Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day, Feast of Our Lady, Feast of the circumcision of the Lord.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. And again today, on January 1, 2013, New Year's Day, the feast of the dear Mother of God, we are delighted that the angels circled the altar of sacrifice in great conspicuous flocks, and also the altar of Mary and the Child Jesus in the manger.

Our Lady says: Today, on this Solemnity of Our Lady, I, your dearest Mother, want to speak to you, because I long for you all. My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and My beloved pilgrims and faithful from near and far, today, on this New Year's Feast, on My High Feast, I want to greet you and overflow you with graces, as the Heavenly Father in the Trinity wished.

What is grace, My beloved? Grace is for you an undeserved gift from heaven. I, your dearest mother, have asked you for these. Give thanks and kneel down before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because by doing so you venerate this inexplicable mystery, this greatest mystery, the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Jesus Christ is God and man there. He descends and enters into your souls. He feeds you with this most holy manna.

My beloved children of Mary, is this not a great mystery before which you stand and kneel in reverence? There is no greater secret and nothing more can make you happier in this life on earth.

Look at the sky, My beloved ones. Didn't it rain in the most holy night, on the first and second day of Christmas and also today, on New Year's Day? How lukewarm the air has become. On New Year's Day there is no snow and no cold for you. Who can determine this, My beloved believers from near and far? Are these the cosmonauts who are allowed to determine it and who can regulate it? No! Only the Heavenly Father in the Trinity has the power over the whole universe and that is why He makes it rain on the good and the just, but also on the evil. But nobody thinks: "How is that possible on this New Year's Day with temperatures of over 10° C and more? No, My children, that was never there before. Heaven lets you know that He has power and dominion over the whole world.

And even more, My beloved ones, your dearest Mother of God teaches you, the Heavenly Father has power over My place of prayer in Heroldsbach. One has the audacity, My beloved children, My beloved little flock, to ban you all three from the house. My Son Jesus Christ is thrown out of this place of grace because grace is a gift and this is not wanted to be given to you. You stood under the cross and the Heavenly Father gave you a blessed message. All were touched and deeply moved in their hearts. They could not believe that here, in this place, the Heavenly Father spoke again. That He again and again sends His graces on you who believe and love and who worship My Heavenly Father in the Trinity and sends Me, as the dearest Mother of God, to you in your hearts, so that these may become lighter and brighter, so that they may shine in the Christmas glow and in the splendor at the beginning of the New Year.

Nothing is by chance, My beloved ones, everything is determined by heaven, everything is His providence and no one can determine the world. Priests today think they can take power and they can rule in their parishes and continue to mislead their parishioners. And where is her heart, where is her heart? The Heart of My Son Jesus Christ longs for them and they cannot reach His Sacred Heart. You do not want to touch it. They don't want to feel holiness and they don't want to live, because they love the world and have long since said goodbye to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity: "We don't need Him, because we decide for ourselves, and the Blessed Mother, we can despise her.

My beloved rector of this place of grace, My place of grace Heroldsbach, have you not realized what you have done? Have you not realized that you have taken Me, your dearest mother, away from this place of grace, your dearest mother who wept, who also wept for you, My beloved priestly son Why did you dare to do this? Can you not then imagine that the omnipotence of God and the omnipotence will now work? She can sweep you away, My beloved priest son when and where she wants. You have no more power and you will realize it quite soon. Has not My beloved pastor in Wigratzbad also been swept away by His place of grace without him knowing it? He too has banned this tripartite community from his place of grace. And then he had to go himself. From one day to the next he was taken away from the altar. He was no longer allowed to celebrate Holy Mass. He was forbidden to do so and was sent to another unknown place, although he did not want to, although he wanted to wash away all the evil he had done to this place of grace.

And now, My beloved priest's son in Heroldsbach, you will have the same fate, because you cannot decide. It is not your place, but you are the steward of this place of grace and nothing more. All heaven is weeping and still My little one is atoning for you, because I have chosen her as the soul of atonement. She will not stop atoning for the priests. And I, the dearest Mother of God, will not leave my Marian child alone in this atonement. I will protect and guard her and will ask her the strength to continue to bear this heavy suffering in love and patience because the Father wants it that you, my little one, continue to atone.

You, My beloved ones, follow the plan of the Heavenly Father. You recognize the plan when you convert to the true faith, namely to the whole truth. You are not to obey a piece of the truth, but everything that was revealed to you in the messages, in the messages of heaven, which my little one repeats again and again. And it does not cease in its atonement and in its messages to continue to proclaim it to all men. She says yes to that. She has the fear of God and not the fear of man, for that was taken away from her. Therefore it can appear everywhere at places of grace, where one does not want it anymore. You can do whatever you want with it. But it remains the jewel of the Heavenly Father. You will want to seize your power because you are of the evil one. You do not recognize the truth and you do not execute the truth in this place of grace Heroldsbach.

Believe and trust and unite in the love of God and be obedient to the Heavenly Father and your Mother. I send you. I send you to the places where the Heavenly Father wants you. You shall confess and testify. You are called to fight, those who believe. You cannot say, "I will be silent, I can do nothing else. No, My beloved ones, take up the sword and fight and do not let up in the witness of the only true faith, the Catholic faith. Proclaim everywhere that you believe and that you will not be dissuaded and believe in this erroneous faith that is revealed to you from the other side. This will never be the truth. If you read the messages and read them attentively, you will feel that this can only be in the will of the Heavenly Father, in His Trinity. These are words from heaven, for they will touch your hearts and make the hardened hearts useful to the Heavenly Father.

Believe, My beloved children of Mary, believe and trust and do not let up in love, in faithfulness and in deep, deep faith in love. Your dearest Mother now blesses you with the little Child Jesus in the manger, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love and trust and continue to believe that Heaven sends you to His places where He wants you to go. And when you are mocked, you are right in true faith, because this mockery and persecution, my beloved ones, must be because Jesus Christ was also persecuted and cut off from all, because they no longer believed. But you, My little flock, you believe and comfort the Savior.

Thank you I would like to say, all Heaven in the Trinity, that you have persevered during the last year and never strayed from the true faith. I love you immeasurably and unfathomably. Amen.


