Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Sexagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

"Today you celebrated the Sunday Sexagesima. You had to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Mass according to the DVD because my beloved priest son is currently ill. This Holy Mass of Sacrifice has brought many streams of grace upon you and upon others. Far have these streams of grace flowed".

The Blessed Mother was brightly illuminated and she had a light blue rosary in her hand which she showed us. The Trinity symbol, the little Jesus child, the Little King of Love, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and above all the statue of Jesus and Mary with their burning loving hearts surrounded by thorns were bathed in a glistening light.

The Heavenly Father will speak on this Sunday: You, my little ones, divide yourselves today on this day. Two will go to Göttingen and two will stay in Mellatz. The streams of grace are sent from house church to house church, for you are connected with the Holy Mass of Sacrifice also in Göttingen through the telephone.

I love you all and I want to give you pioneering words, because I, the Heavenly Father, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, you will experience the persecutions, the abuses and the wickedness of men. You will be despised, just as St. Paul revealed it to you today in the reading. Yes, it is the truth, My beloved ones. You are on the right path, the true, narrow path, and this narrow path is difficult. You will reach the heights of the cross. But remember that you are weak. In your weakness I come to you and will support you. Only in weakness do you become strong.

I love you especially because you are here to comfort me. None of my priest sons consoles Me, the crucified one. On the contrary, they are crucifying Me again because they are not willing to celebrate My Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. They continue to hold the meal fellowship in modernism in the modernist churches and believe that in their hands My Son Jesus Christ will be transformed. But no, He will not do it! For years I have taken Him out of the tabernacles of modernism, that is, had to take Him out because He was so much disgraced by the meal fellowship and by the hand communion which is still distributed today by the priests of modernism. I warn you, My beloved sons of priests.

My priestly son here suffers and atones for you so that you may repent, and that you may have the will and be ready to repent. Join in the plan and desire of the Heavenly Father, only then will you be protected from the event that is about to take place. Otherwise you have no protection and you are at the mercy of evil, because I cannot hold my hand over you. I, the Heavenly Father, have asked you so often to celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, but you have not obeyed Me, the Heavenly Father. You bishops have also led the priests to carry out this modernism and to recognize the Second Vatican Council. It brings you misfortune, my beloved sons of priests, whom I want to have back. I long for your hearts, as I have so often revealed myself to you. I want to go into your hearts and let My love flow into your hearts.

Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of the dear Mother of God, who wants to press you to her maternal heart. She looks at you with tears of blood in her eyes and desires that you throw yourselves at my feet, the Heavenly Father. But your wish cannot come true, because your will is decisive, which still stands against it. I have given you free will and am waiting for you to leave it to me, this free will that I have given you. Give yourselves to me completely, only then the wall between you and me is broken through. This wall is still getting thicker and thicker, because divinity cannot reach you. You reject them. You even reject the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. This false prophet no longer kneels before me, yet the believers still follow this false prophet.

My beloved Benedetto, where are you? I long for your heart, and you do not turn back. You do not flee from this Vatican, because one day, if I wish, the Vatican will be reduced to rubble and you will be buried under it. Where is your willing heart? Open it for my words, for my love, because I went to the cross for you. I have redeemed you from all your sins and iniquities. Repent them all with all your heart and make a valid, good, Holy Confession, then I will be able to press you again to My Heart. That is what I am waiting for. I, the Heavenly Father, make this dependent on your will that I may take you into my arms again. Can you imagine how divinity suffers, the triune God? He wants to penetrate your heart and cannot, because you hinder Him through Freemasonry. You obey them and not me. Give Me your life! Sacrifice it up for Me! You do not know whether I take it from you or leave it to you. This is dependent on my will. However, I wish that you place your life at my disposal. Eternity depends on it. Will you believe and trust Me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity? Will you consecrate yourself to the Heavenly Mother, Her Immaculate Heart? Then you are protected. Flee, My beloved Benedetto! It is time for you. Seize this straw because I want to be able to continue to watch over you and not leave you to your own will.

I love you, beloved son and son of priest, as I love all My sons of priests and want to win back all their hearts through your atonement, My beloved little band and following. For all the atonement that you suffer, be thankful and be grateful for every suffering because it benefits my sons of priests so that they want to repent, cannot repent. Your will is still decisive.

I love all My believers and want to free them from modernism. But they do not want to. They believe that they fulfill their Sunday duty in these churches and that is enough for them: "We do not need anything else, because there is no supernature. No one may speak from heaven and no one may receive words. We must reject this. We must listen to the authorities and pay attention to the Supreme Shepherd what he says and wishes. That is our command. So the authorities tell us."

And who believes Me, the Heavenly Father, that I am allowed to rule over this Supreme Shepherd? I rule with an iron scepter. I must do it, because otherwise My beloved sons of priests will fall like snowflakes into the eternal abyss. How bitter for My Heavenly Mother, who wants to reconquer all Her priestly sons and lay them at My feet.

How lovely she looks today, and you, My little band, who are now starting the journey to Göttingen, are protected in your car. You will be accompanied by the angels, whom you do not see, but you know that they accompany you, and the Heavenly Mother will also be with you. Thus everything will happen according to the will of the Heavenly Father, also in Göttingen. In this place you will be connected with the Holy Mass of the Tridentine Sacrifice when My priestly son will be able to celebrate it again, since he is still sick.

My beloved ones, be obedient - also in Göttingen and start the return journey if I wish. Whether this will be Saturday or Sunday, I will tell you. So it is in My plan.

Dear little one, do not be afraid! During this time you two are fully protected and loved. You keep guard here and prepare everything for the coming of the small group from Göttingen.

You are all loved, blessed and protected by the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with all the angels and especially with your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory, because She will prevail over the Evil One. Endure and be courageous and become stronger and stronger through your failures.

I love you and bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest! It will outlast everything. Amen.


