Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Christmas Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Before the Holy Sacrificial Mass began, angels in golden garments were already moving into the house church from all four directions. They worshipped the Child Jesus in the manger, surrounded the sacrificial altar, the Mother of God and the Father Symbol. Everything was bathed in golden light. The Jesuit was wearing a little golden dress with white stars. It seemed as if the Blessed Mother looked at us all and thanked us for this Holy Night that we gave to the Child Jesus.

Today in this Holy Night the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today in this Most Holy Night, My beloved children. I give you this night the little Jesus and speak to you in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in My will and only repeats My words.

My beloved children, today in this holy transformation Jesus was born anew in your hearts. The rays emanated from His heart and in your hearts it became very bright at this moment. You, My little one, have felt it most that Jesus poured into your heart the stream of grace. It flowed into your heart and it continued to shine in this most holy night in this house church.

Beloved flock, beloved little flock, beloved believers who want to follow My Son Jesus Christ today, also in your hearts Jesus the Savior was born in this Most Holy Night. He entered into your hearts and wanted to be comforted through you.

How much, My beloved little flock, have you had to experience during this Advent season. Didn't all this have to be because Jesus wants to enter His Holy Church anew? The little Jesus knocked on the hearts of the people and it was not opened to him. But you, my beloved ones, have opened to him. You have opened your hearts wide for this little Jesus. It was allowed to move in. It was loved by you, it was cradled in your hearts, it rejoiced over you, and this band of angels appeared over you today: "Gloria in excélsis Deo", the angels sang in 9 choirs.

How happy and grateful and loving looked at you this little Jesus. It loves you. It thanks you for all your love and sacrifice and also for your availability. Never again will there be this great joy that entered your hearts today, My beloved ones.

Complete darkness has come into this church. But what takes place in this house church? My Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ. On this most holy night the Savior is born to you, Christ the Lord. The dear Jesus was wrapped by you in silk. Yes, it is pleased that it has received such a crib as a gift from you. How poor and weak and miserable it was born in a manger in the stable in the cold. Already at His first coming, He had to experience this poverty, the cold, this human cold, My beloved ones, not the spiritual cold. Everywhere He was rejected.

Also today you have experienced it, My children, My beloved little flock, that again and again Jesus was rejected in your hearts by the people. How much they despised Him and you wanted to love Him more and more. Grief was in your hearts. You could hardly be happy. But now this time is over, my beloved ones. I want to rejoice in your hearts. For your dearest Jesus wants to be weighed. It loves you and wants to be with you always. It seeks the consolation in your hearts. Weigh it in this Christmas season, for you will receive exceedingly great graces, especially in this most holy of nights.

Let joy enter your hearts after this mourning of the Advent season. You have prepared your hearts for this Christmas season and with gratitude I look to you, my beloved ones. How much I have longed for you and had to endure the coldness of these people who rejected me. How much My little heart was full of bitterness and pain. Comfort went into My heart today, into the heart of your dearest Jesus. Cradle it and comfort it, because it wants to be loved and waits for counter-love.

How much, My beloved ones, My mother suffered. Did you look at them during the Advent season? Again and again she was rejected and everyone turned away from her. There was a great bitterness also in your heart. She wept, but She was comforted by you, because you prayed the Rosary daily and walked the Way of the Cross. Again and again my Jesuline was allowed to experience this joy in my bosom. And gratefully it has looked upon your hearts. I too was comforted in my heart.

And now, My children, it's Christmas! Rejoice every day, because Jesus is with you, this little Jesus woman! Get the graces again and again from the manger and sing Him a song: "Dear Jesus, we love you so much..." wants to hear It.

We love You, dearest Jesus, and want to give You joy again and again, not only on this most holy night, but also especially during this Christmas season, so that You may at least find comfort from us.

And now not only the Heavenly Father blesses us, but above all the Jesus in the manger. It blesses us in this moment and holds up His hands: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We all sing together the song of Heroldsbach, which the Blessed Mother taught the visionary children in text and melody: "Dear Jesulein, I love you so much. I will praise and glorify you for all eternity. I thank You, O Jesus, I include You in my heart, O my dear Jesus. 3 x.


