Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

by your willing, obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, December 13, 2017, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of the Sacrifice and the altar of the Virgin Mary were richly decorated with various beautiful flowers. The angels moved in and out. They grouped themselves around the tabernacle and adored the Blessed Sacrament. They conveyed peace and gratitude. They fell on her face in awe. They also paid homage to the Blessed Mother and thanked her for the love of God that she wants to give us. It is of course worth much more than if we would experience human love. This love cannot be compared with human love.

The Blessed Mother will speak today, December 13th, Fatima, Rosa Mystica and Guadeloupe Day: I, your dearest Mother, your Queen and Victress in all the battles of God, speak today, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me.

I, your dearest mother, am with you At this moment I want to impart to you the instructions of heaven. It is a great joy and gratitude for you to be able to celebrate this day with a Holy Mass of Sacrifice. I, your dearest Mother, give you daily the graces and the readiness of Divine Graces. They are the gifts of heaven. You are the presentees.

Often you experience many things in the world that do not make you happy and content. But you can give thanks because the grace of the Triune God is at work. The contentment will give you inner peace. You, know that the Heavenly Father still has possibilities when your possibilities are exhausted. He will help and assist you in every situation.

You experience this inner happiness, the satisfaction even when your possibilities are exhausted. Despair does not seize you because peace has entered into your hearts.

Gratitude, inner peace and the joy of the birth of the Christ Child, this is your preparation time for Christmas. Inner peace remains with you because faith permeates your heart. You can still be happy, even if the world is in chaos. The impossibilities of the world shall not seize you. I often ask you for more patience and perseverance. Trust more firmly and deeply and do not let anyone take this faith away from you.

Often it becomes difficult for you. But then you comfort the Heavenly Father with your perseverance. Trust him and not on human help. It can be fallible, because man can be wrong in his feelings.

Believe and trust when the cross weighs heavily on your shoulders. Accept it. It is the greatest happiness to accept your cross as the Heavenly Father expects you to do. For this cross serves you for your salvation.

Especially in this time of preparation for Christmas, you are called to take upon yourselves, as atonement for the apostate priests, everything that seems unpleasant to you. You can make many sacrifices. You should trust when your human possibilities are exhausted. Then heaven can work in you. When you are powerless in the face of difficulties, Heaven will take every opportunity to protect you and prove His love to you. Continue to bear witness to the true faith, do not keep silent when you are to bear witness to it, even if it seems unpleasant to you to confess it before the others. The testimony of faith is very important in this time of crisis of the Catholic faith.

I wish from you, that in this time you may give heaven the joy of witnessing and thanking Him as the highest good. This gratitude causes an inner peace. This peace passes on to other people who could not believe until now. You can save priests if you believe and trust deeply.

There are many priests who have not been open to the faith until now. Suddenly through your prayer and sacrifice they are encouraged to want to believe. This allows them to change their lives from one minute to the next.

There will be conversion miracles in this pre-Christmas period. Through your atonement and prayer alone, you can save many priest souls.

I thank you, My beloved children of Mary, that you have held out so far and have not despaired. You have not given up, but have persevered until the present day.

I, your dearest mother, love you I bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Believe and trust, because the love of the Heavenly Father is decisive for you. For you it means to celebrate the pre-Christmas season in a Christian, catholic and festive way. Rejoice every day, My beloved ones, because the day of the Second Coming of the Heavenly Father is not far away.


