Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our Lady speaks on Fatima and Rosa Mystica Day after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V

in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz by your tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of Mary and the altar of sacrifice were bathed in golden light during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Blessed Mother was dressed all in white. The roses were adorned with glittering pearls and diamonds as well as the bouquet of roses in front of the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Both hearts were joined together during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They were covered with thorns.

The Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach and the Immaculate Receive Mother of Victory will speak today: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats today only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach, Wigratzbad and all My believers who believe in these messages, I love you all very much. I want to save you from the coming misfortune that will befall all. The crisis in this Catholic Church can no longer be stopped. Evil has entered the full extent with homosexuality. How many times, My beloved children, have I warned you: stay out of these modernist churches and go into your houses, go into house chapels and celebrate there the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V. Then you will be protected and have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass daily according to the DVD. You can get it for yourself (0551/3054480).

The time has come, My beloved children, when the Heavenly Father has let His arm of wrath sink and will intervene. It is very difficult for Him that even today many priests are still not ready to take this most difficult path of expiation for these modernistic crimes, which were caused by the priests themselves, because after the Second Vatican Council so much was changed that even the Blessed Sacrament was distributed with unconsecrated hands. This was a very great offence and one still does it today, because one encourages the laymen to do so. And yet it is only left to the consecrated hands of priests to place this Blessed Sacrament on the tongue of the faithful in oral communion. Nothing else corresponds to the fullness of grace. How much it pains My Son when My sons of priests do not obey Him and do not seek this holiness.

They are doomed to perish if they do not want to change. It is really up to her own will. I, as Heavenly Mother, was often allowed to touch their hearts and wanted to draw them to My fervent, loving, Immaculate Heart. You should consecrate yourself to this Immaculate Heart in order to experience the full protection of Heaven. They are still not ready for it. They have become stubborn and do not believe that the Heavenly Father will intervene in His great omnipotence and omnipotence. It is very sad for Him that this atoning night, which you have sacrificed for My priestly sons, has brought so little success. Many priests have been touched in their hearts, but they think of their own power, of their own welfare, and continue to commit the gravest sin of uncleanness, which hurts Me, your purest, dearest Mother very much.

Purity is in demand by the priests. Only then can Jesus Christ be transformed in these pure consecrated hands. Otherwise it is not possible. Jesus Christ Himself comes into your hearts with divinity and humanity and wants to touch you, wants to be with you, wants to give you all His love, which He has kept just for you. He loves you so much and wants to embrace you in His oversized love. It is immeasurably large, so you cannot believe it. Cherubim and seraphim fall down before Him during the holy transformation. It is a sacred moment that you can never grasp in this mystery. And yet it is so big. Fall down before Him, for He wants to touch you and love you. He wants to connect His loving heart with you.

My beloved children of Mary, My father's children, give great joy to the Father. Stay with Him, sacrifice everything to Him and atone for this modernist church, so that soon you may celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in a glorious church and this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V will spread throughout the world.

The Heavenly Father speaks: This Synod of Bishops will soon come to an end, My little one, then your pains will become more bearable. Atone for what is happening there, for there will be a great division. You are very close to this turning point. Do not be afraid when this happens. I will settle everything, for I Am the Almighty God and the Almighty. I have taken the reign into my hands. This false prophet will not sit on the papal chair for much longer, but everything will change for the better. Persevere and believe in the truth, which I will proclaim to you. Pay attention to My information and pursue it. Then you are protected. In My love I supervise everything. Evil will continue to walk around, but I will protect you. I give you the words to say when you are threatened by evil. He will not be able to harm you, for I send all angels to you in due time.

Your dearest mother never leaves you alone. She now embraces you in divine love, faithfulness and gentleness, and blesses you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain faithful to heaven, for you are loved from eternity. Amen.


