for the rosary is worth its weight in gold. You just have to appreciate it. Take it in your hands at any time of the day that you can spare. Then, even at this time when Islam threatens to overtake you, nothing can happen to you. You will be saved from all harm and you will get the knowledge to do what is right and to refrain from doing what is evil.

I love you, My beloved Marian children, and protect you. I am with you and lead you to the Father. Let yourselves be directed and guided, for you are weak and sinful people in need of true love.

I bless you with all the angels and saints, indeed with the entire angelic host in the Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Be vigilant, for the evil enemy wants to lead you astray from the truth and is still striking his final blow today. Do not forget his cunning, for he is waiting for your apostasy.


