Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach appears in the hollow and speaks through her tools and daughter Anne to the pilgrims who have gathered here in the morning at 10.15 am.


The Blessed Mother appears and weeps over her herald stream. Anne must cry too. A deep silence surrounds us. Not a breeze stirs.

The Queen of Roses receives the pilgrims and says to them: Beloved pilgrims, I greet you in this place in the hollow in Heroldsbach, where I have promised you that I appear today. At this moment I am strewing roses, roses of love, roses of mercy, violets, lilies, red roses, yellow roses, white roses, pink roses.

Beloved pilgrims, My beloved little flock, today I want to tell you that the event will come soon. Do not be afraid. Stay out of these modernist churches, because that is where disaster will happen. One holds the banquet community and not the sacrificial meal of My Son. Follow My Son. He only wants to have celebrated the one and only Holy Sacrificial Feast, then you have full protection. My beloved children, nothing will happen to you. You will stay in your homes. There you will experience protection when you pray and celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite. You all have the DVD or you can have it sent to you. Then you can celebrate the Mass of Sacrifice in your house.

The love of God will flow into your hearts. This I will arrange, because the heavenly Father has sent me to give you this message that you will be protected. Do not be afraid of this great event. Am I not your mother, am I not your mama?

Yes, you are our mother. Only through you can we be protected. You love us all, and we thank you with all our hearts.

The Queen of Roses continues: Beloved children, who as a priest is walking today with My Son the Way of the Cross to Calvary? And who is it who is also crucified on the cross on Mount Golgotha through his worries, through his sacrifices? Heaven demands sacrifices. Be willing to make sacrifices, My beloved ones, then all will be given to you. Everything will be rewarded to you, not tenfold, no, a hundredfold. Remain in truth! Listen to the messages of your Heavenly Father, because He wants to protect all of you, and He wants to save many priest souls. Pray for the priests who do not want to repent today. Pray also for your Holy Father. He must repent, and above all he must not continue to celebrate the meal fellowship. He should not only repent, but should believe My Holy Father. I will gratefully send down roses of love and roses of grace to him, and the Heavenly Father will then take him into His arms.

(At this moment many, many leaves fall down from the trees above us, although no breeze is stirring. There are more and more. Also the birds begin to jubilate. For minutes it rains so-called 'rose petals'. We should believe deeper, believe without seeing :-).

They should be rose petals, says the Blessed Mother, who promised her to us. What now comes from the trees are your 'rose petals'. Believe in it!

Our Lady continues: I will sprinkle rose petals on you, then you will know that it is I who gives you this grace now, in this moment. Have confidence! Take the leaves with you. They are 'rose petals' that are falling down now.

Individually they come down now. She has opened her hands and strews them down on us. I see them in many colors: red, white, yellow and pink.

Our Lady continues: In your houses you will receive these graces. In your houses you will pray and offer sacrifices. Remain faithful to the Heavenly Father. He is the mercy, but He is also the punishing God. Believe in Me! All those who do not obey the messages now, especially those who attack them - the priests - they will have to experience severe suffering. Not because the heavenly Father wants to punish them, but because He wants to give them a chance to repent. Their will is decisive.

My beloved children, My beloved little flock, My beloved little one, you will have to suffer, suffer in the place of the Heavenly Father, in His House of Glory. When you go back there, you will have to experience suffering, because the New Priesthood is suffered in your heart by My Son Jesus Christ. You will suffer, you will suffer with Him. You have given Him your heart and you have transferred your free will to Him. He accepts it gratefully. Be brave, My little one, be brave, My beloved ones!

I bless you as your Heavenly Mother. You are all blessed and protected. Remain faithful to heaven. He will never leave you alone. And your Heavenly Mother will be with you constantly in your homes, constantly on this road that you want to take - to Calvary. This path inevitably leads over the cross, but remains faithful, sacrifices and prays.

The blessing of heaven wants to come upon you now. In the Trinity I bless you with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You must call upon the angels, your guardian angels, to accompany you on this path. Rivers of love will embrace you.

The queen of roses now moves on in a hover. She is surrounded by angels. Many angels have appeared around you in golden garments. They float and follow the Blessed Mother. They are also all with us. They follow the plan of the Heavenly Father.

Thank you, dear Mother of God! Now it floats on, on and on, there, there, there. I will see you again. Blessed Mother thank you, thank you for everything, for your love. Amen.


