Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feast of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Mother of God and the Jesulein speak after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large flocks of angels in golden garments have moved into this house church from all directions. They were grouped around the manger, the Blessed Mother, the sacrificial altar and the Heavenly Father.

Our Lady and also the little Jesus will speak today: I, the Heavenly Mother of God, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words of heaven, today from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, My pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock and also flock, you have flocked here to this holy sacrificial banquet, to My Son, because you know that this is the Blessed Sacrament you adore in this Holy Sacrificial Banquet of My Son. Can there be anything more valuable than worshipping Him in this holy sacrificial meal? The dear child Jesus lies in the manger and you worship him. He is pleased that you give him this joy again and again. It speaks in this moment...

Child Jesus: My beloved little children, I, as the little Jesus, come into your hearts. Adore Me and get this Divine Power from this little manger in which I was born. You have wrapped Me in silk and put a festive dress on Me. For this I thank you. I no longer need to be naked. I, as a little Jesuit, come again and again with My Divine rays into your ready hearts and you adore Me.

Our Lady says again: Yes, My beloved children, My children of Mary, you adore this little Jesus by celebrating today the birth of My Son Jesus Christ. I, your dearest Mother, prepared your hearts for His coming. He has entered into your hearts. And these Divine rays will overflow the whole world.

Here from this place, from this house church, holiness emanates. My Holy Sacrificial Feast was celebrated, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ. He is truly present with Godhead and humanity here at this altar of sacrifice and in this Holy Sacrificial Banquet celebrated by the Priest Son of My Son. Among you He is truly present. Rejoice, rejoice in your hearts, because the Jesus dwells in your hearts! I bring It to you and It was full of longing and was waiting for your ready hearts. You have opened the doors of your heart to Him. How joyfully He has come. Now worship Him!

The time of mourning is over. The time of hardship of your many problems, which came upon you in this Advent season, is now also over. Now you may draw strength in this Christmas season.

As you know, the great event is just around the corner. But do not be sad, but rejoice, rejoice on this most holy feast, the first day of Christmas. Joy has also entered into my heart, because Jesus was born and the Heavenly Father sent Him to earth as a little child, poor and naked and one did not worship Him, one avoided Him, one despised Him, one persecuted Him in the manger already as a little child. But you worship him and you thank him for all the love that he gives you in this time of grace. I, as Heavenly Mother, bring you the angelic host. Also to this holy sacrificial meal, numerous flocks of angels descended and worshipped the Child Jesus in the manger.

Nothing else has validity than this holy sacrificial meal. No meal community can replace this holy sacrificial meal. Only here is holiness, only here is the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ. He comes down and humbles himself. He has redeemed you through this holy sacrificial meal. Please keep this in mind during this time. Come to him in childlike trust and let yourselves be given gifts, for abundant are His gifts for those who persevere, who hold out until the end, and that is you.

Once again I want to thank you as Heavenly Mother for all your love that you show to the Child Jesus, My Son Jesus Christ. You shall experience all joy and peace shall be in your hearts. And now your Heavenly Mother in the Trinity blesses you with the dearest Jesus, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the love of Jesus shine into your hearts and bring you deep inner happiness. Amen.


