Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Feast of St. Michael the Archangel and patron saint festival of the house church in Göttingen. He is also the patron of the Catholic Church and the dying.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also during the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, many angels again moved into this house church in Göttingen and circled the Sacrificial Altar, but also the altar of Mary, again and again. They moved around and over this house. They grouped themselves on top of the ridge around the weathercock, which is placed above the house church. There the holy archangel Michael was also present. Everything in the house church was bathed in a glistening light, especially the Blessed Mother and above all the Holy Archangel Michael. Today we celebrate the patron saint's day of this holy house church in Göttingen.

The Heavenly Father will present the Holy Archangel Michael today and bring him close to us: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

You have wisely chosen the Holy Archangel Michael as your patron of this house church by God's will. He will continue to keep away all evil, as He has done with you in everything up to now. He is with you so that no evil may happen to you. He will be vigilant, not only here in the house church where his patron saint's feast is celebrated, but also in the house chapel in Mellatz. It is dedicated to the Blessed Trinity.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved little band, you follow Me in the whole. You are the chosen ones and do not cease to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father. The Holy Archangel Michael has taken on a very big task for you in your home church. He swings his sword where it is necessary. He keeps everything from being evil. He may give you the discernment of spirits, because I, the heavenly Father, want it so.

My little one, I and the holy archangel Michael know that you are in the most severe atonement sufferings. The Heavenly Father knows that you cannot bear it with your power, because it has long since been at an end. You cry a lot, not because you do not want to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father, but on the contrary, on the nights when you have not found sleep for weeks, you pray thrust prayers to the Heavenly Father and say again and again, "Yes Father, Thy will be done. Even if the cup of consolation is filled to the top by the holy archangel Lechitiel, you feel no consolation, for the abandonment and darkness has taken hold of you. Your dearest father must impose a lot on you for the whole world. Do you believe that the Holy Archangel Michael cannot be with you? For weeks you have also had terrible headaches because the suffering of the priests does not stop. All clergy in the individual dioceses do not obey Me, the Heavenly Father, in any way. They still hold the grinding community. There is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast, which is the Tridentine one according to Pius V. The priests must have recognized it. I shouted it into the whole world.

My messengers have to suffer so much for these priests, for the entire clergy, and yet they still say My messages are from the devil. How can you permit yourselves this, my beloved sons of priests, whom I love above all, whom I have chosen and for whom I long for in the highest degree. Still they do not obey me. They still tend towards modernism. They practice modernism up to the Supreme Shepherd, the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ on earth.

Yes, unfortunately the Holy Father sold the church in Assisi to the other religious communities and said that everything is the same, that in every religion there is something Christian, something that is called Catholic. Can this be, My beloved sons of priests, can this be? Is there now really a single, holy, catholic and apostolic church, or are there today several religions that one can emulate and join? "After all, there is only one God," they say, "and everything else lies in religious freedom. I can do and leave what I want. Whether I am Catholic, Protestant, Muslim or Hindu. It's all the same."

This is how far the Church has sunk, My beloved Catholic Church, which I Myself instituted through My own bloodshed on the Cross. And where are you with your commitment, with your conviction? Do you no longer love me? Have you forgotten me? Have you put Me on the side? Why do you displease My messengers who announce My messages and suffer?

Yes, a New Church must be founded, therefore I am longing for holy priests who obey Me and who want to serve Me. They are My servants and yet I am the servant of all priests. I want to be that for My dearest sons of priests. Full of longing I await her answer: the Yes, the total devotion and to do everything for My Holy Church. This is my will, which I have left to you because I love you boundlessly and without measure.

Everything with me is love! Everything generates love, because I myself am love. How could I ever forget My beloved sons of priests. I do not want to let them fall into the abyss like snowflakes. On the contrary, I want to save them. I have ordered My messengers to save them because I cannot bear to see them fall away, lost and confused, like the whole Vatican: the Curia, the Episcopate and the clergy. Where are My beloved sons of priests, where are My religious orders I am looking for. Everything has become modernism, although at that time the anti-modernist oath was sworn. He has been broken. Where are these priests who have sworn and not kept it? You have been deceived. They have been forced to stop doing this and not to swear an anti-modernist oath in the future, "for he does not need to be. It is not required. We have an ordinary and an extraordinary Holy Mass of Sacrifice and we can "combine" them because we do not know what the greatest mystery is, namely the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament.

