Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cenacle and Guardian Angel Festival.

The Mother of God and the Heavenly Father speak in the house church in Göttingen through her tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but especially during the Fraternita, many angels with white robes and the archangels with golden robes entered the domestic church. During the ecstasy I saw how many guardian angels each of us had. They stepped behind us: Catherine had 7, Monika had 5, Dorothea had 7, Pastor Lodzig had 12, and I myself had 24. I was told that each of them would receive the guardian angels according to the measure required. The Heavenly Father knows exactly how many attacks this person will have and how many guardian angels will suffice. We get them as a gift. The Mother of God was surrounded by angels. She called the angels into our midst. She also asked the Child Jesus with the Little King of Love to come to us on this day of the Cenacle. The holy archangel Michael was allowed to keep many evil spirits away from us today. The father symbol above the altar shone in bright splendor.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest mother, speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and Mary's child Anne. She lies in the will of heaven and never speaks words from herself but repeats the words of heaven.

My beloved little flock, My beloved children of Mary, My beloved faithful and also My beloved pilgrims from near and far. I would like to address you all today as Heavenly Mother. How many hardships have you had to cope with lately. Did you have to bear these hardships, ailments and diseases yourself? No! Who consecrates himself to me may also take up my great help. I will direct everything, your Heavenly Mother. In loving care I am here for you. Calls me quite often. I am the bride of the Holy Spirit. I may send the Holy Spirit down to you. You get knowledge when you consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart.

Consecrate yourselves daily to this Immaculate Heart and consecrate also your children and relatives by name to My Immaculate Heart. Then they are not lost. I as Heavenly Mother will hold My Hand over them and will take them under My protective cloak.

Beloved little flock, I want to thank you in the name of the Heavenly Father for the day of shooting the film yesterday. You have mastered everything in divine order and love. I would especially like to thank My Katharina, who has achieved something superhuman. It stood in the Divine Will and in the Divine Power. I also want to thank My priest son. He offered himself to the Heavenly Father entirely in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thank you I would like to say to my beloved little group, which has been helpful. In love you have offered everything to the Heavenly Father and it was done in His will and plan.

The Heavenly Father has interrupted Our Lady and now says: As I promised you, everything went well on the Sacred Heart Friday. This was in My plan and will and you succeeded. This is what I have foretold you. Yes, My children, this admission goes into the world. It will save many people from eternal death because, as you all know, this meal fellowship in modernism is not a Holy Mass of Sacrifice. What does that mean? That only the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast, the valid Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, is - only this!

I, the Heavenly Father, have given him the words of My priestly son. Yes, it all corresponds to My truth, the truth of the Heavenly Father. Your Heavenly Mother stood by your side with all the angels. My little one saw these angels in ecstasy, because it is also the guardian angel festival today. Therefore the many guardian angels who stood by your side. The Holy Archangel Michael was not idle yesterday. He has kept evil away from you. This does not mean that you did not have temptations. My beloved priest son passed this temptation yesterday.

I am saddened by the fact that the Brotherhood of Pius is thus rebelling against My Messages, against My Truths and against My messengers whom I have ordered - I, the Heavenly Father. How much My Heavenly Mother cries bitter tears of blood for you, you Pius-Brothers who do not believe in mysticism, who persecute and oppose these messengers, especially My little one from Göttingen.

I regret everything with all my heart, because it is not a fantasy that my little one should have according to the opinion of the district superior. No! No imagination reaches that far. My beloved Pius-Brothers, read these messages very carefully and intensively! You will feel in your heart that the Heavenly Father and also the Blessed Mother touch you. This deep love, which I pour into you, cannot tolerate any untruth and certainly no lie. The lie implies that you give free rein to the Masons.

Why don't you turn back? How often have I addressed you in love so that you are to turn back. How often have I addressed you about the Holy Father. Is what he is doing today in truth? Is it not My truth when I had to take My Son Jesus Christ out of all tabernacles of modernism? Why, My beloved ones? Because My Son Jesus Christ is so much insulted in modernism by the modernist priests, not by the priests who celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast. Still you are called to the plan. You can still repent. I love you with all my heart. How much I wait for your repentance.

Surely you cannot believe in fantasies. To this extent there is no fantasy. No one will have the courage to let the Heavenly Father speak.

My identifying mark is: I speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. It lies in my will and only repeats words of heaven.

Can pronounce these words a messenger who fantasizes, who sees herself and wants to experience her own success. No, my beloved ones, it is not possible! Turn back! The last time has begun.

The last step to Golgotha you will take and go up, My little flock.

Now your beloved Mother speaks to you again, whom I have interrupted: My beloved children of Mary, how much I love you when you take this true path. It contains the full truth in its entirety. It also includes that you offer your life with all its consequences. I, the Heavenly Mother, am constantly watching over you and over your actions. I intercede for you at the throne of God. How fruitful will this Cenacle be today, that these rays of grace and love emanate from you and touch many hearts. How much joy I will give into the hearts so that they may experience this Cenacle with gratitude. These messages are going out into the Internet, into the world. It is not you who wish this, but from My messenger I have wished to give this into the Internet.

Beloved Children of Mary, I wish that you receive this love more and more, so that the rays of grace may penetrate deeper into your hearts. I love you immeasurably, My beloved children of Mary. In this last time you have many trials to pass. Is not your mother and the Holy Archangel Michael there for you every moment? Surely anything that harms you will be kept from you.

And now your Heavenly Mother wants to bless you with all the angels of heaven and all the saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Continue on this path!


