Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ninth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne in the domestic church in Göttingen


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, many angels from all four directions of heaven entered this house church in Göttingen today. They grouped themselves again around the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary. The tabernacle was especially surrounded by them. The Heavenly Father sent His rays of grace on the altar of sacrifice to His Son Jesus Christ. The four evangelists were brightly illuminated, especially the Mother of God, who sent her rays from Mellatz to this Mother of God of Fatima in Göttingen.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, the ninth Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

You, My beloved children, you My believers from near and far, you My followers and small flock, today I want to address again significant words and revelations to you. As you know, the coming of My Son with His Heavenly Mother and My Mother takes place very soon.

How many priests and all the authorities are still in modernism, and I want to save them all, especially through you, My beloved little flock, through your atonement, through your sacrifice and prayer. But they are not willing to fulfill my will. I could destroy them all because My wrath has become great. I want to sweep them away because they insult My Son Jesus Christ to the utmost. He died for them, and every day He renews His sacrifice of the cross on the sacrificial altars, not at the grinding tables. How much it offends My Son to equate the Protestant denomination with the Catholic Church. How bitter it is for my heart, how it suffers and also the heart of my mother. She has done everything for you, the priests, because She is the mother of the priests and their queen. How much does she want the clergy and the authorities to repent. She begs at the throne of the Heavenly Father daily for her priest sons. How much must she suffer. In many places she has appeared and appears and in many places she cries tears, even blood tears. But these tears are not recognized by the authorities; on the contrary, they are blasphemed.

I will not let it continue to happen that My Heavenly Mother is insulted in so many places. She is the purest of all the pure and the most beautiful of all the beautiful. She would have to be chosen as Coredemptrix. But the authorities do not allow this either. In this modernism no dogma can be proclaimed, because under this Holy Father it is not possible, who has already given up his key power. He can no longer proclaim ex cathedra. The bishops stand in his way. They say that everything does not need to be changed. Why? They want to keep their power and also the key power, the right to a say, with the Holy Father. He is no longer the Supreme Shepherd. They have taken away this power of the keys from him. The Holy Father is surrounded by freemasons. How much I wished and chose him for Germany's broadcast. And where does it stand? At the abyss! He obeys my plan and my will in no way. On the contrary, he resists all my plans and all my wishes, although I want to save him from this abyss.

And you, My little one, how much you suffer from it and Jesus Christ, My Son, in you. And how much you have already atoned through heavy sufferings and yet he does not listen to these words, which I whisper to him that he should lay down his office to save his soul. I could sweep him away today, but I want to save him. And that is why I need many atoning souls, who are also prepared to do the utmost for him, not only through prayer, but also through great sufferings. Otherwise he cannot be saved. He stands at the abyss. And that is difficult for me to hold him because my wrath, my Holy Wrath, also appears. He turns against him because he is not willing to grant Me this only wish to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. No, he celebrates the meal fellowship in modernism. Today he gives oral communion, but that is not enough for me.

I wish that the Brotherhood of Pius does not enter into a dialogue with him, because it is hopeless to persuade a heretic and an antichrist to repent because he is not ready to repent. He listens to all sorts of priests and to the authorities, who lead him to continue to listen to the Masons and to respect their wishes. That is why he does not fulfill my wish and plan.

Yes, My beloved ones, now you are back at your home place and yet this authority surrounds you, for which you pray, for which you atone, for which you sacrifice, and nothing happens. You see nothing and yet you continue to atone. I wish that you do not give up, that you patiently continue to persevere until the end. In due time I will reveal to you My plan, the new plan, but only in pieces, because it is not possible for you to follow this plan if you do not have My Divine Power and recognize My Divine Will.

Here the evil one wants to intervene in this holiness. He is trying to overthrow you and thinks he can achieve that. But My heavenly Mother watches over you and She will not allow it, as Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, that you fall and do not recognize evil. The evil one comes like a cunning wolf into your group and he thinks you would not recognize this cunning. You have received the knowledge to distinguish between good and evil. But the evil one is there. He always wants to come back to you to finally sweep away this small flock. He thinks he has the power and could use it on you. No, My beloved ones. I, too, the Heavenly Father, watch over you and send you with My Heavenly Mother all angels, so that you may continue to keep the knowledge and not fall into evil, because I do not want it and I do not desire it.

You are My beloved ones and the love goes through your hearts - the Divine love. And this love will give you to recognize everything that I desire. My love has penetrated into you so much that you carry this love in your hearts and you can pass it on to others, because the love is infinitely great, - My love. And this love also has My Mother for you and She gives it to you in every Holy Mass of sacrifice. She is always there. Their angels will protect you and never allow you to fall or not get knowledge in this holy place. No, everything is love and everything is providence. Believe in it! The protection of heaven is certain for you.

And so I bless you, your Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother and especially also with the four evangelists, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I protect you. Hold out until the end! Amen.


