Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father and Father Kentenich speak after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through their tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of Saint Luke. On this great feast day, the altar of sacrifice as well as the altar of Mary was bathed in glittering silver and golden light. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass I received light signs from the Mother Thrice Admirable and from Father Kentenich here in this house chapel in Mellatz. The Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt showed herself in full splendor, as well as the Immaculate Mother and Queen of the Victory of Wigratzbad. The statue of Christ shone in a bright glow and the hearts of Jesus and the Mother of God were joined together during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Her halo was brightly illuminated. This house chapel in Mellatz had a sacred atmosphere. The rays of grace again went far beyond Mellatz. Today an earth-shattering message will follow.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, wish that you take this objection very much to heart, for I am speaking today again through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats only words that come from heaven. Today My beloved Father Kentenich will speak from heaven, who founded the Schoenstatt Movement on October 18, 1914. This is a special day. I have already canonized My beloved Father Kentenich in heaven. Today, he will proclaim groundbreaking words for the entire Schoenstatt Movement. These words will be earth-shattering. It will be sent to the Father Kentenich House. A copy will be sent to Sister Luciane, your mother's sister. You have been separated from Schoenstatt because you, My beloved little one, should go this single way also for the Schoenstatt Family.

You have taken this path with your beloved Catherine, as I wanted you to, because you made the deepened Covenant of Love with the motto: "Be like Mary, pure and holy monstrance that carried Christ the Lord" and thus you are anchored in Schoenstatt. You, My beloved little one, have additionally made the Joseph Engling Consecration, namely on Christmas Eve 1991, and have offered your life for Schoenstatt. But the Heavenly Father did not accept it, because you were healed from your severe pancreatic disease on this Holy Night. On February 18, 2005 you, My little group, closed the Marian Garden for the entire Movement of Priests and Fathers and for all the branches of Schoenstatt.

You, My beloved son of the priest, as the spiritual guide of My beloved daughter Anne, have chosen the lily, you, My little Catherine the sunflower and you, My little Anne, the violet. You have planted yourselves in the Mariengarten. This message is also present in Schoenstatt.

Now Father Kentenich says: I, your beloved Father Kentenich, wish that you continue on this Schoenstatt way. I would like to inform everyone in the Schoenstatt Movement that I have had visions and appeals in 'Heavenwards'. I, Father Kentenich, would like to confess that I saw the Schoenstatt Work in danger and unfortunately I did not publish that at that time these visions and objections came from heaven. I had contact with Marienfried and with the visionary Bärbel Rueß. I was very sorry that I did not include her as a visionary in the Schoenstatt Movement. I hid it from them and I am heartily sorry.

But you, My little one, have now continued on this path for me, for me, your beloved Father Kentenich, who did not leave his little flock, his Schoenstatt children, alone. Every day you sacrifice for Schoenstatt, My beloved little Anne and pray in heavenwards. It is very important. This brings many graces for the Schoenstatt Family.

I, Father Kentenich, do not want in any case to be recognized and beatified or canonized by this false prophet Francis. In Heaven I am already and from there I speak, My beloved Schoenstatt Family that I was allowed to found. Today I am grateful that you, my beloved little Anne, have also taken on this mission of Schoenstatt through your atonement, your sacrifice and your prayer, through a serious heart operation that you gave me as a sacrifice for Schoenstatt, as well as your pancreatic disease and the aneurysm. Afterwards one serious illness followed after the other.

For two years now you have not seen your home town. On Tuesday you will appear in Göttingen with your beloved little group. I, Father Kentenich and also the angels will accompany you. Today the atonement soul Monika is already going to Göttingen and will prepare everything for your coming. Everything is secured and lies within the plan of the Heavenly Father, who forgets nothing and protects you in every situation.

Yes, My beloved children, this is what it is like in Schoenstatt today. One still holds the meal fellowship to the people. And what does heaven want? He wants the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V, which was canonized in 1570 and not after 1962, because it must not be changed. The Heavenly Father desires that Holy Communion be distributed only by the sons of priests, kneeling and as oral communion. This has not happened in Schoenstatt so far. Furthermore, the Heavenly Father desires that the Church become as it was structured in Schoenstatt. The divisions were revealed to me from heaven. Schoenstatt should not lose its mission, although Germany has lost it.