And where are My Holy Sons of Priests? In what ways have they strayed? Where do I find them to follow me again? On the contrary, they have turned their backs on Me in the dining community and believe that My Son Jesus Christ can transform in these priestly hands. How can there be a transformation when I turn to the people and worship them and not Jesus Christ, My Son.

Does a son of a priest confess Me in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V and give testimony? No! Fears surround him. What could happen to him, what could be done to him if he does not recognize Vatican II? All, My beloved ones, are forced to recognize also the Pius-Brothers, Vatican II, despite many dialogues there in the Vatican. It was not a success. On the contrary, it was diplomacy that drew these Pius-Brothers to itself and forced it to finally recognize Vatican II and to celebrate the modern meal communion at the same time as the Holy Sacrificial Feast.

How much has happened in the meantime How many messages have I given you. How many prophecies has My little one proclaimed. Do you not see their suffering, their suffering for you? Would she have to suffer for you, for the whole priesthood? No! It is getting less and less. Their strength is dwindling more and more. Far beyond their strength I have led them. Why? To save My sons of priests from eternal damnation. And yet they despise her, and yet they slander her and take away her honor. The only thing she clings to is My Holy Sacrificial Supper, in which I let Myself be transformed by My beloved priestly son, because he celebrates this Holy Sacrificial Supper daily in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V and daily adoration before the exposed Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Hours of prayer is also necessary to continue to save people from confusion and misbelief.

My beloved, wake up, wake up! How often have I told you: Only a short time more, then it is too late for you. Never must you despise my messengers, because it is I who speak! You cannot accuse your Heavenly Father of untruth and lies.

How much blessing and how much power did the Holy Archangel Michael use to ward off evil, but mischief and chaos continue to be driven in these churches of modernism. One must be ashamed in these churches that one is catholic. That which is called Catholic there is no longer Catholic. The tabernacles are empty. Why? Because the priests committed the many sacrileges at the grinding tables. For this reason I had to take My Son out of these tabernacles, but not out of the tabernacles where the Holy Sacrificial Supper is celebrated in a dignified manner according to Pius V. This Only Holy Mass of Sacrifice was also canonized, that is, it was not allowed to be changed, for it cannot be changed, and yet in modernism it was changed a great deal, secularized, and no one can recognize: "Where now lies the truth? Where have we been deceived?"

Yes, soon the time will come when false prophets will appear in great numbers and pretend to be Jesus Christ. They will throw all the dirt over Him, which they have already thrown over Him on the Way of the Cross. He shall not be the king, the king of kings. And yet it is He. With mockery and derision they have put a crown of thorns on him, put a purple cloak around him and called him king. So much mockery and derision has been done to Him. He was flogged and scourged at the whipping post. How much need and torment his dearest mother had to endure and still people say, "You cannot appoint her as Coredemptrix. One cannot proclaim the dogma. She cannot be called Coredemptrix, because she herself is not the Redeemer. There is but one redeemer."

Yes, that is true, My beloved ones, there is only one Redeemer, but there is also a Coredemptrix who has gone along with all the ways, who gave birth to the Son of God and whose heart was pierced by seven swords. And she is not to be considered the Coredemptrix? Didn't she hold out until under the cross? Didn't she suffer everything there for the world as an Immaculate Receiver? No sin has made you guilty of any sin. She was without blemish as the Savior was without blemish. He bore the sins of the whole world. He was defiled with all the sins that exist in the whole world, and yet not a breath of sin has touched Him, because He is the omnipotent, the almighty, the omniscient, the omnipotent Triune God. One God in three persons: The Triune God. That is the Catholic faith and one wants to continue to destroy, to sell, to disfigure it, yes, it shall be no more.

