Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Renewal of the Mariengarten Consecration.

Father Kentenich, Founder of the Schoenstatt Movement, speaks in the infirmary of the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and Schoenstatt Child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, a large group of angels had moved into this sickroom, where we renewed the consecration of the Marian Garden. They bowed and knelt down before the exposed Holy of Holies, for heaven will speak. He gives us words that should contribute to the proclamation in the whole world, especially today for the Schoenstatt Movement. The sickroom was bathed in golden glistening light. The angels moved in and out. They wanted to give us strength to become strong in faith and deeper in trust in the Heavenly Messages, because they correspond to the full truth.

Father Kentenich may speak to us today even from heaven, because he is already a saint in heaven but not on earth: I, Father Kentenich, am speaking to you from heaven at this moment through My obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will, repeating only words that come from heaven, from Me, Father Joseph Kentenich, who founded the Schoenstatt Movement.

My beloved Schoenstatt children, my beloved little flock, my beloved followers from near and far, I, Father Kentenich, am personally present among you today. You, my little one, were allowed to see me for a short moment, because I wanted to tell you that I am already in heaven, even if the earth does not canonize me and it is not the will of heaven that I should be canonized on earth, because this false prophet is sitting on Peter's chair. He is therefore the false prophet because he passes on mistaken faith.

Unfortunately, my Schoenstatt Movement has fallen prey to modernism. If only I could have continued to lead the Schoenstatt Movement. I have told you, my little one, so many times messages from heaven for the Schoenstatt Movement, which were also brought to the Father Kentenich House by my priest son, Fr. There they are stored in the archive.

My beloved little flock, my beloved Schoenstatt Movement, can it be true that I, Father Kentenich, can speak from heaven? Yes, it is true! I may do it today. You have renewed the Mariengarten consecration for the ninth time. On February 18, 2005, for the first time you made this Marian Garden Consecration for the Schoenstatt Movement in Markoldendorf, the then seat of Fr.

Today you are in the acquired House of Glory, which was given to you from heaven. The Heavenly Father owns this house. You have acquired it through your inheritances not through donations, My beloved ones. You are not and should not be dependent on donations. In vain have you received, in vain shall you pass on.

You, My little one, are a called one, a chosen one of Heaven, of the Heavenly Father and of the entire Heavenly Court. Ten years already you are getting these messages. They come to the Internet and are made known all over the world. They are already available in 15 countries.

The Holy Sacrificial Banquet in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, as the Heavenly Father in the Trinity desires, is celebrated daily in your house chapel. I, Father Kentenich, would also like to stand at this altar of sacrifice. I was not allowed, I was not allowed to celebrate this. The Adoration Church was built in a modern style with a folk altar. At this popular altar I had to celebrate the meal fellowship on the day of my death, because I was forced to do so. That is why the loving father took me to himself, so that this could and should not happen any further. I went straight to heaven. I am in God's glory since the day I died. But my canonization on earth will be a long time coming, because my beloved Schoenstatt Movement is unfortunately not following my path.

Today I would like to apologize to everyone that unfortunately I did not take any messages into my foundation of the Schoenstatt Movement. I could and should have taken Marienfried and Bärbel Rueß with me. I was not so courageous at that time, because I believed that the whole work would not be recognized if I carried it out. I myself have received messages and visions from heaven, otherwise I would not have been able to survive the darkness of 4 weeks. Dachau would also have been a place of death for me. But I have been able to encourage others to believe. Through this the Schoenstatt Movement has developed further. I was allowed to found the Schoenstatt International and even the Family Work.

My beloved children, my beloved Marian children from near and far, believe in my words which I am allowed to speak here from heaven. They correspond to the full truth. My little one was chosen by me to transmit these words to Schoenstatt. As a result they were expelled from Schoenstatt and relieved of all duties. But I said to you and to your dear Catherine, who also had leadership duties, that you will continue to be my Schoenstatt children. You have completed the consecration of members, even the consecration of the Marian Garden, which is what Schoenstatt should experience now. Send them a copy of this consecration, which you have renewed today, so that Schoenstatt may finally receive the truth.

Schoenstatt, my Schoenstatt, is in modernism. There the meal community continues to be held at the people's altar - not only that, but hand communion is still distributed. My Schoenstatt Movement will become more and more modern. It goes into the modern era, into modernism. They have already taken off my Schoenstatt clothes. The coat and cassock were important, my beloved fathers! Today, people walk in black suits. This is not right. You must not take off these clothes, because I wore them to the end. I even wear them in heaven. I pray for you to embody Schoenstatt with everything that belongs to it.