Yes, my beloved little flock, that's what it looks like. The Mother Thrice Admirable Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt will win the victory as well as the Immaculate Mother and Queen of the Victory of Wigratzbad. This is where the big event will take place. This also goes out from Mellatz, because you, my beloved ones, have additionally taken over the mission for Wigratzbad. Why? Because this director has persecuted you by police and prosecution. That is why this mission from Wigratzbad is also passed on to you. Do not be afraid of the future, because everything is regulated by the plan of the Heavenly Father. I, your beloved Father Kentenich, take my leave of you today with these words and bless you. Blessing I continue to hold my hand over you.

And now the Heavenly Father will say a few more pathbreaking words: Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims from near and far, beloved believers who believe in this pathbreaking message, I wish from all of you that you now finally separate yourselves from this modernist Church. Today is the final admonition for you all. Stay out of these modernist churches, for evil has entered through homosexuality. This false prophet Francis was guided by the freemasons. He has changed the 10 Commandments. He legalized homosexual marriage, he also passed the law that remarried divorced people are admitted to communion. Many liberals are on his side, but a counter current has formed and the church will be split by a schism. This schism will be groundbreaking for all those who are prepared to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V in the future, because the whole world will listen attentively to this earth-shattering appeal.

I would like to point out that your dearest mother will protect you in the coming tribulation, because there will be a great famine in Germany. In addition, the soul show will take place quite soon. People will see their sins roll off. Once again they are called upon to repent from the heart. The Dozulé cross will appear on the entire firmament. The grass cross in Meggen and the grass cross in Eisenberg will be visible. Many can still repent of their sins from the heart and confess them to a good holy priest.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you once again, My beloved Schoenstatt Movement, because you should receive the latest information from your Heavenly Father to be protected for the coming time, because until now you are not in full protection, because you are still practicing the grinding community at the grinding table with hand communion. I, the Heavenly Father, through My little tool Anne, wish that you receive and learn the latest information, because very soon heaven will intervene in full force, in omnipotence and omnipotence. I want to protect you.

I, the Heavenly Father, have called Father Kentenich to give you this information even before the intervention of Heaven takes place. The procedure will begin with a tremendous roar of thunder and a violent storm. Lightning will chase through the firmament, lightning that cannot be explained. After that a huge earthquake will occur in many places. Some places will be completely buried and no longer exist. There will be many martyrs who give their lives. Russia will convert. Russia will also fight the Muslim terror organizations, because they are equipped with the best weapons and will go to war with the victory flag of Jesus Christ. I, the Heavenly Father, will watch over everything and observe and direct everything. What is important is that you pay attention to this My information and believe in it, because I, the Heavenly Father, have made known to the world through you, My little messenger, everything as it will happen according to My Heavenly Plan.

In Wigratzbad Jesus, My Son, with His Heavenly Mother will appear visible in the entire firmament. It will not be explainable. Men will fall down in awe because something great is happening. The world will be amazed and all will fall down before the face of God on earth and under the earth and worship Him, the Triune God, not the God of the commonwealth, but the one Triune God. On the earth and under the earth all knees will have to bow before Him.

My beloved little ones, I love you so much that I would like to see you all once again in eternal glory at the wedding feast in heaven because you believe, because you trust and because you have persevered until the last moment with all sicknesses, with all tribulations and all difficulties. Willingly you have taken your cross upon yourselves. You followed me on the way of persecution and showed no fears, but you let yourselves be accused and brought before the courts. And I give you credit for that. You had to pay large sums of money, and that too was my wish, because it was not paid from donations, but by you personally. I wish that nothing can be attributed to you that does not correspond to my will, but that corresponds to the truth.

Believe in these words, My beloved children, and do not turn away from the truth, but hasten towards the True Catholic and Apostolic Church, which will rise from the House of Glory in Mellatz. This is the house of the Heavenly Father, which inhabits My little flock. I showed them everything. They did not buy this house from donations, but from their own funds. This is very important.

I love you all, My beloved little flock and I want to embrace you as well as your dearest Mother, the Mother Thrice Admirable, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, the Fatima Mother of God, the Rosa Mystica, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and with all the angels and saints.

And you, My beloved Monika, will leave today You get the travel blessing and are accompanied by all the angels. You are expecting My little flock on Tuesday.

And so now, in the House of Glory in the House Chapel in Mellatz, bless you with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Mother, your Heavenly Father in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved from eternity. Listen to My words and obey them. Remain faithful to heaven until the last moment, even if it costs your life. Amen.