How is this possible, for Jesus Christ is the Almighty. He himself stands above His Church. He Himself rules His Church. He is the Regent of His Church. He has the scepter in his hand. No one can snatch this scepter from him. The Son of God, the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is to be denigrated in every way. This belief in the Trinity must no longer exist. And so there must also be no messengers, above all not the messengers who proclaim and suffer the full truth. They must be destroyed. One sends people who deny them, who despise them, and who again and again take away their honor, for they are truth-loving people. They are completely in the truth and can do nothing else but the will of the Father and His plan to fulfill His Divine Plan in truth.

This is the world broadcast, My beloved ones. That's what I call them. The show for the whole world. And should my little one suffer even more now? Can you not stop from this evil, that you will not be told one day by your judge: I do not know you! You have not known me on earth. I have sent you My messengers. And now I do not know you. - What a terrible judgment! Can you bear it, My beloved ones? I beg you: Turn back! The last moment has come.

Look at the 'warning' on the internet. Would there be the 'warning' today, if I had not wanted it, if I had not thought up this plan from the beginning to save the world? This, my messenger, must also suffer much because she is the prophetess of the end times and you, my little one, have to fulfill the mission of the world with your small flock. You shall persevere. You shall experience my love. I know about everything how you are, about every pain, about every disaster that happens to you. Everything is love! Nothing that you suffer stays away from Me. And yet I must not take this suffering away from you, so as not to endanger the mission of the world, for how many people, clergy and the entire curia and the episcopate are standing before the abyss. Isn't that a terrible disaster? Isn't it an abomination when you see this, my little one? And you want to tear them back with your dearest Heavenly Father.

May the Holy Archangel Michael continue to be with you, may he continue to reign in this house, in this domestic church. He is the Regent of this domestic church to keep all evil from you, to strengthen you, to send you the Holy Archangel Lechitiel, so that he may give you the cup of consolation again and again - and you too, My little flock. Support My little one in every way possible and consider again and again what else you can do to comfort My little one. She can't take it anymore. She only says: She can't go on! She wants to fulfill my will. She testifies with it: My power is at an end. Come, My little ones, come and be with her. She cannot bear it alone. I also want to hold her and embrace her because she bears so much suffering for me and for the others.

The Holy Archangel Michael is here, My little one, especially on this day. You would not have been able to speak and understand this objection in this agony of headaches, because you are weak, weak in physical strength. You lose more and more of your human strength. It is a torment to continue on this way of the cross. You feel lonely and abandoned by all people. It depends on the feeling. Only your father can see what it looks like inside you. Your father knows. Your Father, who loves you immeasurably and who does not give up on you and asks you to persevere, to give love, love over love, faithfulness over faithfulness, gentleness and patience. You practice everything, my little one. And yet you are often dissatisfied because you cannot understand yourself, because you do not understand yourself. How will you be able to understand your father if He has to cause you suffering, although He does not want it? How will you be able to understand this, where you are at the end, where these oil-mountain troubles throw you down into the dust of the earth? You crawl like a worm, but I see it, I, your father. I see it and I have to watch because you are My beloved little one whom I take in my arms and whom I do not give up, although it looks as if you are dying.

But believe, my little one: The world mission is not yet fulfilled. It must be fulfilled because I want to found a New Priesthood from the House of Glory. This is not explainable that this House of Glory in Mellatz was created by Me, My beloved ones. How much effort and work is involved. With your human powers you would not have made it. It is my most beautiful house, which was built according to my wishes, and I live in it. I have shown my love by giving you again and again the strength and had to inflict even more atonement on you, my little one, so that it becomes a house of glory.

Gloria in excelsis deodorant: Thus the sky sings. The angels can also suffer. Also the angels are sad about this way. It is something very big what is created there and what is not recognized. On the contrary, one rejects it because one cannot explain and fathom it, for it is the supernature that has made, regulated and ordered everything. You humans cannot do everything. You are nothing if I would not guide you.

I bless you now, My beloved ones, My beloved little flock. Supports My Little One. I tell you once again, do not leave them alone in this great suffering. And so I bless you in My exceedingly great love that I have for you, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I protect you, especially today with the Holy Archangel Michael. He especially blesses you today. You too, my little one, are blessed by him so that you may persevere. You must persevere! You are there to persevere, to remain courageous and powerful in soul and in loyalty to the Heavenly Father. Love, believe and trust deeper! This is your way, because love is the greatest! Amen.


