Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Great hosts of angels surrounded the whole house and moved in and out and rejoiced. They grouped themselves in deep reverence around the altar of sacrifice. The Blessed Mother had appeared today in great splendor. Her coat was covered with many diamonds. Your rosary and crown also shone. St. Joseph, the Archangel Michael, the Little Child Jesus and the Little King of Love appeared in the bright glow. In addition, the bouquet of roses that the Blessed Mother received as a gift today shone. He became bigger and more radiant. The shine of the Easter candle radiated far beyond the country.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you on this Feast of My Son, Ascension Day, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved believers, My beloved children, My beloved followers and small group, today on this Feast of My Son, Ascension Day, I have given you great graces, special Ascension graces.

What does this great feast mean, My beloved believers from near and far? My Son Jesus Christ brought the work of redemption to completion. He has ascended to Me today in great majesty, glory and glory in heaven, My beloved ones. He has sat down on my right hand. He will reappear in great glory in the Second Coming, as He ascended. Can you understand the ascension of Jesus Christ, My beloved ones? Can you understand heaven, what is going on there, this great glory and splendor, into which you will one day enter and be allowed to participate in the wedding feast? No, My beloved ones, you cannot! I am waiting for you and I am very concerned about you during this time. The Holy Archangel Michael will keep all evil from your house churches and from all of you.

The temptations are especially great, because the evil one exercises his power in this last time. He wants to rule in the two popes. He says: "They are my popes. They obey me." This pope who resigned his office was once the Supreme Shepherd. He betrayed and sold out My Church with the Judas kiss. And today he still reigns and wants to exercise his pastoral office by still wearing his white cassock. Is he still the chief shepherd when he has already resigned from his office? My believers from near and far, can it still be him or is it the false prophet who now sits on the throne? No! Also this one is not the supreme shepherd. He too has no key power like the past Supreme Shepherd. Both do not possess these.

Why does the false prophet sit on this throne? Because he expects Antichrist. He will then push this false prophet from the throne and place himself on it. Is that right, My beloved ones? Can you not see that this false prophet is not in the truth? What does he proclaim? Does he proclaim the Kingdom of God? Does he proclaim that Jesus Christ will return in great glory with His dearest Mother? No! On the contrary, he rejects this. But Jesus Christ will come! Does he proclaim the Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Holy Eucharist and the holiness of priests? No! he himself does not announce this and he does not live this either, my beloved ones. He rejects the Holy Sacrificial Feast and continues to celebrate the modernist meal community, as did the past Pope. Can it be right, as chief shepherd, not to offer the Holy Sacrificial Feast? Is he allowed to do that? No! Of course he is not allowed to do this, My beloved ones.

And therefore I, as Heavenly Father, have taken the scepter into my hand. My Church was betrayed, but I have already refounded it in the House of Glory - among you, My beloved little band, since you willingly followed My Plan and humbly obeyed all My desires.

Beloved little flock, you are My followers in the house of glory. You believe, trust, you worship, you glorify Me and are My beloved little ones who willingly continue to take up their cross and follow My Son Jesus Christ.

The Way of the Cross is steep, but it leads upwards and not downwards, My beloved ones. Believe that you will reach heaven and attend the wedding feast. I will open heaven for you, just as I have now opened the closed heaven for My Son and He could enter. For my son the time on earth is over. He now sits at My right hand and will judge all those who do not want to believe, who continue to reject My Holy Sacrifice, who do not trust Me, who do not worship My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, who died for all and redeemed all, but all have not acknowledged His work of redemption.

You, My beloved ones, continue to go forward with your cross, which you carry willingly and humbly and out of love. You will see that you can go further and further because you will get the Divine Power. Not from you, my beloved ones, you can do this. It will become harder and harder in this world in which you live, because Satan is in power. He still has the power. But I will take them from him at the right time. My beloved believers, believe in it, believe in the full truth and live it, because you too shall receive glory.

What will happen there in the House of Glory? There I will establish my New Priesthood, whether you believe it or not. Even if everything is in a mess and chaos has reached the highest ranks, in spite of everything, I will establish My priesthood and you, My beloved little flock, will help Me and stand by Me.

The time is not yet fulfilled when you shall hasten to the House of Glory. I, the Heavenly Father, determine this time and not you. I will tell you in time when this is to happen, as I have done so far.

You, my little one, will still have to suffer. Why? The priesthood will still be suffered in your heart through My Son Jesus Christ. So far almost all priests have cancelled. To me, the highest of all the highest, the Savior of the world, they have thrown a no, because they do not want to celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. Only underground they have the power to celebrate this. I wish it to be spread all over the world, and not only celebrate it in their catacombs where they feel alone and unobserved. No! My Holy Sacrificial Feast must come to the surface. It must be public. And this past Holy Father, whom I had chosen, should celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass first. He was called to do so, but he reached out his hand to the evil one, the Antichrist, and did not testify to his faith in truth. How much I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, still suffer from it today.

And now My beloved ones, prepare yourselves with the Pentecost Novena for the Feast of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will come and give you as many graces as you need in this last time. Great tongues of fire will enter into you because the Spirit of God will come upon you and grace will fill you, the great grace of Pentecost. Pray that many more of My priests will be softened to open their hearts to Me and follow My love, the love of the Trinity.

It blesses you now with all the angels and saints, with My dearest and most holy Mother, with Saint Joseph, with Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Padre Pio and the other saints, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now until eternity. Amen.


