Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fourth Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Rosary and also during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, and especially during the Exposition, many angels gathered around the Holy Sacrificial Altar and also around the altar of Mary. They came from outside into this house church in Göttingen. They worshipped the Blessed Sacrament on their knees. They also gathered around the Blessed Mother, the Child Jesus, the Little King of Love and also around Saint Joseph and Saint Michael the Archangel. The four evangelists were brightly lit today and so was the Advent wreath.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies entirely in my will and repeats only words that come from me.

Anne speaks: Heavenly Father, I would like to thank you today for accepting me as a little tool. I only want to be your tool and nothing else. That is what I promise you today. We will renew this triple covenant again today. We want to prove to you that we have grown together firmly.

The Heavenly Father now says: My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, My beloved believers and My beloved priest sons from near and far, I address you today, on this fourth Sunday of Advent, in a very special way.

My beloved followers and My beloved little band, in your hearts it became lighter from Sunday to Sunday. I have let love flow into it through my dearest mother. You are gifted, if you can believe now, when the entire Catholic Church was destroyed. Yeah, it's destroyed. It lies in ruins. And this downfall is celebrated by the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic Church. He himself did not show obedience to his Heavenly Father, knowing that now the Second Vatican Council may no longer be recognized. In all corners and ends of the Catholic Church the truth is no longer proclaimed. What should the Holy Father announce, the downfall or should he take back the Second Vatican Council? It means modernism. This was the fall of the Catholic Church. He felt it. Everywhere untruth is proclaimed. In the Catholic Church Protestantism is celebrated and not the Catholic faith. He is lost in the priests. How many times have I called the priests back. Believe at last and trust your Heavenly Father in the Trinity, for He loves you. He does not want to punish you. No! On the contrary. He wants to call you back to the altar of sacrifice.

Where else can you prove more that you love My Son Jesus Christ above all? Only in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. There you get the strength, the power to fight, because your whole priestly life is a fight with evil. You know that. The evil one holds you captive. He instructs you in evil, in unbelief and in misbelief, and you will fall into this if you do not finally recognize that this Second Vatican Council is of evil. I can never be satisfied with the Second Vatican Council, with this unbelief. I eagerly call back My priests. My Holy Father, whom I have chosen as Supreme Shepherd, does not obey Me. He does not listen to my words. He obeys the evil one. I have put into him what he should do with the ruins of the Catholic Church. If he will not and cannot obey me, as he says, he obeys evil. How often have I announced to you that in these tabernacles of modernism My Son Jesus Christ is no longer present. I had to take Him out because He suffered so much, because He was no longer worshipped, because the priests continued to remain in their sacrileges.

And My little one continued to make herself available to pass on My words to the priests and to pass on how I, the Heavenly Father, am suffering. I have ordered many messengers all over the world to listen to My words. They do not do my will theirs. They must give up their will when they want to proclaim, because their will does not have to lie in true faith.

All of you continue to be sinful people and you all come to Me, the Heavenly Father, and to My Son Jesus Christ in Holy Confession and repent of your sins with all your heart. And you plan to never do this again. This is part of it, My beloved ones. If you go to confession and continue to do evil at the same time, then this confession is invalid.

I love you especially when you become humble, when you practice humility and obey Me, the Heavenly Father, and your desires are unimportant to you. You often go beyond your powers and say, "Heavenly Father desires it that way. He asked for it. It is His will and His will can only be the good, for He is the Godhead in three persons, the omnipotence, the omniscience and the omnipotence. Am I not allowed to repair everything in My Catholic Church? My priests have not obeyed Me to be able to judge. That is why, My beloved sons of priests, I had to found the New Church and I am still waiting for you to say this Yes to Me and not to your bishops and not to your Holy Father who continues to mislead you. And you can feel that. It cannot be the true Catholic faith. But you say: "I must continue to obey the Supreme Shepherd and the bishops when I am Catholic. No, My children. That is already the misbelief. Surely you cannot obey this supreme shepherd if he does not obey me. I am the omnipotent one. After all, I am omnipotence and omniscience, and in the end all must obey me, all priests.

And those who obey Me, they do it for My sake and gladly, because they love Me. But I see more and more that you do not love me, that you separate from me and it does not even hurt you. I let my messengers suffer for you and it is not enough for you, no, you despise them. You say, "In them is the devil." They walk the lonely way and obey Me. They go as far as under the cross and still obey me because they accept their cross and want to carry their cross for you so that you repent. You can turn back, but you do not want to. You persist in your pride so that you are hardened that you do not even regret what you are doing. No, you say, "This is the truth that we proclaim. After all, as priests, we must know." And the believers? Do they believe you? No, you force them to believe. If these believers go the true way, they will be split off and must go according to your will. They are dismissed because they are pious, because they pray, because they believe, sacrifice, atone and show obedience to me. And you say they are of the devil.

You must learn to love Me. I have done the utmost for you. I went to the cross for you. I suffered this death on the cross for you to save you from eternal ruin. And now you are all standing there and looking towards eternal hell. You stand on the edge. I have prophesied it to you often enough. Turn back, lest you fall into eternal damnation. And still I have to see to it that you do not believe that you obey evil despite me having sent my messengers to you, who understand nothing, who only want to correspond to my will. They say, "I am your tool, dearest Heavenly Father. I only want to do your will. Often I do not recognize that it is right. But You, Heavenly Father, know everything. You are the all-knowing and you will never want to do me any harm. You allow evil to wake up the people, but you do not send evil to them and you do not punish them. No, you want to awaken them from the sleep of death in their hearts. That is your motto and in it you are powerful and omnipotent. You can do anything, Heavenly Father. I ask You once again, do everything to save the priests, because You have given me this task and I am and will remain Your instrument, only save the priests from eternal ruin. You can intervene. You have the power to do everything and you believe in every single one of the priests. You will never give up this faith and hope that they will not obey you one day. Until your last breath you still believe in them. You proved this to us on the cross, at your death on the cross. You have still taken the criminal into heaven because he repented at the last moment of his death. You have taken him into the heavenly glory forever.

But hell is also eternal. You must know this, My beloved sons of priests, you who stray. I want to save you all.

I will continue to order messengers, because I will never give you up. You tell me a clear no, but I am the Almighty. I'll never let you go. I cannot do that, because my longing grows from hour to hour, from Advent Sunday to Advent Sunday. Soon you will celebrate the most holy Christmas with the little Jesus in the manger. Does this not touch your hearts that I sent My Son into the world as a little child, poor, weak, small and helpless as deity and mankind? Never has He been only man, but the Godhead lies in the manger and weeps bitter tears for you. Doesn't that move you? Can you still celebrate this Christmas with your heart or do you also turn away from the Blessed Child Jesus? Do you also say goodbye to the most holy Christmas?

"I do not need you", I could say, but no, I say: I long for you, for your souls and I will never stop asking you through My little messenger who does My will and never wants to do her will.

I bless you now in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, with the Little Child Jesus, with My dearest Heavenly Mother, the Little King of Love, Saint Joseph and Saint Michael the Archangel, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Beloved priests, consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and surrender your will to Me, to Me, the Omnipotence that I may be born anew in your hearts on the Most Holy Christmas, on the Most Holy Night. Amen.


