Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 3, 2010

In the month of the rosary.

The Heavenly Father speaks in the domestic church in Göttingen after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the Heavenly Father appeared in the sky. I saw him clearly on the right side between the clouds. Many angels floated into the house church from all sides. From the left came the Blessed Mother as Fatima, Guadalupe and finally as Mother Thrice Admirable, accompanied by angels and archangels in white and golden robes. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword again today in all four directions. Everything was brightly lit. The Merciful Jesus blessed us. The relief of the Heavenly Father above the altar was bathed in dark red light. From His tender gaze emanated rays of love and grace.

Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for speaking to this small group of people who are present today.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only repeats My words.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock, My beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far. Also this message is sent into all the world through my Internet, which I have chosen for myself.

My beloved ones, today is a great feast for you. You have been invited by your Heavenly Father. You have not chosen this day, but I have. You have really come from near and far. You have decided to take this difficult path and climb these last steps to Golgotha. Have you considered, My beloved ones, that you have come for your diocese, yes, for your country: for Bavaria, for Rhineland-Palatinate, for North Rhine-Westphalia and for Baden-Württemberg? By this you see that you have been chosen.

After you have been purified and have passed many temptations, you are chosen, in a special task that I am giving you, to collaborate with this small flock that I have chosen from the beginning to found My New Church. The priesthood is also newly elected and newly founded. It still lies in the intensive cleaning.

I had chosen my Pius brothers from the beginning. They are undergoing intensive cleaning and will split. This, my beloved father children, is extremely difficult for me to look at. Have I not given them enough messages in great love and in a deep trust that they would follow my ways? Should they not have woken up? Most of them did not. But I still rely on their own will. I do not want to break him. You can still choose this most difficult way. It is my way and my will and my plan.

Here, in this domestic church in Göttingen, the Holy Sacrificial Feast is performed in the highest purity and in the highest reverence, offered by My beloved priest son, who did not choose himself, but whom I have chosen from eternity.

You too, My beloved little flock, are chosen. Be aware of this great calling! Always look at the suffering of My Son Jesus Christ, at this Way of the Cross. Your life is also a crossroads. You have already passed many tests. The last steps up to Golgotha I wish you to take them with the Holy Archangel Michael, who will keep all evil from you and stand by your side in all temptations. It will not be easy for you, My beloved little flock, beloved children of Mary, beloved children of the Father.

How much I love you and how much I have looked at your vocation. Was I not always available for you at any time? I have given you so many gifts to be able to walk this difficult path to the top of Golgotha. You have not yet quite reached them, My beloved father children. Will not your Heavenly Mother look upon you caringly along this path? Will she not want to accompany you? Call them! And calls also again and again in this last time the holy archangel Michael! You stand most in persecution and mockery. Can you endure this with human powers? No! Only with my heavenly powers will you be able to go on to the top.

Suffering and persecution await you. But I, the Heavenly Father, will regulate and order everything. You should only go on step by step and not stop on this path. Above all, do not look backwards. Everything is past. The presence has reached you and you live each day anew in this presence. Only your Heavenly Father knows the future. And you are to fulfill my plan, the heavenly plan, in its entirety with total surrender. You have decided to offer your life to Me. You did it willingly and with love. I thank you all for following this path so far. You have not given up in the persecutions, in the hostilities. No! You have newly decided for My way.

Today you have come together to celebrate these birthdays of My priest son and daughter Catherine. This day I have chosen, not only to gather you together, but to strengthen you. Together you are strong! So you cannot miss to continue on this path. You still have some temptations to pass for the complete purification of your souls.

Your Heavenly Mother is constantly looking at you. It is in your hearts and lets this Divine Love continue to flow into them. Be ready to accept this Divine Love with all consequences, with joy and suffering! Love streams your dearest Mother of God into your hearts to continue to strengthen you. The angels flock around you, especially the Holy Archangel Michael. Trust more deeply on this last path you have to go, because I love you boundlessly. I want to bless you now on this path of truth and love.

The Triune God blesses you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love, because only love makes your hearts strong!


