Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Gaudete Sunday, 3rd Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, on the 3rd Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Joy, we celebrated in all reverence the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were so richly decorated with flowers as they had never been before. The Blessed Mother was surrounded by a sea of flowers. Her white coat was radiant and her crown sparkled with many diamonds and pearls. Her rosary was white like her coat. The angels and also the archangels moved in and out. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today, on Gaudete Sunday, the Sunday of Joy, I want to give you a special message.

What does Gaudete or Freudensonntag mean to you? "Rejoice, My beloved ones, rejoice every day, for My second coming is near. You will be allowed to celebrate the birth of My Son, the Son of God, on Christmas. There will also be a big event that you cannot believe. "Rejoice, yes rejoice, for the Lord is near." You, my beloved ones, who believe, cannot even grasp it. But also you, who do not believe, will fall down in horror and also in astonishment because true miracles will precede, which I had already prophesied to you.

You, My beloved ones, you long for the fulfillment of your desires. I know about your concerns. But you are to rejoice today, on this Sunday of joy, at the coming great feast, Christmas. You should not complain about your worries and needs, which you have naturally. But the joy should be predominant in your hearts today. Through this you receive the Divine Power. And this gift of grace is necessary for you in this difficult time. Let it flow deep into your hearts. Do not worry about fulfilling your personal wishes. They will be given to you in due time. That which you cannot conceive will happen. You will not experience everything at once, but step by step I will give you to recognize my plan. You shall believe and trust, even if you see nothing. Everything will be arranged and will be in order. Everything is revealed in my justice.

Do not worry about the fulfillment of your desires, for your Heavenly Father knows about all that is hidden in your hearts. You should feel the satisfaction in your hearts and also the gratitude and joy. This great festival is now just around the corner.

You have prepared yourselves and will continue to do so. Many victims preceded these days. You like to say 'Yes, Father' over your lips. "As you will, so shall it be done. We accept our cross as you have provided for it. You will give us the strength we need for this feast of Christmas. There is a lot we cannot capture. You will let the Divine Power flow into our hearts. Your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory will give us many things so that we will always show the willingness to accept our cross. Even if it often seems too difficult, Our Lady will give us the grace to persevere until the end. Many things, my beloved ones, you will not be able to grasp because the coming time is unfathomable for you and so great that I can only explain it to you in individual steps, as your human intellect cannot grasp it.

You will not fathom the greatness of my coming and your redemption. So pray, sacrifice and atone. Above all, hold out until the last end.

The enemies are numerous also in this time and they will above all in the last time try to dissuade you from the truth.

Therefore I say to you, rejoice, rejoice every day so that you do not lose your strength. I love you and am with you every day until my coming. You can look forward to this because you are prepared for my coming. Your dearest mother, the Holy Archangel Michael and also your guardian angels will protect you from evil. Ask everyone down so that you do not succumb to temptation. Also you, my beloved ones, will not be able to grasp the greatness of my coming. Therefore rejoice, for heaven is near.

The sky will show itself with many visible events. The event will announce itself with a trombone blow. Then the brightly shining cross will appear all over the firmament. You are then no longer the persecuted, but the victims and the recipients of the gifts of all world events. You can never grasp that.

Remember that from this small place Mellatz will emanate everything that even you cannot grasp, because it is My house, My house of glory, that I have built for myself. You are My tools who have followed Me. About that I alone will determine what will happen there. Everything will be contained in My Divine Plan. You will be amazed how this happens.

Hold out, for My love is boundless and will inflame your hearts. These flames of love will go far beyond your minds.

I love you and bless you in the Trinity with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rejoice, rejoice every day, for I am with you. The wishes of your heart will be fulfilled.


