Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Third Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Also today, the third Sunday in Advent, Sunday Gaudete, many angels from outside had again floated into our house church here in Göttingen from all four directions. They worshipped the Blessed Sacrament on their knees. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening light. The four evangelists were repeatedly enlightened during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, as were all the saints' figures.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, the third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Gaudete, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. She lies entirely in the truth.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and you, My faithful from near and far, today on Gaudete Sunday I greet you warmly and on this Sunday I want to give you the joy of your heart. This joy should impress you deeply, so that you can still bring much blessing to the people in the last Advent season, because in your hearts it will become lighter and brighter. The darkness gives way to the light. She must give way, My beloved ones, because I, the Heavenly Father, will let streams of grace and love flow through the dear Mother of God. Believe and trust!

Today you have heard St. John speaking to you as a caller in the desert. Believe and believe deeper. At that time he said: "Be baptized with the water of life. And you, My beloved ones? You believe, you believe deeper and more firmly. Love has flowed through you, which your dearest Mother lets flow into your hearts through Her love for the Triune God.

You, My beloved ones, should not only believe and trust, but save the others. How great my longing becomes in this time that my sons of priests should repent. With how much love I wrap them up. How much I touch them in their hearts. And yet their heart doors remain closed for me. That is sad, My beloved ones.

You, My little one, will have to continue to take on the suffering for the salvation of these sons of priests, because it cannot be possible that all these priests fall into eternal damnation. I want to hold them, because I love them all - inexpressibly. And in this time, the time of Advent, I want to draw them to me and say: "Rejoice in the birth of your Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice that you can believe. And if you can't believe, look on the Internet. Not one page, which my little one put in there, because she believed, not one page corresponds to untruth. Not one word may correspond to the untruth. Why, My beloved ones? Because I, the Heavenly Father, speak and not them. Believe and trust! Read and obey the messages and you will have full protection. If not, my beloved ones, you continue to go astray and you will be confused.

You no longer know what truth is. Around you you have put up a wall. What does this wall mean? The wall is unbelief. The wall means that you are in grave sin. If you would and would lie in truth, my beloved sons of priests, this wall would not exist. Wisdom would penetrate into you and you would be able to believe and recognize. You lack knowledge, my beloved ones. You believe with the mind, but the heart remains empty and it is dark in your hearts. The darkness penetrates further into you, the less you believe, the less you have the longing to sacrifice, the less you want to be a sacrificial priest. A sacrificial priest reads the holy sacrificial mass. What are you celebrating? The milling community. This is because you do not want to make sacrifices and because you follow the worldly desires and want to correspond to the worldly. What do you show the believers? The unbelief, the confusion and the delusion.

What do you say today of this Supreme Shepherd? You say: "We must follow him, we must follow him even if some things cannot be true and some may not be true, but we are Catholic and will follow this Supreme Shepherd. You must not do this, my beloved ones, because it does not correspond to the truth.

If you have a friend, My beloved ones - I give you an example - and he constantly tells you the wrong thing. Do you continue to follow this friend and trust him? No! You take distance from him. You no longer want to be with him, yes, you reject him.

And so it is with delusion. You cannot follow him who is not in the truth, who does not announce to you the true faith. You need in your hearts the love, the love of the divine, the supernature. The supernature has been cut off from you. That is, if messengers come, they must be driven out, for they are of the devil. Can this be, My beloved ones? Can so much falsehood come from these messengers that they persevere for years to proclaim the true faith and want to help people to find faith? Yes, they must be at one with the Bible. They must proclaim the sacraments. You must love and live the true Mass of sacrifice. This is important.

And you, My little one, have the task for the whole world to proclaim this faith which I give you and speak to you. Not one iota may you wipe away from this truth and not one iota may lie in untruth. Then I could no longer use you for My mission, for which I have chosen you, because then you would be untrue and implausible. You must be like a rock in the surf. You are the caller in the desert. You have become him. Because so many reject you and so many believe that you are not in the truth, therefore you must believe more deeply and must be persecuted. One must not love you as one loves a person. No! One must love Me in you. One must realize that these messages are not from you, the caller in the desert. No! This is I, the Heavenly Father, who speaks to you and no one else. When I say, "I speak through my willing, obedient child," it is I, the heavenly Father, who gives her this. And if you read the messages attentively, you cannot believe that it is my messenger herself who speaks. The depth in the messages, the touching of the heart by the messages, are decisive. You must cry when you read them.

