Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Eighth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice many angels again moved into this house church in Göttingen. They were grouped especially around the altar of sacrifice, the Pieta and the Merciful Jesus. There were especially many angels present at the altar of Mary. The little baby Jesus rejoiced and blessed us often during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The tabernacle angels were brightly illuminated. They were thankful that we worshiped with them, because many of them do not want to worship anymore.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in the full truth, for she only repeats words that come from me.

Today you celebrate the eighth Sunday after Pentecost. My beloved children, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and you pilgrims from near and far, I love you all and I desire that you walk to My Holy Sacrificial Altar. I expect you to join in the daily celebration of this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to the (a href="" target="_blank")DVD. This is the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. You shall follow this true Holy Sacrificial Feast. Many streams of graces will be poured out upon you, - innumerable graces. That is why you are loved even more and you are drawn into Me - into My Son Jesus Christ, who loves you all very much and has given you this Holy Sacrificial Feast. It is the greatest gift for you. Take it as often as you can.

And now, My beloved ones, I want to reveal to you above all things concerning the Holy Sacrament of Penance. Go to this Holy Confession quite often and prepare yourself because the time is near when I will appear with My Heavenly Mother. But before that, all people are given many chances to turn back through the soul view. Do not think, my beloved ones, I will not let this event come. Yes! It will come!

You are led astray by many priests, because they do not believe that I, the Heavenly Father, only show mercy and do not let My righteousness come upon them. The Holy Sacrament of Penance is important for everyone. If you repent deeply, you will receive a great love from My Son Jesus Christ. For whoever loves much will also be forgiven much. Love is important, My beloved ones. And you will experience this love. The decisive factor is not so much your guilt, but that you regret it and start anew.

I wish especially from My Supreme Shepherd that he repents, that he feels a deep remorse. Even though he sold and betrayed this church, I am waiting for his repentance and I am still waiting for him to resign from his office. It has its good reason and is important. He must not allow this Church to continue to be brought into confusion by the Freemasons, because he himself is in chains and they hold him in bondage and control him. Unfortunately, he has given his key power to his bishops. You now determine, not the Supreme Shepherd, how it should be. But I would forgive him. And I would gladly take him into my arms, because I am waiting for his repentant soul.

You shall repent, My beloved ones, deeply and intimately. Then you will feel the forgiveness and My love and the love of My Son who instituted this Holy Sacrament of Penance for you Himself because He loves you immeasurably. He does not want to let you go into eternal corruption, but he wants to save you, save above all through my messengers, who again and again make atonement, who take upon themselves severe sufferings without lamenting, because they are there for the others and they speak words of truth through me, your heavenly father. These words are from me, not from my messenger. I reveal this to people because I want to save them. This longing for their souls becomes greater and greater in me. Therefore, My Son Jesus Christ will also continue to suffer in the soul of atonement, which He loves and dwells in.

Yes, my little one, it is not easy for you and it will not be easy for you in the future either. This suffering will become almost unbearable. But it depends on how many atoning souls are ready to suffer with you, that is, are ready to take this suffering upon themselves with My Son Jesus Christ to save sons of priests to found the New Priesthood. The company has not yet been founded. Why? Because there are not enough atoning souls who are willing to save those souls who do not want to repent. You can see that many priests lie in sacrilege. Yes, it is true, My beloved ones, but a deep repentance in a good holy confession to a holy priest works miracles. They could believe again that they could love, they could adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which they do not adore because they no longer want to believe, because they are too convenient to make sacrifices and because, above all, they are too convenient to celebrate a Holy Mass of Sacrifice - not a meal fellowship. These I do not love, because My Son cannot transform Himself there anymore. I had to take Him out of the tabernacles because He had to suffer too much for His priestly sons, who are in grave sacrileges and are sinning more than ever today.

Come to My Holy Sacrificial Feast, My beloved sons of priests. I wait daily for you, for your atonement, for your love, for your conversion. At all times I am ready to forgive you. And even if your sins were red as scarlet, they would be white as snow, for I will forgive you. I am ready to forgive everything if you would only come to My heart, to My Father's heart, to the heart of My Son and the Holy Spirit. I love you more every day. Why? Because otherwise this event would become even more cruel than you can imagine.

The firmament will change, completely change. The stars will fall from the sky and lightning will come down to earth at breakneck speed. The ball of fire will run through the streets and you will not be able to stop it, because it will devastate whole regions. Darkness will come upon you.

Therefore, My beloved ones, I tell you once again, stay out of these modernist churches and celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in your homes according to the DVD. Then you will have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass and you can reflect on your repentance and on your path of sanctity. You should strive for holiness and not think that if you repent, your weaknesses will not show themselves. No! You will keep your weaknesses. Why? For then you come to me and to my Son and beg for love and forgiveness. This we love - the Trinity - your repentance. For we want to show you the great, divine love. Strive for holiness and love more as I love you. Let your longing grow. And now I bless you with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, in the Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


