Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 31, 2010


The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the altar and the tabernacle were bathed in golden light. The four evangelists, above all the Little King of Love, shone in bright splendor. He looked at the Child Jesus in the manger, took off His little crown, brought it to Him and put it on His little head. The two little hearts united. Around the manger, crowds of angels worshiped the little Jesus kneeling. From the dear Mother of God a brightly flooded broad beam of red and golden light emanated. St. Joseph looked at the baby Jesus and the little king. The little king blessed us during the holy mass of sacrifice.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now, at this moment, after the Holy Mass of Sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only My words.

My beloved ones, My chosen ones, My little band, My remaining little band, you are chosen to bring the newly founded Church of My Son Jesus Christ to the 'New Shore'.

You, My beloved ones, are in the greatest fight of Satan at the moment because this new church must be attacked, because it holds the whole truth, - My truth. They do not believe this trinity and reject it. They also completely reject this Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ. He himself instituted it out of love for all of us, so that we may receive the greatest streams of grace from this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which may only be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite.

Jesus Christ pours out His graces, and He is very generous with them. He wants to draw many more to His heart burning with love. It burns with love. It develops an ardor of love from longing for these souls, which he himself still wants to save, but also through us, through our sacrifices and through our atonement. It is necessary, My beloved and chosen children, that you make atonement for the many sacrileges that are still being committed. How many souls lead these shepherds astray and with them into the abyss.

My beloved Mother, the Queen of all priests, must watch with a bleeding heart as her priestly sons stray and refuse to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father. It lies in their will, which I have given them. They have received this free will as a gift from me, and they use it for the wrong way, - not for the way of holiness, which is meant for them. How few holy priests are there still today. I have called all, but chosen few.

And so it goes with you, My beloved and chosen ones. How many have I given these graces to? And how many do not accept the graces? They reject them and they also reject you who want to go this arduous way and are in my favor. They blaspheme, they scoff at you, and make enemies of you. Have no fear, for you are protected. Look upon the loving and Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother and your Mother. She protects you in every situation. She calls the angels down to you for your protection.

Look at the Little King of Love as He wants to draw souls to His loving heart and how His heart burns with love. Full of longing it is inflamed. The embers of love are inexpressible in this little king of love.

Jesus, King of love, I worship you! Save the whole world, for it lies in delusion and unbelief. You can save them from the eternal abyss, for your church lies in destruction. You are very sad, My beloved King, that your chief shepherds and shepherds do not obey you. And You love them all and full of longing Your heart is inflamed.

The Heavenly Father continues: Yes, My beloved ones, these little King of Love I have given you. Why, My beloved ones? Because He is to kindle your love even more, because He wants to give you the humility - this humility that the Little King of Love contains for you. Look at Him and your humility will become greater! Look at My Mother! Was she not humble? Did she not say, "I am the handmaid of the Lord, it shall be done unto me according to thy word"? Unfailingly she has done My will. She is the purest of the pure, endowed with all virtues. Look to her as your model. Give yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, the Heart of Love that burns for you. All want to bring you to your Son Jesus Christ, ultimately to Me, the Heavenly Father.

But the struggle is great, My beloved ones. You are in this fight and it is getting harder and harder to go this way. But I will still call some messengers who announce my truth and know no human fear because I will take it from them so that they can announce my words, which are to go out into the whole world. Therefore I use the Internet again and again to spread my truths.

Beloved children, look at My loving heart! It burns more and more with longing for your hearts. Unite them with Us in the Trinity so that you may continue on this path, for the graces are poured out on you more and more. Accept these graces! They are important in this time. Let yourselves be blessed again and again at the crib of My beloved Son, the Child Jesus.

In two days the christmas time will be over. The Christmas season is a special time of grace, because many graces are poured out from the manger. Let them shine into your heart once again. On Tuesday, the Feast of My Mother, Mary Candlemas, your Heavenly Mother will address some words to you and strengthen you for the time to come. Accept these instructions willingly, because she is the mother of the Church, which still wants to draw many to herself, - many souls, which she wants to bring to me, the heavenly Father.

May I not appoint many? May I as omniscient and as omnipotent not act as I wish? Can I not order my messengers? Why do you reject them, their chief shepherds and you, chief shepherd, who are not in mysticism? Come to my heart! I have chosen you after all! I have appointed you! And you shall be my chief shepherd, who lies in the full truth! Come to My loving heart! I am waiting for you! Amen.

And now I bless you in the Trinity with a heart full of love, the Immaculate Heart of your Mother, the Little King of Love, the Child Jesus, Saint Joseph, all the angels and saints and also the four evangelists will bless and strengthen you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


