Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Seventeenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass many angels moved into this house church in Göttingen and surrounded the sacrificial altar. The whole room was flooded with glaring light.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Yes, there was a glistening light in your home church today during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. I, the Heavenly Father, have illuminated everything brightly, so that this luminosity may flow into your souls. And she poured into it. The Blessed Mother, our dearest Mother, made sure that Divine Love was allowed and could flow into your hearts. She has sent many legions of angels to help you in this time of tribulation.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved little flock and My beloved followers, how is peace? Peace shall be given to all people in this whole world. That is right, your Heavenly Father tells you. But what is the real state of peace in the world? Can I compare the peace in the world with the peace that I, the Heavenly Father, want to give you? The peace I mean is not of this world. But you think you can make peace with all religious communities of other faiths. You must be of one faith, one belief and one religion, namely of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted and granted you redemption through His sacrifice on the cross.

My beloved children, how often is this confused: Peace in the world and peace I mean. I do not mean peace in the world. I have come to bring you the sword (Mt 10:34-42). This also means that you should fight, fight for this One and Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith, when it is appropriate.

For what have I appointed My messengers and the many prophets throughout the world? Are they messengers according to my measure, are they messengers whom I have chosen, are they messengers of truth and love? By this you recognize My messengers, that they proclaim My truth and My love, My sacraments and the rosary, bring them to the fore and call them the ladder to heaven. Above all, My messengers put the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion first, union with Jesus Christ My Son. Will this be announced by a messenger who is not in the truth?

Truth loving messengers only proclaim the true faith in unity. Unity in faith must be, because there is only one faith and that is the Catholic with the Triune God: three persons in unity. You can't find this anywhere else in another religious community.

Therefore I call you all to prayer so that you may find the truth. Do not be distracted by the faith of untruth, confusion, nor by the faith of peace. Peace can not be where people are shown and live different faiths. If you follow one faith and the other is of another faith, you will never be able to find unity, because the same thing you believe, My dear Catholic Christian, the other one will never believe. And is there not enough murder in the world for the sake of faith?

Love your enemies I tell you and pray for them! Certainly you shall not pursue them. And in spite of everything, my messengers, whom I, the heavenly Father, have chosen in wise foresight, are persecuted, mocked and denied. One despises them. One takes away their honor, above all the entire clergy up to the Supreme Shepherd. Is that right, My beloved ones? Do not these messengers use everything for their faith? Do they not love their Heavenly Father in the Trinity above all? Do they not suffer for the faith? Do they not take their cross upon themselves? Do they discard it and denounce their own selfishness? Do they want to work, these messengers, as you think, my beloved clerics? No! Can these messengers wait until they are recognized by their dioceses? Is that possible? Is it possible to examine a messenger who proclaims the true faith, whether he lies in the truth or not, and whether he speaks and proclaims the truth or not? There is no such thing, My beloved ones. This cannot be researched. One cannot fathom the great Triune God. My truth goes into the whole world and remains the truth. And not one iota of it is changed.

You, My beloved clerics in modernism, you say that you know the Bible. And I must tell you: you do not know the Bible. You do not follow the Bible, because then you would be practicing charity. Love of God and love of neighbor belong together. You hate your enemies. You do not love them. This hatred comes to bear with you. You announce it publicly, although these messengers meet you only with love. They want to announce nothing but the truth and pass on love, the love, which they feel deep in their heart and which they also announce again and again, publicly testify to until the end of their life because they would also give their life for this faith.

Yes, My beloved ones, it is important to testify that one loves and believes the Heavenly Father in the Trinity above all things and is faithful to Him and can go to death for Him if necessary. Full input is required. Hasn't My beloved little messenger done the total devotion for a long time already? Has she not transferred her will to me? And with love I have accepted this because I know this is the truth, which comes from her heart, which she makes known. She will never be accused of lying.

My beloved clerics, if you examine and search for the truth in these messages of My little ones, you will find nothing but the pure truth and nothing but the truth will continue to proclaim it. In the love that is buried deep in her heart, she will endure and suffer everything, because she willingly takes up her cross and carries it in an exemplary manner. Which one of you, My beloved clergymen, will take upon himself his sufferings and his cross and fight for faith and for truth? No! The truth must not be. One must twist everything, if it corresponds to the truth, so that the lie comes to bear. But you say, "This is our truth" and continue to mock these messengers chosen by me. They already had to accept everything and endured it in patience, in love and in perseverance. They love the church, but the true church. And this true church is still to be suffered, as is the priesthood, which must be newly founded and suffered. This is the truth!

However, this brings great difficulties, which my little one patiently endures. Through many illnesses she takes her cross again and again and does not complain. On the contrary, she wants to save all souls through her suffering, who profess the truth. And this is done by her followers as well as by her small flock that supports her. They are called to prayer to ease her suffering, so that the truth may come to bear and be revealed very soon. For it is not without reason that I have let this luminosity become reality today in this house church in Göttingen.

In a glaring light the house church in Göttingen suddenly appeared and everything shone brightly and translucently. I felt as if I was no longer on earth, but was allowed to see a part of heaven in glory. Heavenly Father, You are the most gracious, kind, loving Father. You give us so many gifts. You want to please us again and again, so that we may remain with You, so that we may take on these burdens for You, not for ourselves, but for others, because in suffering and in the cross is salvation.

The heavenly Father further says: Cross and suffering gladly accept these messengers, who were chosen by me, because they know that they then lie in the truth, then they can be persecuted, and then they still know: "Now I am in the truth, now I become like Jesus Christ on the cross. He suffered the death on the cross for our salvation and we take part in it when we willingly take our illnesses and complaints upon ourselves and carry our heavy cross in patience and goodness".

Your Heavenly Father loves you immeasurably. I would like to emphasize it again and again, because your dearest Mother also looks at you with her loving eyes, because you, your Marian children, are dear to you. You have been dearly bought on the cross. You become valuable through your suffering and through your patience. Harret out to the end, for only then will you all be saved!

The Heavenly Father in the Trinity with all His angels, especially with His Heavenly beloved Mother, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I greet you all and place you under the protection of the Holy Archangel Michael, who wishes to continue to keep all evil from you.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph for all eternity. Amen.


