Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feast of Ascension.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels moved into the house chapel during this holy sacrificial mass. They knelt down before the Blessed Sacrament and worshiped it today on the feast day of Ascension. The entire chancel and the altar of the Virgin Mary were bathed in glistening light. The Blessed Trinity emitted rays of light during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was bathed in very bright, glistening light. The entire chancel was filled with the nine choirs of angels who sang beautifully today, on this feast day.

The Heavenly Father will speak on this feast day of Ascension through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in His will and speaks only words that come from the Heavenly Father: My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My pilgrims from near and far, you, My beloved ones, were ready to celebrate this great feast day today. A special feast day: My Son Jesus Christ ascended into heaven today, to Me, because I sent Him to earth to redeem mankind there according to My plan and will. He fulfilled My wishes to the fullest extent and said 'Yes Father' to everything His. He has shown obedience to Me. Again and again He has gone to Me in a quiet place to pray and make contact with Me.

My beloved ones, what does Ascension mean? Forty days ago Jesus Christ, My Son, rose from the dead. To redeem you, He has taken all this upon Himself. Now He was ready to ascend into My heaven because He has completed this work, this great work, to redeem you all, but not all of you have accepted these fullest graces. He has returned to Me to send you the Holy Spirit. You may rejoice in this. In ten days the Holy Spirit will overflow you, for without the Holy Spirit you cannot distinguish between good and evil.

Jesus Christ speaks: You need the Holy Spirit. That is why I was also prepared to ascend into heaven to send you the Holy Spirit. At first My apostles were sad that I had to leave them now after forty days I was with them. Everything had been foretold by Scripture, but unfortunately they did not understand it. Miracles have I worked. I have shown them My hands and feet and My side, so that they could recognize: I have risen truly and truly from the dead. And now I wanted to baptize them with the Holy Spirit, because John baptized with water.

But I also will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. You will recognize many things and many things will become clear to you, which you have not recognized so far. How much evil would otherwise happen to you if you did not have the discernment of spirits. You have got them, my beloved ones, because I have thought of you, not of me. I went to the Father to bring you this joy, although you were sad and could not understand it.

Have I, My beloved ones, ever thought of Me? No! Do I think of Me by My messenger whom I have sent and chosen? No! My beloved little messenger obeys Me and is chosen by Me and has transferred her will to Me, out of love for her Jesus, out of love for her Triune God. She loves me with all fibers of her heart because she is permeated by my love, which I give her daily. Love also means suffering. And she willingly accepts this suffering. My beloved ones, continue to persevere also in the nights, because she experiences the hours of the Mount of Olives for me, for me, her beloved Jesus, who went out from the Father, so that men may again experience true holy priests, who are no longer there, who have not continued on the path of holiness, but have loved the world more and love it even more than me. I am love, the way and the truth, but they do not recognize me. That is why my little one has to suffer so much. She is a willing sufferer. I have prepared her and have put My little flock at her disposal day and night.

The Heavenly Father continues: I, the Heavenly Father, out of love for My little messenger, continue to determine everything: at what time the Holy Sacrificial Mass is to be celebrated, and how long My daughter can bear these sufferings. Also how the Holy Mass of Sacrifice is to be arranged, whether with Latin songs or with incense. Please do not intervene. I know best about the sufferings of My beloved little one who does not give up and who keeps saying: "Yes Father, yes Father, if you continue to desire these sufferings from me and I am to endure these torments, because Jesus endures them in me, I will say my full yes to them. I will not give up." You will storm all heaven, My beloved ones, so that she may persevere, because her suffering is a suffering for the whole world, for the world mission. This mission I have imposed on her. She is ready to endure it for all people.

My beloved ones, understand that no absolution from My beloved priest son can take place at this moment. There were over 50 of them every month. Now you, My beloved ones, are asked to pray and also to sacrifice and suffer with My little ones. For months you have received many things as I wanted. And I have strengthened you with this special absolution because you have made this confession with Me, the Heavenly Father. You can continue to do it if you so wish, if you have this trust in Me and if you put this suffering of My little messenger in the first place and not your wishes in the foreground. You should learn to do without now. You have received the greatest gifts of grace from me.

But now I wish from you that you be ready to suffer in the first place and to go along this difficult way of the mission of the world, so that My little one will not be overwhelmed, so that you now show My little one: We go with you, because you, beloved little messenger, have always been there for all of us. You have fulfilled every wish for us, that is, the Father has fulfilled it, because you have pleaded on my throne for all. You did not give up.

Through the many requests of My little beloved messenger you have had your wishes fulfilled. And now prove to me that you really love her, that you learn to renounce yourselves, your desires, because the suffering of my Son Jesus Christ is boundless in my beloved little ones so that he can suffer the New Priesthood. My little one makes Himself available and My Son Jesus Christ is the one who is actually suffering. He has prepared My little one so that He can suffer in her and she is willing to take these sufferings upon herself and that she does not give up.

It is not just any suffering, it is a suffering for the whole world. Can you imagine that? The World Mission depends on this little messenger, who humbly transfers her will to Me, who has not given up, who continues to suffer these agonies of death and does not ask to be taken away from her or to be so desperate that she no longer sees the World Mission. No! In first place stands with her this transmission. From eternity I have chosen them and made them capable of suffering.

But now, my beloved followers, I need you, your free will, to want to suffer and to love, because in suffering lies love and you can prove love when you now willingly renounce everything that was desired by you (absolution) and instead see again and again my little one, her sufferings and the sending of the world, which is connected with it.

Do not give up! Do not think of your sufferings, of your cross and what moves you, but show that you want to be there for Me, for the New Priesthood and for the New Church that was founded. But believe also that I, the Heavenly Father, in this place, the House of Glory, have the scepter in My hand, live here and lead My little flock, which does not give up, which I want to cut off from all evil, so that it persevere, so that it forgets itself and does not put itself first.

I am the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Almighty Triune God. I will show the world that I order everything and rule the world. No one can snatch this scepter from my hand. Still the wicked man continues to try to lead men astray, but whoever chooses Me and chooses My Holy Sacrificial Feast, the only one, Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast, My beloved ones, will be strengthened with the manna, with the bread of heaven. Eternal life flows out of this sacrificial banquet and you will not stop believing in me and in my omnipotence.

This deep trust will continue to grow in you through many obstacles, through many despairs and sadnesses and hard times. But I promise you that I will never, My beloved ones, lose a moment out of My sight because you are My favourite children, My beloved ones whom I have, who persevere, who never want to give up when things get hard, especially those who believe in the great Holy Mystery of the Holy Eucharist.

For this I am grateful to you and want to thank you again and again, also on the day of the Ascension of My Son. My Son Jesus Christ has ascended into heaven and He will call down the tongues of fire on you at Pentecost. You are also His beloved ones. Out of you flows the true spirit of life. And this Holy Spirit cannot be taken from you. Even though many persecutions have already befallen you, this Holy Spirit will never leave you, for you have the Spirit of discernment that shows you the way and continues to protect you on the way of love.

And so I bless you in the Trinity in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love one another as I have loved you and do not let up in the deep trust to love Me more and more in intimate and deep union with your Triune God! Love is the greatest! Your Heavenly Mother will always be with you and protect you. You are her children of Mary. Her love for you will never end. Amen.


