Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fifth Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Sanctus rosary the angels moved in and out in this house church in Göttingen. The Father Symbol and especially the Mother of God were today bathed in glittering gold and the rays shone far beyond Göttingen. Her dress went from white to light blue. Her rosary glowed light blue. The bouquet was handed to her by the angels. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword again in all four directions to ward off evil from us. The four Evangelists, the Merciful Jesus and also the Pieta were brightly illuminated. Especially during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the tabernacle was bathed in golden and silver glittering light, as were the tabernacle angels and the tabernacle cross. The angels were grouped around the altar of sacrifice during the holy transformation.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved daughter, My beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little band, I address you all today because I want to give you an important information for the coming of My Son with His Heavenly Mother. It does not take much longer, then this event will occur, of which I report.

My beloved children, My beloved little flock, be ready for this event! Believe more deeply, atone, pray and sacrifice, because it is urgently necessary that you pray for these priest souls, which otherwise go astray and fall into the eternal abyss, because many more priests are to be saved from my events.

As the next chance, My beloved children, I give you the Dozulé Cross. It will appear in the firmament - visible to all - throughout the world. Many people who could not believe will be frightened and will be able to believe. It cannot be compared with a natural event, my beloved ones, because in the whole firmament only the illuminated cross can be seen. During this time the sun, moon and stars will no longer shine. Only My cross will shine.

Hurry also to the lawn cross in Meggen, My beloved ones you cannot believe. Present your petitions to Me, the Heavenly Father, on this cross, so that you may willingly bear your cross in the last days before My coming. Hurry also to Eisenberg to My Lawn Cross. It will also be visible there.

These are the chances, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, which I am giving you before the great event will come.

What else do I give you? The soul show! Is it not important, My beloved ones, that you see your sins rolling away in an instant? Like a film, these sins will be visible to you. You can regret or reject them at that moment. Then My great event will come. Whoever has not repented by then will hasten to the abyss and fall into the eternal abyss and will never again be freed from it. Eternal is forever.

You who have believed and persevered until this time are saved and will be led into My eternal glory. You will participate in the eternal wedding feast in your white dress of sanctifying grace.

My beloved children, is it worthwhile to die for Me and to give yourselves for Me in total surrender? Go to My Heavenly Mother. She will lead you to My heart and I will want to draw your hearts to Me when you convert. Look at my purest mother! She wants to teach you that you can reach my cross for the salvation of your souls. Otherwise, you will have to pay for all your sins either on earth or in purgatory. Only then will you be able to be happy in heaven. I want to save you all, My beloved children, - all of you. I long for your hearts, freed from sin.

From the many sacrileges, My beloved sons of priests, I will free you. is this not a joy for you, when you belong to Me, when you take your place at My sacrificial altar and want to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast, to My supreme honour, for awe is lacking among you, My beloved sons of priests? When you stand at the people's altar, it is without reverence, because you look at the believers, you do not look at me. You want to belong to them and to the world and not take my cross upon yourselves as a sacrificial priest.

Think carefully, My beloved sons of priests! You stand at the precipice! And before this abyss you will fall into eternal hell, where there will be eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth. You will never be redeemed from it.

My glory is also eternal. You will be allowed to see me eternally, you who believe and have held out until the last with your cross, which you have endured in patience, love and readiness to sacrifice.

Hold out, my beloved followers! It is worthwhile in this last time to bring all sacrifices, which you willingly and humbly take upon yourselves, because I love you and want to save you all and lead you into the eternal glories. And so I bless you with My dearest Mother, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Come to My Holy Cross! It will be your refreshment for eternity. Amen.


