Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Atonement night in the house chapel in Göttingen.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His child and tool Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we write the 12th of January 2010, it is already 23.00 o'clock. The Blessed Mother and the Child Jesus were united by a broad light beam. The ray went out from Our Lady to the Child Jesus and this ray became dark red in His heart. Many angels gathered around the tabernacle and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament on their knees. St. Joseph looked at the Mother of God and the Child Jesus. A bright beam of rays emanated from the Christmas bouquet, in which the little Jesuleins in the straw stars were placed, and spread all over the room. (See photo message of 31 December 2010.).

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne. She lies in my will and plan and speaks only words that come from me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved believers, I would like to address you especially today. Here in this sacred space, in this house chapel in Göttingen, the night of atonement takes place tonight. It lasts until tomorrow morning at 6.00 a.m. and is concluded with the sacramental blessing.

All night long you, My beloved little flock, adore Me in My Son Jesus Christ, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Special gifts of grace will be poured out tonight, especially on these people who are following the way of My Son in its entirety and who are only taking part in My sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite. I have said: who only participate in My Holy Sacrificial Feast and no longer perceive the meal fellowship of the Protestants in the Catholic Church of Modernism.

Expressly I would like to point out to you, My beloved believers, that you may also make atonement at home in your home in every month from the 12th to the 13th, if you cannot go to My place of prayer and pilgrimage Heroldsbach. The same graces will be poured out upon you as if you had participated in this atonement night in Heroldsbach.

As you know, My beloved ones, I want to gather around Me all who participate in My sacrificial banquet. I want to draw more and more people to Me through the sacrificial banquet of My Son Jesus Christ. Only this holy sacrificial banquet holds immeasurable graces for all of you. These graces will go far beyond you and you will radiate them to people who meet you. I would like to reach many people through these graces. I want many more people to be saved through your atonement, - it is very important, My beloved ones. Go out of these modernist churches. I warn you, My beloved ones! There is no longer My Son present in these tabernacles of modernism. As you know, My beloved ones, communion is also distributed there as hand communion.

My beloved ones, are you still emulating the second Vaticanum? An ecumenical council took place, i.e. Protestants took part in this council. Is that right, My beloved ones? Can this then lead to true Catholicism, to the truth, to my truth? Never, My beloved ones. That is why the great modernism has moved into the churches. That is why they have ravaged my temples and continue to do so today.

My believers, you are being led astray. Wake up, My beloved ones, how I long for your liberated hearts. Your hearts are trapped there and you cannot know the truth. You are deceived and believe that My Son is in these tabernacles. You do not receive him, my beloved ones, but only a piece of bread - nothing more.

How I would like to gather many of you around Me and draw to My fervent heart burning with love. Look at this little king of love. Do I not point to my heart burning with love? Does not this Little King of Love make you attentive to My Divine Love? This little heart, My beloved, beats for you. It really beats for you. My longing is kindled because it is the last time before I, Jesus Christ, will appear in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother. My mother cries tears of blood in many places because she cannot save these shepherds and chief shepherds, because they do not turn back. They do not realize that the church is in great destruction. They know it, but they want to put their power first and not take My Son Jesus Christ into their midst.

How little My Son presented Himself as a little Jesus, poor and small in a manger. It felt the cold, especially the cold in His little heart. It froze because of your iniquities and sins, because of your great guilt. Press it to your heart and comfort it. The dear Jesus wants to come into your hearts in this year of Christmas. You are still in this Christmas season, - until February 2nd. Do not be deceived, my beloved ones, because the Christmas season does not end on January 13, but on February 2. Let your candles burn in the houses, for this time holds many special graces. That is why my dearest mother today has poured out this broad ray of grace on you, - from the Jesus woman to you. How much love has it in His little heart. Look at it and talk to Him about what moves your heart. How many problems you carry around with you. They are not indissoluble, but solvable. The Jesus wants to know everything about you. It will not only comfort you, it will heal your hearts. Deep wounds have hurt your hearts, - for years. Now come your little Jesus into your hearts and want to heal you with His Holy Blood, which will also flow through your veins, because you receive My Son Jesus Christ - only in the sacrificial banquet of My Son - in the true sacrificial banquet.

My beloved ones, furthermore I will inform you about My perfect truth, because My mother wants to save the Church. She is the mother of the church and wants to crush the head of the snake very soon. He is still raging at the place of prayer of my mother in Wigratzbad. Not for long, My beloved ones, then you will trample the head of the serpent with My mother. You are still safe under her coat. Soon the battle will begin.

Hold out, My beloved ones and atone! Above all, atone for My priests, the shepherds and chief shepherds. They lie in great sacrileges, and everything wants to be atoned for - everything, my beloved ones. Nothing remains unpunished.

And now I bless you all, also in Heroldsbach, near and far, and will pour out a great stream of grace upon you this night. Hold out! Hang in there! The time of the coming of My Son and My Mother is very near. I love you and I press you to My ardent heart burning with love.

Now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with all angels and saints blesses you, especially with your dearest Mother, the Queen of Victory, the Queen of the Rosary of Heroldsbach and the Queen of the Rosary of Göritz, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end.