And if you reject them, you continue to be in error. Then you want to lead a pleasant life, - without sacrifice, without persecution, without slander, a life that is recognized by others. You want to be recognized, you who do not believe. You want to swim along in the general belief. What everyone believes is right and must correspond to the truth. No, My beloved ones. If you believe, then you are loners. You will be rejected - also in your family. Your children will reject you who do not have the true faith, who do not want to live the truth. From them you shall separate. You shall not separate from children who believe and walk one with you. This is passed on incorrectly.

Love all who believe, who walk with you and live the true faith with you. But pray also for your enemies. Pray for these many sons of priests who lie in confusion and delusion. Pray more for them, because they need your prayer. Pray intensively for this Supreme Shepherd. He needs many rosaries. He needs them. Your prayer is very important for him and also for the bishops and priests. That is, love your enemies. To love your enemies does not mean to maintain contact with them, nor does it mean to seek peace with religious communities. No, you will not find peace. If they do not live in truth, in true Catholic and apostolic faith, you must not follow them, for they lead you into confusion.

If your children do not believe and you keep in touch with them, what do they do then, they lead you back to confusion. Therefore you should not have contact with them. Not because you do not love your children when they are in confusion. You will pray for them. Intensively you will bring them to the Blessed Mother, and you will even make the consecration for them vicariously, so that they may be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother, so that they may not be lost, so that she, the Blessed Mother, may take care of them, - not you, My beloved ones. You cannot bring her back. It is not possible because they will not believe you. You must then believe deeper and more firmly. Do not be confused in this last time when you are especially persecuted in your family. Then believe more deeply and keep silent and bear the persecution. Not that you believe the kinship and maintain the contact. No, that is not in the truth. You are to separate yourselves from them who want to turn you away from the truth. This is the true faith.

You will not have peace in your kinship, for you must fight, fight for the truth. And the battle has begun, the battle of Satan. He will tempt you and he will seduce you, even through the closest of friends. Often you do not recognize it because Satan is cunning and Satan has great power on earth. I still leave this power to him because men are to wake up. They are to confess me with their free will. I do not want to force them to accept the true faith. I do not want to force them to turn back. I wish it and love it when they turn back to the true faith. But never will I force them and take away their free will. They should be free to decide for the truth or for the untruth. For untruth they are, my beloved ones, if they do not walk the true path.

You develop a great longing not to let them fall into the abyss, but to pray for them and to sacrifice and atone for them. This is why I love you, My beloved ones. Today, on this Sunday of Joy, you shall be presented with special joys of the heart. These pleasures should be passed on to others. You shall love more. Your innermost being is important. The mind is not the most important thing.

The priests believe with their minds and think they have done everything with it. They are theologians who do not want to be taught, for after all, they have studied, - so they say. Is this important, My beloved ones, to believe with the mind and leave the heart empty, empty of all faith and touch by the deepest faith? If your heart is not deeply touched, you cannot believe. Mind, will and heart must be one. Only then can you accept the true faith, the Catholic faith. And only that is important and never the faith of other religious communities.

Therefore this Holy Father, your Supreme Shepherd, does not lie in the truth. You may announce it, my beloved ones, you my messengers, who lie in truth. You must even proclaim it, and you may tell the others that they must not follow the mistaken belief any further. You must part with him. And to separate means: It hurts me in my heart. It is not easy for me, but I practice obedience to my Heavenly Father in the Trinity. He is the most important one for me, and He is also above this Supreme Shepherd. He has the regency, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient and Almighty God in the Trinity.

And so I bless you today on this Sunday of joy with all the angels and saints and with your dearest Mother and your Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this season of Advent, My beloved ones, let yourselves be guided deeper. It is the time of grace. Prepare yourselves for the birth of Jesus Christ in your hearts, because He wants to be born anew in your hearts in the most holy Christmas. Rejoice every day, for the Lord will come in His omnipotence. Amen.


