Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Consecration of the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass a huge number of angels entered the house church. They surrounded especially the altar of sacrifice and the tabernacle. Also with the Blessed Mother were many angels. All figures were brightly illuminated. The Rosa Mystika was also surrounded by many angels.

The heavenly Father will speak today: I, the heavenly Father, speak now, at this moment, through my willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in my will and only repeats words that come from me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims and My beloved little band, I love you all. I want to draw you to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Mother. How I have longed for you. I especially want to thank you for appearing this time in Heroldsbach, the shrine of My beloved Mother. It was not easy for you. There were great strains waiting for you. But you have survived everything.

How much did I get to give to the pilgrims there. I, the Heavenly Father, ask you to pray also for this leader of the place of prayer, because much has been desecrated and desecrated here. It is the place where My Mother, the Heavenly Mother, appeared to these little girls many times. They have been persecuted through this church. They have been abandoned. They have been slandered and only dirt has been thrown on them. And yet they have suffered everything for this place of pilgrimage, which is now unfortunately only recognized as a place of prayer. It is the shrine of My beloved mother. There she cried. And what has been done with your tears? They are not recognized. They are disfigured. You have even been removed from this place of pilgrimage, the pilgrims' home.

Yes, My beloved ones, how sad is your dearest mother. She wants to cry once more at this place of pilgrimage. She wants this leader of the prayer center to have the opportunity to repent. He has done evil and prevented good.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to enlighten you about this day of consecration of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome. Yes, even there they only celebrate the meal fellowship. It is bitter that this Holy Father himself still does not celebrate the Tridentine Sacrificial Mass. He is not going forward as a role model. And the bishops? They take action against the Holy Father. They have taken away the ex cathedra from him. They are his colleagues, they said. And this is bitter, because I have appointed this Holy Father as Supreme Shepherd. "To whom he forsakes sins, they are forsaken, and to whom he keeps them, they are kept. He is the Supreme Shepherd who rules the whole world in the Catholic faith. And this Assisi? Cruel, My children, cruel! Can this Catholic faith be mixed with all religious communities? No! There is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V and this is to be celebrated all over the world.

I will let streams of grace flow into the hearts of these priests and the dearest Mother will move them to repentance through your fervent prayer.

Yes, My beloved ones, in this house of glory in Allgäu the New Church has already been founded. There I have set up My place. There I am always. There is holiness. There My beloved little flock belongs to Me. She sacrifices everything to Me, the heavenly Father. They remain loyal to me and wait in patience, goodness and gentleness for what will still happen there.

What about the priesthood, My beloved little one? You will have to suffer if the priests do not want to repent. I will go into their hearts and touch them, but I pay attention to their free will. My Heavenly Mother will be and remain sad about Her priestly sons if they do not celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast, but continue to celebrate the Communion of Meals.

How can you, My beloved sons of priests, celebrate to the people and believe that this is the truth? This cannot be, My beloved sons of priests. You must look to the tabernacle, to Me, because there I am present, but only when My Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated. Your tabernacles are empty. I had to take out My Son because you have disgraced these churches. And how many churches have you already sold? What are they used for? As a museum, as sales rooms. My wrath was excessive because My beloved sons of priests do not obey Me. In the end they obey the bishops who proclaim falsehood and misbelief, like My Supreme Shepherd in Rome. He does not believe and he turns away from this Catholic faith by making everything equal in Assisi. He mixed the Catholic Church with the other religious communities. He did not proclaim his true Catholic faith. On the contrary, he even joined with the atheists. And that hurts the heart of My beloved mother very much. She looks after her priest sons. She always begs at My throne for your beloved priests. They shall not fall into hell, but have eternal life. She begs and pleads.

And I would also like to ask you to pray and suffer for the priests again and again. The New Priesthood still has to be suffered. My beloved little one, you will have to suffer in Mellatz in the Allgäu, in My beloved place, in the House of Glory, if no priest has the courage to repent and celebrate the true Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V in public. They are full of fear towards their bishop, who is in a mistaken belief. They are following this up. And me? I am forgotten, rejected and slandered by them. Especially in My little one I suffer very great agonies because My Son suffers in her and she suffers with My Son.

Do you still agree, My beloved little one, to continue receiving the Mount of Olives and to embrace the Cross? If you will suffer there, it will not be easy for you, I will support you. Look at your dearest mother! She too will be with you and love you. She will not leave you in this great suffering. Be brave and courageous and move forward, My beloved little flock! Supports My Little One by day and by night.

I love you all. I long for all priest souls, which are still heading for the abyss through their modernism. And you, My beloved priest son, who has been celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Trentine Rite according to Pius V for a very long time, have sworn the Anti-Modernist Oath and have hereby remained faithful to it. I thank you for your life's work and for your patience and sacrifice towards me. I love you!

I want to bless you now with all the angels and saints, especially with Saint Peter and Paul, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven even in the most difficult times. Especially remain faithful in the cross and suffering and sacrifice everything to the heavenly father. Amen.


