Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve, Christmas Octave.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, conspicuous hordes of angels had entered this house church in Göttingen and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament. They surrounded the altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary. He was bathed in bright light, which I could see in many colors from the brightest pink to the darkest blue.

The little baby Jesus was full of rays, all emanating from His heart. It smiled at us and blessed us and said: "My beloved ones, I, your dearest child Jesus, now want to bless you in these last two hours of this year so that you may continue to let the Divine Power radiate from this manger into your heart. I would like to accompany you on all your ways and have preceded you in humility, which you are also to practice again and again.

The Heavenly Father will also speak to us today, on this last day of the year: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you now, on this New Year's Eve of the year 2012, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, I want to name you first today, because on you I want to put all my assurance that you will be faithful to me, persevere in joy, pain and suffering until the end. I have chosen you, My beloved little flock. Do not forget that. I am with you every day and guide you through My willing instrument and daughter Anne. She will tell you my wishes as it has happened in the last 8 ½ years. She never gave up when things became difficult, when they became unbearable for her too, because her suffering is the suffering of the whole world. I had to burden it on her in the Mount of Olives, because, as you all know, the New Church and the New Priesthood is being founded.

You know, My beloved ones, how the priesthood looks like today. I long for all priest souls and call you again and again into my heart. You shall continue to be mine, as you have vowed in your consecration. Many priests have not given Me their will. They wanted to continue to do their own will, to be in the world and to live with the world, to perceive the lusts of the world, and to live the erroneous belief, although they knew: "This is not right with me, this is not true what I say, and yet I want to be the greatest and not the heavenly Father, may be the ruler over my soul. I want to determine everything. And I want to have it good here on earth."

My sons of priests, where are your sacrifices, which you once vowed? Do you not want to go back and become My dearest sacrificial priests as Mary Sieler has said and as I have written it in her heart? She announced it. She has not given up to do my will and to live. She carried the heaviest things in order to lead the priests back into holiness. And this holiness is missing in the priests of today.

You, My little one, are the successor of Maria Sieler, and that is why today I have led you once again to where your way, your difficult way began, what your task is and what your atonement means. You will not become weak if you keep to my will and continue to take the Blessed Mother as your model. Let it shape you, for you too are imperfect in your weakness and in your sins. You too are ready to receive the holy sacrament of penance weekly, otherwise you too would become weak. You have much to bear and much to proclaim and much is very unpleasant for you, but you do not stop doing My will, fulfilling My will, which is often inexplicable for you and for you, My beloved little flock.

My beloved followers, I also want to address you today on this last day in 2012; are you still following Me on this difficult path or are you leaving Me alone? If it becomes too difficult for you, come to my heart burning with love and to the heart of my mother. It will save you and you will find security. Only then alone can you hold out, for this path is becoming increasingly difficult. You go through the heaviest suffering and the heaviest cross. You are chosen and therefore it means the greatest graces that you receive, and the greatest graces are suffering, which you cannot understand. Suffering is mercy. The pain is grace.

Has not My Son Jesus Christ on the Cross earned you the greatest graces on the most difficult way of the cross and the most difficult death on the cross? Look again and again at the cross, then you cannot turn away from this unique, true, Catholic and Apostolic faith. Do not let yourselves be confused and lost in the last days, this time, which I have determined. Satan continues to walk, and he also wants to deceive you. He wants to take you because you are the believers and the divine power grows in you. He wants to go in between and divide you so that you cannot walk this path together. You are called. You are chosen. Do not fall away and never let yourselves be led astray by anyone. Sometimes you do not recognize the cunning of Satan, but then pray and come to my heart burning with love. I will let you know that the Holy Spirit enters into your heart and the Bride of the Holy Spirit gives you these graces of knowledge.

Always know that I love you boundlessly, that you are certain of My love. This shall be your goal and your way to continue to save souls for heaven, for eternal glory, and to stop people from continuing to go astray. Witness this true faith in the future. Do not become weak in confessing even if it is difficult for you. Tell everyone the truth, because the time of silence is over. Begin to fight because I have given you the sword in your hand and that means to pass the fight with your dearest mother, the fight against the evil one. And you are in full battle. Take the Mother to your side and the Holy Angels. She takes you by the hand and leads you through all dark streets out into the light, into the true light. There is love, there is light, there it points you to the eternal goal, to everlasting love.

And so I bless you today on the last day of the year, with all the angels and saints and especially with My dearest Mother, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful and live love, for love remains the greatest. Amen.


