Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feast of the Holy Family.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göttingen through His child and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During this Holy Mass of Sacrifice the angels in golden and white robes came into this sacred space and during the exposition many angels again entered and worshipped. The baby Jesus was brightly illuminated with golden and silver rays. Around the manger the angels and the Mother of God and St. Joseph knelt down and worshipped the Child Jesus. The Heavenly Father and the host of angels blessed far beyond this sacred space.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble child and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and repeats My words.

Beloved little crowd, beloved believers, today you celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. It is a great celebration, because it has a great importance for the families today. My beloved believers, do you still know among yourselves holy families that stick together in joy and sorrow, that do not break up immediately or even live in marital relationships? Is this right, My beloved believers? Can we support this in Catholicism? Don't we already do it and say: That's how everybody lives, that's normal today. No, My beloved believers, it is not normal. Have these relationships taken dear God, Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, into the center? Have they received the sacrament of marriage and live holy lives?

Is the wife still subject to her husband today? Doesn't she want to work and be independent? Do children today still obey their parents? Do they not leave home very quickly and too early without gaining their independence? No, they leave the house to live a relationship. They are not mature at all. They have not taken Me, the Triune God, into their midst. Do they still go to church today, at least on Sunday? No, they do not. Today, they would also be anchored in modernism, because in the churches this Holy Sacrificial Feast is not celebrated, but the meal fellowship of the Protestants. There they would not be able to take any strength with them for everyday life.

Do families today live holy? Do they educate their children in faith or have they already become indifferent to how their children develop and how they can later live their family and holy walk the path to marriage? No, My beloved believers. It is no longer possible today. They are not taught in the faith in the churches either. They are completely misled. There is only good news and the worldly life.

The priests have already taken off their dress and cannot give them this bridal blessing, if they want it. It has no validity in a worldly dress. The priest's clothing would be important to be able to administer these blessings and sacraments. They do not do it and they do not attach great importance to it.

The sacraments are no longer holy to priests. Everything is secularized and seen in the worldly. Divorced remarried couples may attend the sacraments. Is that right, My believers? Have you not even thought it over whether my shepherds do the right thing? Do they celebrate the sacrificial meal and exemplify it to you? Turned to the people is never My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Never can you receive Me in these Protestant mealtimes - never, I said.

How sad it is for the Holy Family, this Divine Holy Family, to have to experience these families that exist today and not to give them Divine Power because they don't want it, because they don't care if they separate, if they live in marital communion or if they receive this sacrament. Everything is done the same. It is completely out of order that they live this holy sacrament in a holy family. The sacraments are no longer spoken of at all. There is even no longer any talk of me, the Triune God. Everything is not only Protestantism, but it goes over to atheism.

Look, My faithful, what is happening in your churches. You still don't want to go out? What are you waiting for? Are you really waiting for the union in communion with My Son Jesus Christ? Are you waiting for it or are you going indifferently with the current and want to receive a piece of bread as it is given to you? Has this become indifferent to you? It cannot be, My beloved believers, that you want to stray completely, that nothing is sacred to you anymore, not even the Holy Family, which should be the greatest example for all.

Look at the little Jesulein Was it not subject to his parents - all his life? Did it not serve its parents in joy, love and gratitude? The parents were looking for it, the dear Jesulein, and where could it be found? In the temple. It started teaching at the age of twelve. The parents searched for it with pain and could not explain where this little Jesus had gone. They received him with gratitude. They did not reproach him, but gratefully accepted the words and the Blessed Mother kept all these words in her heart and kept silent.

Must you, My beloved parents, My beloved couples, always rebel in your marriage? Can you no longer subordinate yourselves today? That is why you are going apart, because you no longer take the Holy Spirit and the spirit of prayer into your midst. You have completely forgotten to pray and what you are there for. You live for eternal life here on earth. And nothing should be more important to you than adoring Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Today, My beloved ones, you can do this only in a holy sacrificial mass.

Look where a Holy Mass of Sacrifice is celebrated near you. Hurry there! If it is not possible for you, stay at home and include yourself in this Holy Sacrificial Mass every morning at 10:00 a.m., then you will have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass and also a spiritual Holy Communion. This is also valid on Sunday.

My beloved ones, I warn you to continue to stay in these Protestant churches. Wake up! Your dearest Father in heaven wants to awaken you from the sleep of death. Come to the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. There My Son is already waiting for you with longing. I love you, my believers, and cannot watch you continue to be led astray.

I bless you now in the Trinity, your dearest Father, your Heavenly Mother, the angels, the saints, especially the Holy Family, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and wake up, my believers! I want to shake you up and lead you into holiness. Amen.