My beloved little flock has already made the Mariengarten consecration for you 9 years ago and has renewed it for you today, so that you become more steadfast and so that you leave modernism behind. Was it not a sign for you that the chapel stands alone today in the diocese of Hildesheim? Didn't the sisters have to leave after they had pushed out my little one and mocked her with evil words? She was confronted with these words: "How dare you, Mrs. Mewis, call here today? This was bitter for me, the founder of the Schoenstatt Movement. And yet this has happened. This must be expiated. My little one has already suffered and will continue to suffer many hours of atonement for you.

You have expelled my Schoenstatt children. Was that right? Even today, many messages from heaven would impress you so much that you would never be able to cultivate modernism. Schoenstatt is and remains a work of God! The booklet 'Himmelwärts' is not called Himmelwärts for nothing, because I have received these messages from heaven. This is what my 'heavenwards' consists of. Daily, my beloved Katharina, my beloved priest's son, Fr. Lodzig and my beloved Anne, you pray from 'Heavenwards' on pages 109 to 116. This is important! You do it for Schoenstatt. Schoenstatt should grow into the depths. So far it grows in width but never in depth.

How many sacrifices have you already made for Schoenstatt, and you are always weeping for the sins in Schoenstatt, my beloved little one, and you continue to atone especially for the Fathers, for the priests, and for the brothers.

Everything corresponds to the truth, what I announce to you today from heaven. Take this seriously, my beloved Schoenstatt Movement, because the messages are real.

Unfortunately, I did not include the messages in my work, otherwise it would have continued to grow. That is why my little one was ordered to receive these messages that I was allowed to give her from heaven for the Schoenstatt Movement. These messages go out today to the whole world. They are on the Internet, and you, beloved Schoenstatt Movement, can access them. You even get them sent to you, and I wish that you take them seriously. Above all, I have made it known to you that the Schoenstatt Work will only survive and continue to grow in depth if everyone takes the Marian Garden Consecration. All should become humble little Marys and should plant themselves in the paradise garden of the Blessed Mother, - also the priests. But they do not want to be humble. They are in the world living modernism and celebrating the meal community. How bitter it is for me, Father Kentenich, to continue watching this from heaven.

My canonization must not take place at all under this false prophet who sits in the chair of St. Peter. He is an antichrist. You will not know unless you clearly read the messages from heaven and allow them to enter into you. You are far from receiving the truth, my truth. My little one has a world task. She suffers for the whole world, atones for the whole world, and gives these words to the whole world. This includes a world broadcast.

Had not I, Father Kentenich, made sure that one day Schoenstatt would be there for the Church? Didn't you take it seriously? Should not the Schoenstatt Movement be the umbrella organization for all communities? Can it happen this way? No! It cannot go on like this with you. I love you all, and weep for the movement I was allowed to found, because it is a work of God. Again and again I have received God's words. You say I was a genius at writing poetry. No! This is not true. Heavenwards' means that I have received messages from heaven.

You must make much atonement for pushing out my little one and not taking her seriously, even though she was destined for you by heaven, and in the first place. And now everything goes out into the whole world and everyone will read where Schoenstatt stands, although you should be the model for the New Church.

This modernist church does not exist. Quite soon you will see that only a small flock remains, remaining in modernism. The other priests will celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V all over the world. This is my wish and the plan of the Heavenly Father. He will lead you into the truths, as I am allowed to do today as your Father Kentenich.

At that time I spoke to you. I have spoken to you in the group. You, my group members, have left the group - out of malice. You have left my little ones alone. You have despised and rejected them. You must regret this, because everything was true. They have sacrificed everything. You see how Göttingen is in a mess. When my little ones were still managers, everything was fine in Göttingen. Today there is only chaos at the place where my little ones live, chaos in the Schoenstatt groups. No group lesson will be fruitful, because it does not go into depth. Schoenstatt is no longer taught. Everything is generalized, and it corresponds to modernism.

I love you, My beloved Fathers, my beloved priestly sons in Schoenstatt and in the world. Let yourselves be led into the truth and believe in it so that the Schoenstatt Work can take the lead in the Church. For this I, Father Kentenich, went into exile for 14 years. The Church has banished me because I taught the truth and did not abandon it. The covenant of love is decisive, the three milestones are decisive, the leap of death is important. These words and much more were not recognized by the church. I love my Schoenstatt Movement, which I founded and was allowed to found. From heaven I suffer immeasurable torment for you all. Convert and be obedient to heaven.

I want to thank you, My beloved little flock, especially for having agreed today to atone for Schoenstatt, especially you, my priestly son, that you even have to take care of the bed. It is atonement. Accept it for Schoenstatt. It hurt you very much that you could not celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast today on this important day. But you can celebrate it daily with the DVD.

You are my beloved and you remain my beloved. Continue to atone and send this message to the Father Kentenich House in Schoenstatt, because I love everyone there, because I speak from heaven. I want to say goodbye to you all now and bless you with priestly blessing from heaven in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love heaven and remain obedient, for only love can save you, for love is the greatest. Amen.


