Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feast of the Candlemas.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Eucharistic Adoration through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the prayer of the rosary, flocks of angels already moved into the house chapel. Also the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove hovered over the priest and went in circles. The baby Jesus in the manger and the entire altar of Mary were brightly lit. The Holy Archangel Michael and especially the Little King of Love were bathed in a bright light. Around the tabernacle were many groups of angels of different sizes and in different garments. They all emanated rays of grace in dark red, silver and gold. The angelic crowds again grouped themselves around the baby Jesus in the manger and worshipped Him.

The flames of the candles were enlarged three times. This should mean that our love should grow in threefold strength, - I was told. The air of this room was filled with deeply religious atmosphere, that it was full of small silver threads and stars.

Our Lady will speak to your feast today: I, your dearest Mother of God, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from heaven. Nothing is out of her. Not a word is from her.

Beloved children, beloved children of Mary, I speak to you today in a special way because you are to be enlightened about many things that are important for you in the coming time.

The incense, during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Eucharistic adoration was very important to keep evil away.

My beloved children, this is a great feast which you were allowed to celebrate today at this holy altar of sacrifice. You have given yourselves as offerings. I, your dearest Mother, have brought your hearts to the altar, for Jesus Christ, My Son, shall be born anew in your hearts. Therefore, your hearts were also purified on this Feast of Purification Beatae Mariae Virginis and Presentation of Jesus (Purification of the Mother of God and Presentation of Jesus in the Temple), because it is also a purification feast.

My beloved children, your hearts were also illuminated and lighted with the light of the candles, so that all that corresponds to sin may be burned out of your hearts. Let nothing be in your hearts of the unclean and sinful.

My beloved children, My children of Mary, many faithful have united themselves with this Holy Sacrificial Feast today at 10:00 a.m. Also her candles were consecrated to this feast not only your candles. The blessing of the candles went from near and far over all house churches and sacred rooms where My faithful have locked themselves into this Holy Sacrificial Feast. My beloved faithful, pray the Holy Rosary before this Holy Mass of Sacrifice at 9:30 a.m., even if you include yourselves. He is very important at this time because he is the ladder to heaven for you. I am with you and prepare your hearts for this holy sacrificial meal. I am allowed to do the cleansing in your hearts so that My Son Jesus Christ may feel good in your hearts. I will prepare for Him a worthy dwelling in your hearts.

My beloved children, how much I also look upon My Peter and Pius Brotherhood. These two brotherhoods are important for the Savior. He still waits longingly for her mysticism. Do you believe, My beloved brotherhoods, that you can get along without mysticism? No, you can't! You continue to reject all messengers and mystics. How many messengers and messengeresses has the Heavenly Father already ordered and chosen! They lie in the full truth and proclaim the word of heaven.

My beloved fraternities, explain to Me, your dearest Mother, any part that does not correspond to the full truth in these messages and speaks against the Catholic faith. You can find nothing, My beloved sons of priests. You still want to play out your pride that you are the only ones. Why has envy gotten into you? Is not My priestly son in Göttingen worth as much as you? Does he not celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as you celebrate it? What is wrong with him? What can you expose by attacking, slandering and mocking him in this way?

Yes, especially you, My beloved brotherhood of Peter. How much doom do you proclaim about these messages which the Heavenly Father gives to my little Anne from Göttingen. May He not? Is He not the Ruler of the whole world and of His Church, - His only, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Does My daughter announce anything that is against this faith? No, you can find nothing, My beloved ones. And of you I also desire mysticism. Why do you keep them away from you? Why? What reason do you have? There is none, for all the saints, prophets and messengers in the Old and New Testament were mystics and in truth, - in the full truth. And they were hostile and ridiculed. Tell me a saint or a saint who has not walked this path, this difficult way of the cross of contempt and slander. You, My beloved brotherhoods, if you oppose My messengers and proclaim that they are false prophets and false messengers, you contribute to this untruth. They proclaim My truths, the truths of heaven. Can you still deny this? How much sin do you load on yourselves through this false spreading and slander. I call upon you to stop doing this.

Do you love your dearest Mother of God? I want to lead you to My Son who is waiting for you and to mysticism. Can this Catholic Church live without mysticism? Can you exclude them? No! You have other reasons, and your dearest mother knows them. Says it to us and does not continue to despise my messengers, - the messengers of heaven. Let them strengthen you in your action, especially you, My beloved Pius brothers. You were excommunicated and rejected by this Catholic Church. You were called a sect, - even today. And at the same time, do you oppose the messengers? Do you have the right to do so? No! The Heavenly Father wants to lead you in full mysticism, because only then you have the whole truth in your hearts and you can announce it and distinguish the unspirit from the Spirit of Truth, - otherwise not, My beloved ones.

Your dearest mother watches over you. Full of longing, she waits for your hearts that consecrate themselves to Me, the Immaculate Heart, so that I can guide you and carry you lovingly to My Son. I love you all, beloved sons of priests, and I want to bring you to the heart of My Son so that you may be united with Our united hearts ardent with love. Don't you want that? Do you not want your hearts to be inflamed with love? Will you not also be light for the world? These candles today also have a very special meaning for you. You are light of the world and shall continue to be.

And so your beloved Mother of God and Mama, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity of God, bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And again, as a farewell today on the last day of the Christmas season, bless your beloved Child Jesus in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be loved for all times and from eternity. Amen.


