Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday after Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, also today, the day after the octave of Ascension, large crowds of angels again entered the house chapel and surrounded the altar of sacrifice. Especially they knelt down before the holy of holies and worshipped it. The Mother of God and the altar of Mary were brightly lit and decorated with many flowers. These flowers should mean that she is gathering her Marian children around her. The Little King of Love sent His love rays down on us again and again, for He is our King. The Child Jesus also sent His rays to the Little King of Love. The statue of Christ was decorated with many flowers and shone in golden splendor. Jesus Christ blessed us again and again during this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because He wanted to tell us that He goes to the Father and blesses us even before that on our journey on earth.

Also today the Heavenly Father will speak to us: I, the Heavenly Father, speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and My faithful, many things have come upon you in the last time, much suffering, persecution and incomprehension.

But I, the Heavenly Father, have sent My Son to earth because He is the way, the truth and the life. Through Him you have life. You receive Him daily in all reverence in the Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice. And that is Catholic, My beloved!

Are there still several churches? No! There is only one, Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and there is only one, Only, Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which has been canonized. Whoever lives according to these truths has eternal life. He receives Jesus Christ with Godhead and humanity. He obeys him and belongs to him. He enters into their open hearts and draws them into Himself, that is, into divinity.

And you, My beloved children, were willing You have always looked at the one true path. You did not look to the right or to the left to see what is happening there and what is happening there? "Is this all in accordance with the whole truth?" you asked yourselves. You did not follow everything you were told, but you used your mind and your heart. And when mind and heart are one, then it is the truth that is announced to you, for it is in conformity with the will of the heavenly Father. And this conformity is important and necessary. You can't follow anything and you leave out one part, the most important part.

Can you pray yourselves into heaven only with prayer, if your faith is flattened, if it belongs to another religion and not the Catholic one? No! The other religious communities should return to the only true Catholic faith, which My Son Jesus Christ Himself left to you with His full words of institution. There it does not say for 'all', but for 'many'. That is, many have accepted the graces of My Son but not all. He died for all and redeemed all, but not all followed Him. That is the difference, My beloved ones.

Be alert! The evil one wants to confuse you, and you then live in confusion with the authorities. And that should not be. I have a longing for your hearts and want to have them for me. I will not let the devil snatch them from me, for he walks through your ranks like a roaring lion and will devour everything he can devour. Set the obstacle against him. The obstacle is I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. I am here for all of you. Enter through the gate of truth, into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and confess it with all your heart. Witness it where people demand enlightenment. Confess them and be brave and courageous.

Everything, My children, you must not believe May you today believe the authority that commands you to follow the one church, namely the church that recognizes the head. No, my beloved ones, you must not follow him when he lies in confusion and in delusion. And he lies in delusion. He proclaims to you all that all religious communities may be mixed with the Catholic Church, for then all will be impregnated. Is that right? Can this be right, my beloved ones whom I have taught you everything and in a few days let the spirit of discernment descend upon you?

Jesus Christ says: Therefore, my beloved ones, I have gone to the Father. You have celebrated My Feast of Ascension. I ascended into heaven to My Father, and My Father has celebrated a feast with Me, because I have brought perfection to men, the perfection of My sacrifice of the cross, to redeem them all. And now I wish that these believers, who strive for the true Catholic faith, who may recognize it and want it, that they remain in the truth and really wait for the Spirit of Truth on the Feast of Pentecost.

You are now preparing yourselves for the coming of this Holy Spirit with the seven gifts through a Pentecost Novena. This is good and right. The Holy Spirit will be called down and you shall receive Him. In tongues of fire He shall descend upon you and the love of the Triune God shall flow through your hearts. The Holy Spirit is the third in the Trinity, and the Heavenly Father will send Him down upon you. You are the favored ones, the believers, who lie in truth not in confusion.

Do not be deceived by false prophets. Many false prophets go around and they want to realize themselves. Why? Because they think that you can deceive mankind today. One looks at these false messengers, who always bring something new. But you are quite soon in confusion if you do not pay close attention to my truths.

The heavenly Father continues: I myself, the heavenly Father, proclaim to my little messenger the truth, which lies in full humility and only repeats my words. This messenger I have appointed, and you can orient yourselves after this messenger if you believe in the Heavenly Father and want to obey Him alone by taking all sacrifices upon yourselves.

What about My beloved little one now? Can anyone believe that from this messenger, who is completely at the end of her physical strength, these truths are still sprouting from her mouth? Yes, she will continue to manifest it because I, the Heavenly Father, impart Divine Power to her. This is My wish. She is a shadow of herself. Why? Because it is to be recognized that it has transferred its free will to me, so that I can use it as a plaything, to make men aware that the omnipotent, all-wise and omnipotent Triune God can accomplish everything.

Only if you remain in the full truth can you perform miracles. You can change the whole world because you are not using your power, but it is the power of your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. He gives you His love and you are safe in His love. Love is the decisive factor, not science. Today there are many theologians who are well versed in all theological matters. But do they really have wisdom or do they lack wisdom? They use their minds and forget that they must have the Spirit of Truth within them if they are to proclaim and confess the full truth.

I love all My messengers whom I have sent and who remain in the truth. It must not be a mess. Everything must have its own guidelines, and these must be clearly stated. Nothing must be unclear. Everything must be clearly visible. You may receive my truth in simple words. Nothing may be twisted. Thus you recognize my love, my children.

Am I not the loving Father who will send you the Holy Spirit through My Son? The love between Father and Son is the Holy Spirit. And He will teach you love and overflow you with love.

When they say, My beloved ones, "He sends His messengers, but they are not in the truth, we must not acknowledge them, because they do not agree with the Bible. - My beloved ones, do you know the Bible? Does it not say there that my messengers will be persecuted, that they will even be killed, that they will be expelled from the synagogues? And this is exactly what has been done with My beloved children. They were thrown out of their own church by a priest. And then, my beloved ones, the scripture was fulfilled: They will push them out, they will not acknowledge them, they will even kill them. If you know the Bible, then you know what you have done, which is a great crime. And that must be atoned for, that must be repented of. And these priests who have done it need many atonement souls, so that they do not fall into the eternal abyss. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. There is no end. It will not stop.

Unlike them, those who believe me are showered with love. They will enter My Heavenly Kingdom. You will attend the wedding feast. They will receive all the love that has been denied them on earth. You will be given a present. They will take the first places and those who did not want to believe will say, "Now I have mocked those who are now put in the first place. Why did I not recognize it early enough? Why must be said to me Go away from me, I do not know you, because you did not know me before men. You have despised, rejected, laughed at My messengers, although they only proclaimed My truth and took My suffering upon themselves.

What about My little messenger, My beloved? Does she not suffer for the whole world and atone for the whole world? Does she not sacrifice herself? This is a world mission: atone and sacrifice and not give up, hold out until the end!

And now, My beloved ones, you are in demand, you who have received absolution for a long time as a free gift from Me. Now you have become atoning souls. I wish you to participate in this atoning suffering of My little messenger. Doesn't she experience daily - even at night - agony, the agony of oil mountains? Can you imagine that? Day and night it is supported by my small flock. And I wish that it also be supported by you, so that you may be involved in this great mission and not put your absolution first, but the great world mission. You are involved. You are My beloved ones. And I will not let go of this love and of you. I love you boundlessly! Believe in My truths and trust more deeply, for the love of your Heavenly Father will overflow you in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Amen.


