Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, October 5, 2009

Feast of Saint Sr. Faustina.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Mother of God was bathed in golden light. From her crown emanated red, gold and white rays. Her coat and dress were snow white and the rosary was light blue. Many rays emanated from the heart of the Child Jesus. In addition, I have also seen Saint Sr. Faustina.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only speaks My words.

My beloved priest son Rudi, today, on your day of honor, on your birthday, I would like to congratulate you with the whole flock of angels, especially with your dearest and holiest Mother of God.

Five years ago, My beloved priestly son, I sent you a special mission. You have given me a willing yes, - unapologetically, without considering your own wishes. I thank you for this especially today on this day. You are there for My glory. You have never obeyed your wishes, but lie in the wishes of My plan. You said yes to everything, even though it cost a lot of sacrifices. You have willingly accepted your ban on confession, which of course was unjustly pronounced about you. I thank you for that as well. I could list many more serious victims here. You have proven your obedience to Me again and again and you have shown Me your love. I want to prove My love to you in everything. You My chosen, beloved priest son Rudi. It is not from you that you have become so strong, but you lie in Divine Grace. Grace has been poured out on you in abundance, and you have gladly and willingly accepted these graces.

It depends on the acceptance of grace, My beloved children. You have now grown into this small group. You have willingly accepted this great task of leading souls and have accepted these sacrifices that were demanded of you, especially by your diocese of Hildesheim. You willingly followed everything. You never said no to me. Again and again you have started anew. Willingly you lead my little one in obedience in my will and in my plan. I have put a group at your side, which is growing ever more firmly into My will and plan, - like you, My beloved priest son.

How much honor you have given Me in this Holy Sacrificial Feast, which you celebrated again today in all reverence, - how much love. In loyalty you stand by my wishes. Loyalty has proven itself with you. Love has grown from this.

Five years ago, My beloved priest son, everything was different with you. Suddenly and unexpectedly My call came to you. You were not prepared for it, but your yes was strong and willing. Immediately you wanted to show obedience to me. Many things were unfathomable and seemed inexplicable even to you. But you have said again and again, "Yes, Father, I understand nothing and cannot fathom anything, but I want to fulfill your will. I will strive for this and I will give you joy - you in the Trinity.

How much joy, beloved priestly son, you have given to My Son Jesus Christ with this Holy Trentine Sacrificial Feast. Yes, it has been My will from the beginning to choose you. Pride could have pushed you forward, but no, you chose humility: "I want to remain a little priest," as it was my wish from the beginning, you said. Therefore you have grown in love and also in humility. Willingly you lead my little one and also the small group, which I have chosen to experience with you this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the intimacy and in the depth of love. How many angelic hosts have I put at your side so far. This is My sacred room, My house chapel. It has been furnished according to my wishes and you have willingly arranged everything. You never said, "Mammon comes first with me." You willingly paid for everything. You were willing to make sacrifices. "If only the Father wishes it, I will do it gladly," you have often said in your heart. "I will give joy to the Heavenly Father, that is my wish and nothing else shall apply in my life. Health I have given you so that you may accomplish this great task, My beloved priestly son. And you are grateful for it. Every day you show me your gratitude, loyalty and love.

Punctually you stand at My altar of sacrifice every morning. You will never want to miss this Holy Sacrificial Feast in one day, - perhaps out of convenience. No. This has become your center. The center is My Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Sacrificial Feast. That is why I thank you today, and that is why I am with you in all difficult days, in all hardships that will come to you and have already come. Your dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity has taken the first place in your heart. Even the dearest Mother, whom you have venerated so much from the beginning of your priesthood, dwells in your heart and always cares for you motherly. She wants to read all wishes from your eyes, because you have become her star of eyes. She watches over you. She wants you to follow everything willingly and also to have the Divine Power to do so. It is not for nothing that St. Michael is the patron of your and my house chapel. It was also your wish. You have recognized it in the Divine Will.

Yes, thanks also I would like to say to you, My beloved little flock, that you want to persevere and are also ready to bear all the heavy sacrifices that were especially imposed on My little ones. You never gave up. Sometimes it became very difficult for you and you were facing the limits. Sometimes you thought you would fall. But you got up again. You have begun anew. You never wanted to say no to Me, the Heavenly Father. Again and again you have said, "The will of the Heavenly Father is security for us. We want to continue as before, despite the many hostilities, the many mockeries and the severity of the victims.

Anne speaks: Dearest Father, I, too, would like to thank you today for this spiritual guide, whom you have already given me at the beginning of this task. You knew what was coming to me, but you surrounded me with your Divine strength and proved your love to me again and again. You have never left me alone. You have never lacked Divine Strength. When my strength weakened, you were there. You lifted me up again and I felt it in my heart that You were with me. I thank you for that. I thank you for this small group that you have chosen for me to continue to spread your messages through your Internet. You have chosen your Internet. It was your wish and so it will continue and so we will gladly fulfill your will and we will continue in Divine Love and walk on the mountain to Golgotha. We are on the steep mountain Calvary and we want to reach the top. You will give us the strength for this. We would like to thank you for your great love, for your election, that we may participate in your Holy Sacrificial Feast, that we receive these gifts of grace from the Blessed Mother again and again.

The Heavenly Father continues: Yes, My beloved priestly son, your beloved Mother sent Her Holy Spirit, which had appeared over Her in the form of a dove, to you during the Holy Sacrificial Feast. This was Her love that She wanted to prove to you.

Your sermon was chosen from above. It was not your words, it was the words of heaven that you passed on. These words were in your heart. You have willingly pronounced it for My little beloved flock.

And now on this day I would like to convey to you the great blessing: The Love, the Fidelity, the Divine Strength with your dearest Mother, with all the Angels and Saints, especially with St. Sr. Faustina, with St. Padre Pio whom you love so much, beloved priestly son, with the Holy Curé of Ars, especially with the Bridegroom of My Heavenly Mother, St. Joseph, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved, you are strengthened and you continue to walk this difficult path in love. I love you and send you out. Amen.

Praise Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever Amen. Praised and glorified be Jesus Christ without end in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen.


